Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/04/05/15:42:18
My guess: DOS filenames are composed of two parts -- the main part and the
extension. When parsing filenames, you look for the '.'. Anything before the
'.' is the main part; anything after it is the extension. Files ending with '.'
just don't have an extension.
jmerz42 AT earthlink DOT net on 2001.04.05 15:02:55
Please respond to jmerz42 AT earthlink DOT net
cc: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject: OT pondering (WAS: Re: Trailing Periods on File Names)
Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
> At 02:38 PM 4/5/2001, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just discovered some odd behavior.
>> Witness:
>> % mkdir dir
>> % cd dir
>> % ls -l
>> total 0
>> % echo "I like Cygwin" >|File
>> % ls -l
>> total 0
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 randall None 15 Apr 5 11:31 File
>> %
>> % ls -l File.
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 randall None 15 Apr 5 11:31 File.
>> %
> <snip>
>> Curious, no? Perhaps this is a side-effect of the potential aliasing of
suffix-less names and the same name with a ".exe" suffix?
> No, this is Windows madness. It ignores periods at the end of file names.
I agree with that, having seen this before, but I am curious... It seems that
such functionality did not get there by accident (I cannot think of a way to
ignore characters in a filename without some _extra_ coding), so it must have
been done for some purpose. Yet I cannot for the life of me imagine what
benefit this produces, or what fault it would circumvent. Anyone have ideas
as to this?
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