Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/11/14/21:09:20
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On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 05:28:12PM -0000, Emmanuel Blot wrote:
> Has someone been able to compile the OpenLDAP project with Cygwin ?
I have had partial success. Specifically, I can build everything except
for the servers (i.e., clients and libraries). Since, I was only really
interested in the libraries, I did not pursue it further. Although, I
think that the main issue is the lack of full Cygwin pthreads support --
which I think that you have already noticed.
Since then I have learned of GNU Portable Threads:
which can be built as pthreads. This may or may not work for you in
this context. It did seem to work to add threading to Cygwin Python as
indicated in:
Attached is my recipe for building OpenLDAP including a script to deal
with a case sensitivity issue in too many makefiles to hand edit. May be
you or someone else will find it helpful.
Let me know if you get the servers to work.
Jason Tishler
Director, Software Engineering Phone: +1 (732) 264-8770 x235
Dot Hill Systems Corporation Fax: +1 (732) 264-8798
82 Bethany Road, Suite 7 Email: Jason DOT Tishler AT dothill DOT com
Hazlet, NJ 07730 USA WWW:
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Received: from ( [])
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Tue, 10 Oct 2000 16:29:08 -0400
Received: by (sSMTP sendmail emulation); Tue, 10 Oct 2000 16:33:18 -0400
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 16:33:18 -0400
From: Jason Tishler <Jason DOT Tishler AT dothill DOT com>
To: Jason Tishler <jason DOT tishler AT ny DOT dothill DOT com>
Subject: Cygwin OpenLdap Build Instructions
Message-ID: <20001010163318 DOT O1019 AT dothill DOT com>
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1. Install GNU regex 0.12
2. LIBS='-L/usr/local/lib -lregex' CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include configure --without-threads --disable-ldbm --enable-ldap --enable-passwd --enable-shell
3. Use to correct *[Vv]ersion.c case problem. See attached.
4. make depend
5. make
6. make prefix=/tmp/openldap/usr/local install
Jason Tishler
Director, Software Engineering Phone: +1 (732) 264-8770 x235
Dot Hill Systems Corporation Fax: +1 (732) 264-8798
82 Bethany Road, Suite 7 Email: Jason DOT Tishler AT dothill DOT com
Hazlet, NJ 07730 USA WWW:
Content-Type: application/x-sh
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""
find . -name '*Version.c' |
while read path
dir=$(dirname $path)
file=$(basename $path)
cp $path $path.orig
mv $path $dir/$prefix$file
find . -name Makefile | xargs fgrep -l /Version.c |
while read path
cp $path $path.orig
sed -e 's/Version\.c/_Version.c/' $path >tmp.$$
mv tmp.$$ $path
cp $path $path.orig
sed -e 's/pwd-Version\.c/_pwd-Version.c/' $path >tmp.$$
mv tmp.$$ $path
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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