Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/04/12/20:15:40
Hi cygwinners,
need some graphic tools?
go and find this big basket full of them at
I was not able to test them all, there are so much!
- what is it?
- Netpbm is a toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of
different formats, as well as to allow a few basic image operations.
- system
- Win32 (NT fits best)
- cygwin (
- for cygwin1.dll 1.1.8
- preliminaries
- for binaries: cygwin
- package installs in /usr/local/netpbm
you'll need to put /usr/local/netpbm/bin in your PATH
- for building from source: libjpeg, libtiff, libz, libpng, ghostscript
- source can be found
- on
- as netpbm-9.12.tar.gz
- (binaries-) package availability
- on
- in /pub/win32/develop/gnuwin32/cygwin/porters/Haase_Gerrit/1.1
- as netpbm-9.12-1-cygwin.tar.bz2
- (source-) package availability if not anymore at sourceforge
- on
- in /pub/win32/develop/gnuwin32/cygwin/porters/Haase_Gerrit/1.1
- as netpbm-9.12-src.tar.bz2
- what is in the package?
- some README-files in /usr/doc/netpbm-9.12-1
- some converters, generators, editors, analyzers, misc and
uncatalogued stuff, here is a full list:
ppmtompeg convert series of ppm frames to an mpeg movie
jpegtopnm convert JFIF/JPEG file to Netpbm format
anytopnm convert any graphics format to Netpbm format
ppmtojpeg convert PPM to JPEG/JFIF format
bmptoppm convert Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file to PPM
ppmtobmp convert PPM to Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file
giftopnm convert GIF to portable anymap
ppmtogif convert PPM to GIF
pnmtopng convert portable anymap to Portable Network Graphics
pngtopnm convert Portable Network Graphics to portable anymap
palmtopnm convert Palm pixmap to PNM
pnmtopalm convert PNM to Palm pixmap
jbigtopbm convert JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap) to PBM
pbmtojbig convert PBM to JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap)
pnmtofiasco convert Netpbm image to Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format
fiascotopnm convert Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format to Netpbm image
hpcdtoppm convert photo CD to PPM
pbmtowbmp convert PBM to WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap
wbmptopbm convert WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap to PBM
pbmtomda convert from PBM to Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs)
mdatopbm convert from Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs) to PBM
atktopbm convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM
pbmtoatk convert PBM to Andrew Toolkit raster object
brushtopbm convert Xerox doodle brushes to PBM
cmuwmtopbm convert CMU window manager format to PBM
g3topbm convert Group 3 FAX to PBM
pbmtog3 convert PBM to Group 3 FAX
icontopbm convert Sun icon to PBM
pbmtoicon convert PBM to Sun icon
gemtopnm convert GEM .img format to PBM or pixmap
macptopbm convert MacPaint to PBM
pbmtomacp convert PBM to MacPaint
mgrtopbm convert MGR format to PBM
pbmtomgr convert PBM to MGR format
pi3topbm convert Atari Degas .pi3 to PBM
pbmtopi3 convert PBM to Atari Degas .pi3
xbmtopbm convert X10 or X11 bitmap to PBM
pbmtoxbm convert PBM to X11 bitmap
pbmtox10bm convert PBM to X10 bitmap
ybmtopbm convert Bennet Yee "face" file into PBM
pbmtoybm convert PBM into Bennet Yee "face" file
pbmto10x convert PBM to Gemini 10x printer graphics
pbmtoascii convert PBM to ASCII graphic form
asciitopgm convert ASCII character graphics to portable graymap
pbmtobbnbg convert PBM to BBN BitGraph graphics
pbmtocmuwm convert PBM to CMU window manager format
pbmtoepson convert PBM to Epson printer graphics
pbmtogem convert PBM into GEM .img file
pbmtogo convert PBM to GraphOn graphics
pbmtolj convert PBM to HP LaserJet black and white graphics
ppmtolj convert PPM to HP LaserJet color graphics (PCL)
pbmtoplot convert PBM into Unix plot(5) file
pbmtoptx convert PBM to Printronix graphics
pbmtozinc convert PBM to Zinc Interface Library icon
fitstopnm convert FITS format to portable anymap
pnmtofits convert portable anymap to FITS format
fstopgm convert Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format to portable graymap
pgmtofs convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
hipstopgm convert HIPS format to portable graymap
lispmtopgm convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format
pgmtolispm convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format
psidtopgm convert PostScript "image" data to portable graymap
rawtopgm convert raw grayscale bytes to portable graymap
pgmtopbm convert portable graymap to PBM
pbmmask create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
ppmcolormask create mask of areas of a certain color in an image
gouldtoppm convert Gould scanner file to PPM
ilbmtoppm convert IFF ILBM to PPM
ppmtoilbm convert PPM to IFF ILBM
imgtoppm convert Img-whatnot to PPM
mtvtoppm convert MTV ray-tracer output to PPM
pcxtoppm convert PC Paintbrush format to PPM
pgmtoppm colorize a portable graymap into a PPM
pi1toppm convert Atari Degas .pi1 to PPM
ppmtopi1 convert PPM to Atari Degas .pi1
picttoppm convert Macintosh PICT to PPM
ppmtopict convert PPM to Macintosh PICT
pjtoppm convert HP PaintJet file to PPM
ppmtopj convert PPM to HP PaintJet file
qrttoppm convert QRT ray-tracer output to PPM
rawtoppm convert raw RGB bytes to PPM
rgb3toppm combine three portable graymaps into one PPM
ppmtorgb3 separate a PPM into three portable graymaps
sldtoppm convert an AutoCAD slide file into a PPM
spctoppm convert Atari compressed Spectrum to PPM
sputoppm convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to PPM
tgatoppm convert TrueVision Targa file to PPM
ppmtotga convert PPM to TrueVision Targa file
ximtoppm convert Xim to PPM
xpmtoppm convert XPM format to PPM
ppmtoxpm convert PPM to XPM format
yuvtoppm convert Abekas YUV format to PPM
eyuvtoppm convert Encoder/Berkeley YUV format to PPM
ppmtoeyuv convert PPM to Encoder/Berkeley YUV format
ppmtoyuv convert PPM to Abekas YUV format
ppmtoyuvsplit convert PPM to 3 subsampled raw YUV files
yuvsplittoppm merge 3 subsampled raw YUV files to one PPM
ppmtoacad convert PPM to AutoCAD database or slide
ppmtoicr convert PPM to NCSA ICR graphics
ppmtopcx convert PPM to PC Paintbrush format
ppmtopgm convert PPM to portable graymap
ppmtopuzz convert PPM to X11 "puzzle" file
rasttopnm convert Sun raster file to portable anymap
pnmtorast convert portable anymap to Sun raster file
tifftopnm convert TIFF file to portable anymap
pnmtotiff convert portable anymap to TIFF RGB file
pnmtotiffcmyk convert portable anymap to TIFF CMYK file
xwdtopnm convert X10 or X11 window dump to portable anymap
pnmtoxwd convert portable anymap to X11 window dump
pnmtops convert portable anymap to Postscript
pstopnm convert Postscript to portable anymap
pnmtoplainpnm convert a regular portable anymap into plain pnm format
pbmtoepsi convert a PBM image to encapsulated Postscript preview bitmap
pbmtopgm convert PBM file to PGM by averaging areas
411toppm convert 411 (Sony Mavica) to PPM
ppmtosixel convert PPM to DEC sixel format
ppmtouil convert PPM to Motif UIL icon file
sbigtopgm convert Santa Barbara Instrument Group CCD file to PGM
vidtoppm convert Parallax XVideo JPEG to sequence of PPM files
pnmtorle convert PNM to Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file
rletopnm convert Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file to PNM
ppmtoleaf convert PPM to Interleaf
leaftoppm convert Interleaf to PPM
pbmmake create a blank PBM image of a specified size
ppmmake create a pixmap of a specified size and color
ppmpat create a pretty pixmap
pgmnoise create a portable graymap of white noise
pbmtext render text into a PBM image
pbmupc create a Universal Product Code PBM image
ppmcie generate a CIE color map image
pbmpage create a printer test pattern page.
ppmlabel Add text to an image
pnmshadow add a shadow to an image so it looks like it's floating
ppmbrighten brighten or dim an image -- change saturation and value
ppmdim dim a PPM image - different way from ppmbrighten
pbmreduce reduce a PBM N times, using Floyd-Steinberg
pgmnorm normalize contrast in a portable graymap image
ppmnorm normalize contrast in a PPM image
pbmpscale englarge a PBM image with edge smoothing
pnmscale scale a PNM image with high precision
pnmscalefixed scale a PNM image quickly with low precision
ppmdither ordered dither for color images
ppmquant quantize colors in an image down to a specified number
ppmquantall quantize colors down to a specified number on many files
ppmrelief run a Laplacian Relief filter on a PPM
pnmarith perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
pnmcat concatenate portable anymaps
pnmpad add borders to a portable anymap
pnmcomp create composite (overlay) of two portable anymap images
ppmmix mix (overlay) two images.
pnmcrop crop all like-colored borders off a portable anymap
pnmcut select a rectangular region from a portable anymap
pnmdepth change the maxval in a portable anymap
pnmenlarge enlarge a portable anymap N times
pnmflip perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
pnminterp scale up portable anymap by interpolating between pixels
pnminterp-gen scale by non-integer values using pnminterp and pnmscale
pnminvert invert a portable anymap
pnmgamma perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
pnmmargin add a margin to a portable anymap
pnmpaste paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
pnmrotate rotate a portable anymap
pnmshear shear a portable anymap
pnmsmooth smooth a portable anymap image
pnmtile replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
pbmclean remove lone pixels (snow) from a PBM image
pnmalias antialias a portable anymap image
ppmchange change all of one color to another in PPM image
ppmshift shift lines of PPM image left or right a random amount
ppmspread move pixels of PPM image a random amount
pnmconvol general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
pbmlife apply Conway's rules of Life to a PBM image
ppmdist map colors to high contrast grayscales arbitrarily
ppmntsc adjust colors so they are legal for NTSC or PAL television
pnmfile describe a portable anymap
pnmpsnr measure difference between two images
pgmedge edge-detect a portable graymap
pgmenhance edge-enhance a portable graymap
pgmramp generate a grayscale ramp
pgmslice print grayscale values for a row or column of a pgm image
pgmtexture calculate textural features on a portable graymap
pgmhist print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
ppmhist print a histogram of a PPM
ppmtomap generate a map of all colors in an image
pnmsplit split a multi-image PNM file into multiple 1-image files
pnmindex build a visual index of a bunch of PNM images
pcdindex build a visual index of a photo CD from pcd overview file
pnmmontage build multiple PNM images into a single montage PNM image
pgmbentley Bentleyize a portable graymap
pgmcrater create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
pgmoil turn a portable graymap into an oil painting
ppmforge fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
pgmkernel generate a convolution kernel
ppmtv Make an image lined so it looks like an old TV
- more information about graphics
- A good place to start for information about the wide world of computer
graphics is .
- contributed by
- gerrit DOT haase AT t-online DOT de (Gerrit Peter Haase) 2001-04-11
=^..^= gerrit DOT haase AT t-online DOT de
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