Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/04/20/09:59:47
i develop an application under w2k. as i usually prefer commandline
tools over gui i use cygwin and gnu make with the ms commandline tools
( i couldn't get sourcenavigator to produce suitable makefiles
although i wrote a new toolchain ). the only difficulty was to
produce the dependencies. since i saw several people asking for a way
to produce dependcies for use with make and cl.exe but no suitable
answers i decided to send in a patch against mkdepend.tsh, a
tcl-script from Nat Pryce. it can be found under
but isn't usable by make as is. you find my patch at the end of
this mail ( use option -y ). in my makefiles i add the following
macros and pattern rule:
DEP = cygtclsh80.exe mkdepend.tcl
%.d: %.cpp
set -e; $(DEP) -n $(DEPFLAGS) $< \
| sed -e 's/\($*\)\.obj[ :]*/\1.obj $@ : /g' > $@; \
[ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@
and include the dependencies with
include $(sources:.cpp=.d)
( Obviously you have to have a makefile variable "sources" for this to
work. the procedure is described in the info node for gcc or make,
esp. the explanation of the the gcc commandline swith -MD )
- it works for me. i have no idea what happens within different
- the performance of the make process is a catastrophy if dependencies
have to be built.
- i would be glad if it's useful for somebody; otherwise sorry for the
bandwidth used by this offtopic mail.
if you have improvments please drop me a patch.
the patch:
*** mkdepend.tsh Mon Sep 7 16:04:04 1998
--- mkdepend.tcl Fri Apr 20 14:36:50 2001
*** 32,39 ****
set output stdout
set verbose 0
! if [info exists env(INCLUDE)] {
! set excludes [split [string trim $env(INCLUDE) ";"] ";"]
} else {
! set excludes {}
--- 32,47 ----
set output stdout
set verbose 0
! set cygwin 0
! # don't know about macintosh platform; not even if the following filename is valid
! set dumpbin "./dumpbin.mkdepend"
! set nodfltx 0
! set excludes {}
! if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } {
! set dumpbin "./NUL"
} else {
! if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "unix" } {
! set dumpbin "/dev/null"
! }
*** 99,102 ****
--- 107,143 ----
+ proc writeDependsCygwin {out depends} {
+ array set deps {}
+ set limit 50
+ # construct dependency list
+ foreach pair $depends {
+ set index [lindex $pair 0]
+ set str [exec cygpath -u [lindex $pair 1]]
+ regsub -all -- { } "$str" {\ } str
+ # puts $out "Dependency after cygpath and regsub: $str"
+ if [llength [array get deps $index]] {
+ lappend deps($index) "$str"
+ } else {
+ set deps($index) [list "$str"]
+ }
+ # puts $out "[lindex $pair 0]: \"[lindex $pair 1]\""
+ # puts $out "Array deps($index) => $deps($index)"
+ }
+ foreach el [array names deps] {
+ set len 0
+ puts -nonewline $out "$el : "
+ foreach d $deps($el) {
+ if [expr $len > $limit] {
+ puts -nonewline $out "\\\n\t"
+ set len 0
+ }
+ set len [expr $len + [string length $d]]
+ puts -nonewline $out "$d "
+ }
+ puts $out ""
+ }
+ }
proc stringStartsWith {str prefix} {
set front [string range $str 0 [expr {[string length $prefix] - 1}]]
*** 168,171 ****
--- 209,216 ----
puts stdout "\t\tSpecifies the command used to run the C preprocessor"
puts stdout "\t\t(default = \"cl /nologo /E\")."
+ puts stdout "\t\[-n | --no-default-excludes\]"
+ puts stdout "\t\tDo NOT use INCLUDE environment variable as default exclude prefix"
+ puts stdout "\t\tsee -x below."
puts stdout "\t\[-o | --output\] <filename>"
*** 194,197 ****
--- 239,246 ----
puts stdout "\t\t(default = the contents of the INCLUDE environment variable)."
+ puts stdout "\t\[-y | --cygwin\]"
+ puts stdout "\t\tOutput is being formatted as expected by GNU make and cygwin."
+ puts stdout "\t\tUse only with M$ preprocessor ( see -c above )!"
puts stdout "\t\[-? | --help\]"
puts stdout "\t\tShows this message and performs no further processing."
*** 215,218 ****
--- 264,270 ----
set cpp_cmd [getArg $argv [incr i]]
+ -n - --no-default-excludes {
+ set nodfltx 1
+ }
-s - --target-suffix {
set target_suffix [getArg $argv [incr i]]
*** 230,233 ****
--- 282,288 ----
lappend excludes [getArg $argv [incr i]]
+ -y - --cygwin {
+ set cygwin 1
+ }
-v - --verbose {
set verbose 1
*** 235,238 ****
--- 290,294 ----
-? - --help {
+ exit 0
default {
*** 241,244 ****
--- 297,308 ----
+ if !$nodfltx {
+ if [info exists env(INCLUDE)] {
+ set excludes [split [string trim $env(INCLUDE) ";"] ";"]
+ }
+ }
# Collect CPP options and source files
*** 250,256 ****
# Execute CPP command and parse output
! regsub -all -- {\\} "${cpp_cmd}${cpp_args}" {/} command
if [catch {
! set input [open "| ${command}" r]
} error_msg] {
puts stderr "failed to run C preprocessor: $error_msg"
--- 314,320 ----
# Execute CPP command and parse output
! regsub -all -- {\\} "${cpp_cmd}${cpp_args}" {/} command
if [catch {
! set input [open "| ${command} 2>$dumpbin" r]
} error_msg] {
puts stderr "failed to run C preprocessor: $error_msg"
*** 258,266 ****
set depends [readDepends $input]
set depends [filterExcludes $depends $excludes]
set depends [rebaseTargets $depends $remove_prefix $target_prefix]
! set depends [lsort -index 0 $depends]
! writeDepends $output $depends
! #close $input
--- 322,337 ----
set depends [readDepends $input]
+ close $input
set depends [filterExcludes $depends $excludes]
set depends [rebaseTargets $depends $remove_prefix $target_prefix]
! if $cygwin {
! writeDependsCygwin $output $depends
! } else {
! set depends [lsort -index 0 $depends]
! writeDepends $output $depends
! }
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