Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/02/14/14:11:31
OK, I picked the wrong example which did not show clearly
what I was trying to say (d:/bin~ is 1.1.4).
1.1.8 does not show byte sizes, even if asked for it by the
-b switch.
d:/cygwin/bin>du -ba true
512 true
d:/cygwin/bin>d:/bin~/du -b true
395 true
1.1.8 reports incorrect sizes -- the correct amount of
stuff in the directory is about 40M.
d:/cygwin/bin>du -sk
21150 .
d:/cygwin/bin>d:/bin~/du -sk
42188 .
-----Original Message-----
From: Earnie Boyd [mailto:earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 13:26
To: Javorcik, William (ITG)
Cc: 'cygwin AT cygwin DOT com'
Subject: Re: 1.1.8: du reports incorrect sizes
"Javorcik, William (ITG)" wrote:
> Hi,
> I apologize if this was already reported and/or answered.
> Compared to 1.1.4, du in 1.1.8 reports incorrect file sizes
> (it seems that the reported size is 1/2 of the actual size
> computed in 512 byte blocks).
> I have both versions installed on the same machine, but I
> verified that the appropriate cygwin1.dll gets loaded (by
> looking at the list of loaded dll's for the running process).
> I have no running cygwin processes so I do not think this
> is a result of a dll mixup.
> NT4/SP5, output of cygcheck upon request.
> I could do more testing if needed.
> Please CC me as I am not on the list.
> TIA,
> Bill
> This is Cygwin 1.1.8
> d:/cygwin/bin>du --version
> du (GNU fileutils) 4.0
> d:/cygwin/bin>du -ab cy*
> 28672 cygbz21.0.dll
> This is Cygwin 1.1.4
> d:/cygwin/bin>d:/bin~/du --version
> du (GNU fileutils) 3.16
> d:/cygwin/bin>d:/bin~/du -ab cy*
> 56832 cygbz21.0.dll
This appears to me to be simply one display in 1024 byte blocks and the
other in 512 byte blocks. If you add a -k to the fileutils-3.16 version
you'll end up with the same answer as the fileutils-4.0 version. I
suspect (don't know, don't care) that this is a configuration issue. If
you want to always be certain you could always use --block-size=512.
P.S.: I prefer to use the -h or -H switch for size output.
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