Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/03/23/10:26:06
How are you trying to build this exe. I have the same program,
and if I do a
make hello,
then it fails with all the erros you have listed. This is a known
and reported issue with make, where under cygwin, make uses
gcc for .cc source files instead of g++. Chris Faylor has noted
the error, and made a fix. Just not sure when it will be released.
If you want to just use g++, then you should probably give it
a -o option:
g++ -o hello
This will make an executable binary called hello (hello.exe under cygwin).
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:21:12 -0500, Ryuji Yokoyama wrote:
>Hello All!
>I am new to this list as well as cygwin. I tried to compile following very
>simple program. However, I just got a lot of error messages, which is
>bellow the program. If I use -c switch (g++ -c, I get an object
>file, so I think the compiler is OK. Could anybody tell me how to solve
>the problem?
>#include <iostream>
>using namespace std;
>int main(void)
> cout << "Hello World" << endl;
> return 0;
> undefined reference to `__rtti_si'
>) undefined reference to `__rtti_si'
> undefined reference to `__rtti_si'
> undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
> undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
> undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
>ithassign+0x28) undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
>ithassign+0x28) undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
>x1d) undefined reference to `__rtti_user'
> undefined reference to `__rtti_user'
>/usr/lib/libstdc++.a(iostream.o)(.text+0xa) undefined reference to
>/usr/lib/libstdc++.a(iostream.o)(.text+0x13ea) undefined reference
>to `__get_eh_context'
>/usr/lib/libstdc++.a(iostream.o)(.text+0x17ed) undefined reference
>to `__get_eh_context'
>d reference to `__get_eh_context'
>d reference to `__get_eh_context'
>more un
>defined references to `__get_eh_context' follow
>defined reference to `__rtti_si'
>defined reference to `__rtti_si'
>defined reference to `__rtti_si'
>c: undefined reference to `__rtti_si'
>c: undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
>c: undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
>/usr/lib/libstdc++.a(stdiostream.o)(.istdiostream::text$(int, __sFILE
> undefined reference to `__get_eh_context'
>c: undefined reference to `__rtti_si'
>c: undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
>c: undefined reference to `__rtti_class'
>/usr/lib/libstdc++.a(stdiostream.o)(.ostdiostream::text$(int, __sFILE
> undefined reference to `__get_eh_context'
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