Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/11/18/01:33:42
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Hi, I'm catch up skimming old cygwin mail...
On Oct 27, 2000 11:57 AM -0400 "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" wrote:
> At 11:47 AM 10/27/2000, Charles Krug wrote:
>> Hello List:
>> I'm playing with a package that requires slang.
>> slang has instructions on building against Cygwin, which I follow:
> CYGWIN32 is no longer a valid define to indicate CYGWIN. Use CYGWIN
> not before. Unless someone else has been maintaining this port since
> that time, I'd say the build instructions you have are a bit out-of-date.
I successfully build both slang and slrn earlier this summer. I have a
working slrn, sans slrnpull, that hasn't had one problem in 3 months of use.
Neither built OOTB. I don't remember offhand what I did to compile.
Submitting a patch to the author was on my todo list when I got a new job
and disappeared for a few months (and will continue to be invisible for at
least one month more).
Let's see, I think you need to at least change all CYGWIN32 references to
CYGWIN. There's a comment in the readme that cygwin is a win32 platform
(in the eyes of the author) and not a unix platform. I dismissed that as
relative to older cygwin, and I instead just built as a unix platform. The
resulting slang/slrn is a real cygwin app that understands cygwin mount
table and symlinks.
BTW, for external viewer you can get xv to build under cygwin, too, with a
little effort. Another one on my dusty todo list.
So, yes, it can be done. I just glanced at my config.status. The only
option to configure I used for both slang and slrn was --prefix. ls tells
me that the other files I modified were
Makefile, slrnfeat.h, sltcp in the slrn/src dir
I've attached diffs against the backups that emacs generated. These are
not proper patch file. hope they help. I don't have the orig Makefile
handy, so no diff for that one. If I ever find the time, I intend to clean
up my hacks and submit a patch to the slrn maintainer. Feel free to use my
hmmm, now I"m not sure that I changed CYGWIN32 to CYGWIN. Perhaps leaving
it alone was a trick to get these to build as a unix system. I think the
source might use win32 API when it detects cygwin.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name="diff-slrnfeat.h.txt"
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="diff-slrnfeat.h.txt"; size=452
--- slrnfeat.h~ Thu Dec 23 13:24:38 1999+++ slrnfeat.h Mon Sep 4 10:19:34 =
2000@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ #define SLRN_HAS_PULL_SUPPORT 1 #define =
SLRN_HAS_INEWS_SUPPORT 0+ /* Set this to 1 to force the user to use INEWS =
for posting. This also means * that slrn will use the hardcoded inews =
program pathname. */
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="diff-misc.c.txt"
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="diff-misc.c.txt"; size=370
--- misc.c~ Thu Dec 23 13:24:40 1999
+++ misc.c Mon Sep 4 10:27:56 2000
-1656,7 +1656,8 @@
host_entry = gethostbyname (buf);
defined(TRY_AGAIN) && !defined(MULTINET)
+ /*#if defined(TRY_AGAIN) &&
+#if 0 && defined(TRY_AGAIN) && !defined(MULTINET)
if ((host_entry == NULL) && (h_errno == TRY_AGAIN))
sleep (2);
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="diff-sltcp.c.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="diff-sltcp.c.txt"; size=296
--- sltcp.c~ Thu Dec 23 13:24:36 1999
+++ sltcp.c Mon Sep 4 10:31:16
@@ -159,7 +159,8 @@
while (NULL == (hp = gethostbyname (host)))
-#ifdef TRY_AGAIN
+/*#ifdef TRY_AGAIN*/
+#ifdef 0 && TRY_AGAIN
if (max_retries && (h_errno == TRY_AGAIN))
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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