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At 20:28 10/30/00 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote: >The mirrors that I mention when I post my announcements are always up-to-date >with whatever I'm announcing. I would be quite surprised to hear that they >were not up-to-date with stuff announced previously, too. The three I usually use are: (usually ~60ms) (60ms) (400ms 4% packet rtx) utk is down or something... could eventually get the setup.ini, but no files.... gave me these: Downloaded latest/ash/ash-20001012.tar.gz Downloaded latest/bash/bash-2.04-3.tar.gz Downloaded latest/gcc/gcc-2.95.2-3.tar.gz Downloaded latest/inetutils/inetutils-1.3.2-7.tar.gz Downloaded latest/less/less-358-2.tar.gz Downloaded latest/make/make-3.79.1-2.tar.gz Downloaded latest/cygwin/newlib-man-20001013.tar.gz mbox note: Unable to download latest/opengl/opengl-1.1.0-2.tar.gz Downloaded latest/openssh/openssh-2.2.0p1.tar.gz Downloaded latest/openssl/openssl-0.9.5a.tar.gz Downloaded latest/regex/regex-4.4.tar.gz note that opengl failed mysteriously.... then offered up these: Downloaded latest/binutils/binutils-20001029-1.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/cvs/cvs-1.11.0-1.tar.gz Downloaded latest/cygwin/cygwin-1.1.5-1.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/gdbm/gdbm-1.8.0-3.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/gettext/gettext-0.10.35-2.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/jbigkit/jbigkit-1.2-3.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/jpeg/jpeg-6b-3.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/libpng/libpng-1.0.8-2.tar.gz Downloaded latest/opengl/opengl-1.1.0-2.tar.gz Downloaded latest/tar/tar-1.13-1.tar.gz Downloaded latest/termcap/termcap-20001020-1.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/tiff/tiff-3.5.5-3.tar.gz Downloaded contrib/zlib/zlib-1.1.3-5.tar.gz going back to freesoftware results in a warning that setup.ini is older than the one I used last. And it may very well be that if I had started with yggdrasil it could have been one stop shopping, but to get there from here means traversing three different backbones, and the one in the middle is (aka UUNet) so packet loss is higher than it should be. :{ so basically your and Corinna's changes have made it to freesoftware, but Charles' have made it to yggdrasil. In both cases I did my usual pattern of stepping through each package listed and selecting the most current one. (oh, I do download from internet, and install from local directory as two steps because I'm updating several machines) This is another one of the joys of having a loose network of mirrors instead of a rigid hierarchy. -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
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