Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/12/03/11:42:50
The CYGWIN variable *must* be set *before*any* Cygwin process starts.
--- Christian Tismer <tismer AT tismer DOT com> wrote:
> Hi cygwin people,
> I enocuntered a little problem when trying to use OpenSSH
> together with WinCVS:
> It only works when the environment variable CYGWIN is set to
> 'binary'. So far so good, but:
> I tried to write a wrapper around ssh, which changes a few
> settings, adds some defaults and so on. In order to avoid to
> set the CYGWIN valriable globally for my machine, I tried
> to pass this variable via _putenv to the environment, before
> _exec'ing to the real ssh.
> This does not work! The environment variable *is* passed
> through to the called process, but that doesn't help.
> I assume that it is the cygwion dll which must evaluate
> the variable, and it doesn't do so when the calling process
> has already linked to the cygwin dll.
> Question: Is that a bug or an intended feature?
> Here some proof of my statement:
> Instead of calling gcc, I used MS VC++ to compile my little
> launcher program. This has no dll linkage to the cygwin
> dll, and in fact, initialization is ok, and the environment
> variable's value is obeyed while ssh is running.
> ciao - chris
> --
> Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer AT tismer DOT com>
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> --
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