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Jonny Larson wrote: > > Earnie: > Thanks for the response. > You're welcome. However, I set the Reply-To:, no need to CC me. > We use gcc in CygWin to compile a ton of source files into a series of about 20 > libraries. Then we take these library files and link them to "C" code that makes up > an NDIS driver using the Microsoft NT DDK linker (which is actually the Microsoft > Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8181). > From this am I to guess that you are using the Microsoft Linker to link the objects? If so, it doesn't work. > It is when we link the gcc-compiled libraries to the NDIS code that we get the alloca > unresolved errors. > > Let me know if you still want to see the link statement we use. > Only if you need more help. I can guess that you're bumping into the alloca resolved by libgcc.a. However, even if you resolve this, your executable isn't likely to work correctly. Earnie. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Check out:
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