Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/12/08/05:38:11
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Hi Corinna,
Thank you for your quick response. As I am at work now, and my experiments
with sshd at home, I cannot give feedback on your suggestions right now.
With respect to 'hex-edited cygwindll', the url I got the
files from has been included,as is the readme file that was included.
<<README 1st.txt>>
In case you are interested, I can also send you the complete installation
file, about
472 k in size. Please let me know (unless of course the file is still on the
Kind regards,
Groetjes, Frank
Frank Dautzenberg - SW Q Group of VDO CC Development Center Eindhoven
Luchthavenweg 48, Floor 2, North
PO Box 8807
5606 LV Eindhoven
tel +31 40 8 444 880 -- fax +31 40 8 444 807
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Corinna Vinschen [SMTP:cygwin AT cygwin DOT com]
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 11:07 AM
> To: Dautzenberg, Frank
> Subject: Re: Problems with sshd installation
> On Friday 08 December 2000 10:12, you wrote:
> > Also configuration of sshd showed no problems
> > (all according to the installation instructions).
> So you started `ssh-config' in a bash shell?
> > chmod and chown dont work ("access denied") except for a very few
> > combinations leading to r-xr-xr-x access or the like (sorry not
> > able to reproduce the exact permissions).
> Either the permissions on your system are very restrictive
> or you didn't care for your /etc/passwd file. Did you insert
> a home directory into your entry?
> You should try setting loose permissions by using the NT
> security tab and then setting the permissions and owner
> by using chmod/chown again.
> > Starting sshd indicates different key permissions than ls -al on the
> > key files.
> What permissions? Without example it's hard to say anything.
> > Also, it is not clear to me where all private and public keys belong
> > (host and user). Please can you elaborate on that ?
> System: /etc
> User: ~/.ssh
> > As an addition I can mention I managed to get sshd running OK
> > using the "alternative path" (using the binary patched cygwin.dll of
> >
> > Brandon Zehm <caspian AT linuxfreak DOT com>
> I don't know about that. Where did you get it? Could you give me the
> URL please? Are the sources published by him as it's required by the
> GPL?
> Please send further mail regarding Cygwin to the mailing list
> mailto:cygwin AT cygwin DOT com. Subscribing is easy by sending an empty
> email to mailto:cygwin-subscribe AT cygwin DOT com.
> There's no need to send me private email or Cc me since I'm reading
> the mailing list all the time.
> Thanks,
> Corinna
> --
> Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
> Cygwin Developer mailto:cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Red Hat, Inc.
> mailto:vinschen AT redhat DOT com
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Content-Type: text/plain;
name="README 1st.txt"
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filename="README 1st.txt"
From: Brandon Zehm <caspian AT linuxfreak DOT com>
Contents: sshd1 for WinNT.
Notes: Please email me with suggestions/patches
or just to let me know what you think!
Synopsis: extract these files to a folder (which you probably
have done by now) and run setup.bat. You now have
a fully working sshd server on your WinNT 4.0
How does it work?
Cygnus has some libraries that allow easy porting
of Linux apps to Win32. If you have never checked
out the Cygnus GNU32 tools check out:
And sshd can be downloaded form here:
I did some hex editing of the cygwin1.dll so that
the default shell would be /cmd rather than
/bin/sh so that a minimal amount of files would need
to be included with this package.
The ssh_host_key and similar files are kept in
C:\WinNT\ dir.
How did I implement this quick install?
1. All files are copied to the C:\WinNT dir
2. C:\WinNT\System32\cmd.exe is copied to
C:\cmd.exe (this becomes the default shell)
3. sshd-keygen is run to generate your private key
4. instsrv from the WinNT resource kit is run to
install srvany.exe as a service.
5. A .reg file is imported to the registry to
configure options of the srvany service
(i.e. tell it to run c:\winnt\sshd.exe)
6. Start the SecureShellDaemon service.
1. Extract this archive to a folder.
2. If your %SystemRoot% is NOT C:\WinNT\
you need to edit setup.bat accordingly.
3. Run setup.bat
4. Connect to your new sshd server!
All authentication is passed to WinNT,
so log in over ssh just like you would
at the login screen.
Thanks to Sergey Okhapkin <sos AT prospect DOT com DOT ru> for
his very helpful web page,
Of course many thanks to the cygnus team!
Brandon Zehm <caspian AT linuxfreak DOT com>
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