Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/04/27/19:42:16
----- Original Message -----
From: Karr, David <david DOT karr AT cacheflow DOT com>
To: <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 3:38 PM
Subject: RE: Information on running tcl/tk with cygwin?
> No, not tkdiff. It's an interface to "diff3" that I'm looking for.
> Nevertheless, I believe I found the script I needed, but now I'm a
> concerned about the hacks I had to do to get it to work at all (and I
> haven't fully tested it yet). I discovered that I have to be very
> particular about how I provide paths to the tcl script. Obviously, I
> to change "wish" to "cygtclwish80". I might create a symlink, so I
> always have to hack third-party scripts. I also discovered, as you
> did, that you even have to be careful how you invoke the script. For
> instance, if you execute it through the Cygwin PATH, and you have it in
> "/home/myname/bin", then it will fail to find it. You have to execute
> with the Windows path.
> The other annoyance is that "puts" seems to have no effect, whether I
> to stdout or stderr. Nothing comes out.
Windows applications don't normally have a console attached to
The cygnus version of "wish" is no exception. It is a normal
Windows application. The Windows version of wish does have
a hidden/fake console (that is created by wish) that can be
displayed if you add a
console show
to your application. Note, the above command is only valid
when you run your script under Windows, so you will want to
check in the code to make sure that you are running under
Windows and not under Unix (ie check the value of the
"tcl_platform(platform)" variable). See the code below...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Troy Noble [mailto:troy DOT noble AT channelpoint DOT com]
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:27 PM
> To: 'Karr, David'; 'cygwin AT cygwin DOT com'
> Subject: RE: Information on running tcl/tk with cygwin?
> I recall having to do something to get it to work with cygwin
> since line 4 of the script reads:
> exec wish "$0" -- ${1+"$@"}
> and of course wish is really called cygwish80.exe in the cygwin
> distro. Could probably solve it with a symlink or an alias
> of wish that refers to cygwish80.exe, I will leave that up to
> you to try.
> If I recall, I just commented out that line and then I start
> the script using an alias that I define in my .bashrc:
> alias tkdiff="cygwish80.exe -f /cygwin/usr/local/bin/tkdiff.tcl"
> Troy
What I ended up doing was to create a symlink "wish" that
refers to cygwish80.exe as Troy mentioned.
And then I replaced the "$0" argument with `cygpath -w $0`
so that it uses the Windows style path. Again, see the
code below for an example...
Also note that cygwish80 is not a cygwin application
and doesn't understand a cygwin style path. If you need
to refer to a file within your application, use a Windows
If you have any questions, let me know...
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec wish `cygpath -w $0` ${1+"$@"}
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
console show
puts "This is text should appear in the console window..."
after 5000 {set flag 0}
vwait flag
puts " "
puts "Now let's create a text window..."
puts " "
puts "and send output to it."
after 3000 {set flag 0}
vwait flag
button .quit -text "Exit" -command exit
pack .quit -side bottom
frame .puts
text .puts.text -xscrollcommand ".puts.h_scrollbar set" \
-yscrollcommand ".puts.v_scrollbar set" \
-relief sunken -wrap none \
-height 20
scrollbar .puts.v_scrollbar -command ".puts.text yview" -orient vertical
scrollbar .puts.h_scrollbar -command ".puts.text xview" -orient
pack .puts.v_scrollbar -side right -fill y
pack .puts.h_scrollbar -side bottom -fill x
pack .puts.text -side left -fill both -expand yes
pack .puts -side bottom -fill both -expand yes \
-anchor s
proc myPuts {args} {
if {[lindex $args 0] == "-nonewline"} {
set newline ""
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
} else {
set newline "\n"
if {[llength $args] == 2} {
set text "[lindex $args 1]$newline"
} else {
set text "[lindex $args 0]$newline"
if {[winfo exist .puts.text]} {
.puts.text insert end $text
.puts.text yview moveto 1.0
} else {
puts $text
update idletasks
raise .
myPuts " "
myPuts "And now, a \"myPuts\" will output text to this area... "
myPuts " "
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