Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/11/02/20:07:21
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At 06:38 PM 11/2/2000, BLACK,SUSAN (HP-Roseville,ex1) wrote:
>Dear Cygwin Representative;
>We recently evaluated your software. We noticed a problem when using "vi" and resizing the window. We were unable to resize the window past 42 lines of screen size. If the window is larger than 42 lines, the bottom lines are overwritten.
>This is a major problem for our development environment. We are interested in knowing if there is a fix to this problem? Please respond and let me know how this problem can be fixed.
>Thank you,
>Susan Black.
>Project Manager
>Phone: (916) 785-4799
>email: <mailto:susan_black AT hp DOT com>susan_black AT hp DOT com
Its really quite difficult to answer your question without knowing details
about what you were doing and on what platforms. It would be best if you
could send the output of cygcheck -s -v -r and cygcheck vi. I'll make a
couple of guesses as to your problem:
1. You're using a non-Cygwin version of vi. Vim has been ported to
Cygwin and works like a champ. I use it all the time in a console
window and have no resizing issues.
2. You're working on 9x platforms, which has poor console support. There
are various ways to address this, including using rxvt or consize, both
available from Chuck Wilson's CygUtils site
You may also want to check out the FAQ, mail archives, and available ported
software, all of which you can find at
Hope that helps,
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