Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/11/07/03:08:25
Hello Jason
|See attached for my patch. The following is the procedure to apply and
|build Python with it:
| $ tar -xvzf Python-2.0.tar.gz
| $ gunzip CygwinPython-2.0-full.patch.gz # ***
| $ cd Python-2.0
| $ patch -p1 <../CygwinPython-2.0-full.patch # ***
| $ configure --with-threads=no --with-libm= --with-suffix=.exe 2>&1 |
tee configure.out
| $ make 2>&1 | tee make.out
| $ make install 2>&1 | tee make-install.out
|Note that only the steps marked with "# ***" above are different from
|the normal build procedure.
|To test out shared extensions, try the following:
| $ cd Demo/extend
| $ make_shared 2>&1 | tee make_shared.out
| $ python
| Python 2.0 (#1, Nov 1 2000, 08:51:39)
| [GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release-2)] on cygwin_nt-4.01
| Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
| >>> import xx
| >>> dir(xx)
| ['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'bug', 'error', 'foo', 'new',
| >>>, 3)
| 5
|Please let me know you make out. So far, only one other has tried my
|patch and I'm looking for any feedback -- both good and bad.
Wonderful !!!
This method is completely successful in my enviroment.
I have tried another usual build up of python2.0 without your patch and make
the extension of xx.dll by the make_shared method. Then I get an error
message when importing xx.dll: "Fatal Python error: Interpreter not
May I have questions?
Question 1).
Why does the usual build up of python end in a failure in making an
extension? What is your patch doing to correct the failure?
In another mail on "RE: How to make an extension of Python", Anthony
Tuininga tells
>I do not use anything from DLL helpers but rather simply use dllwrap
(version 0.2.4) with> the following command (NOT UNDER CYGWIN, btw); P.S.
Note that double dashes which were m>issing in your post (may be a typing
error but just in case.... :-)
>dllwrap --def cx_Oracle.def --output-lib libcx_Oracle.a --dllname
cx_Oracle.dll \
> cx_Oracle.o -L/Tools/Library/Win32 -loci -lpython20
I tried the following written procedure that ended up in the error message:
dllwrap -o myEnviron.pyd -def myEnviron.def myEnviron.o -lpython2.0
"Importerror: dynamic modules does not define init
function ( initmyEnviron)".
I could create the extension of "environ.c" according to the following
instruction by Mingw32.
Instructions for Python Extensions with GCC/mingw32 by Robert Kern.
>dllwrap --dllname foo.pyd --driver-name gcc --def foo.def -o foo.pyd \
>foomodule.o -s --entry _DllMain AT 12 --target=i386-mingw32 -L<py-lib-dir> \
However, the same "environ.c" could not be a successful dll binary in
Question 2)
Why did the simple dllwrap smoetimes successfully create an extension
and another time unsuccessfully in Cygwin?
Than you very much.
Mitsuo Igarashi
mitsu5 AT ruby DOT famille DOT ne DOT jp
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