Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/10/23/18:12:54
I have several command-line based processes that I start in the background from
bash. I have a shell script that starts and stops them for me as I need them.
The commands themselves are .exe files that are built with VC++.
With 1.1.4 and earlier, I could start and stop these processes with no problem.
With the current snapshot, I can still start the processes; however, I get a
'not owner' message when I try to kill them.
The script has nothing to do with the problem because I get exactly the same
result if I start one of the processes directly from the bash command line,
then try to kill it. I always get "bash: kill: (NNNN) - Not owner", where NNNN
is the pid. The problem seems to be more related to the fact that these
commands were compiled with VC++, because I still seem to be able to kill
processes compiled with gcc/cygwin.
I saw a reference in the mailing list archives to a -f option to /bin/kill, so
I gave that a try. It didn't complain, but it also didn't work -- the process
remained in memory. Other than that, I didn't see much in the archives that
seemed related.
I've appended the output of "cygcheck -s -r -v" and "strace kill NNNN".
Does anyone have any info on this?
Rick Rankin
rick_rankin AT yahoo DOT com
******************************* cygcheck -s -r -v *****************************
Cygnus Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Mon Oct 23 14:29:06 2000
WinNT Ver 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 1
Path: .
SysDir: C:\WINNT\System32
WinDir: C:\WINNT
PWD = `/home/rankin_r/Projects/Aspira/WORKING/EENM/DROP4'
CYGWIN = `tty notitle glob ntsec'
USER = `rankin_r'
MAKE_MODE = `unix'
HOME = `/home/rankin_r'
OS2LIBPATH = `C:\WINNT\system32\os2\dll;'
COLORFGBG = `10;0'
TZ = `MST7'
COMSPEC = `C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe'
WINDOWID = `4194306'
PAGER = `less'
TAO_ROOT = `C:\tools\ACE_wrappers\TAO'
ENSCRIPT = `-G2rfCourier7'
JAVAORB_HOME = `C:\tools\java\JavaORBv2_2_6'
INCLUDE = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\Include;C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
USERPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\rankin_r'
GNU_SECURE = `/usr/local/etc/gnuserv.auth'
MANPATH = `/usr/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/X11R6.4/man:/usr/lesstif/man'
PS1 = `${SO}[\u@\h:\w]${SE}\n$ '
ENV = `/home/rankin_r/.bashrc'
IMAKEINCLUDE = `-I/usr/X11R6.4/lib/X11/config -I/usr/local/lib/X11/config'
PROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files'
LESS = `-cieXPFile=%f Line=%lt of %L (%pt\%)'
MACHTYPE = `i686-pc-cygwin'
NODE = `pc-v6031'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = `x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel'
ILOG_HOME = `C:\tools\java\ilog'
OS = `Windows_NT'
INPUTRC = `/home/rankin_r/.inputrc'
SE = `[0;32;40m'
TEMP = `/tmp'
LPDEST = `G1215_1_5SI'
EDITOR = `emacs'
JAVA_HOME = `C:\tools\java\jdk1.3'
COLORTERM = `rxvt'
TMP = `/tmp'
DISPLAY = `pc-v6031:0.0'
LIB = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib;C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Lib'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
JCLASS_HOME = `C:\tools\java\JClass450K'
SSDIR = `\\payload-fs10\groups\ASPIRA\System
Engineering\Team_ModelingSimulation\EndEndNetworkModel\Version Control'
SHLVL = `1'
SO = `[0;34;47m'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\rankin_r\Application Data'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
USERNAME = `rankin_r'
SHELL = `/bin/bash'
PRINTER = `G1215_1_5SI'
HOSTTYPE = `i686'
OSTYPE = `cygwin'
TERM = `xterm-color'
ACE_ROOT = `C:\tools\ACE_wrappers'
_ = `/usr/bin/cygcheck'
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
(default) = `/cygdrive'
cygdrive flags = 0x00000020
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
Menu\Programs\Cygnus Solutions
(default) = (unsupported type)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/
(default) = `C:\cygwin'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/apps
(default) = `C:\Program Files'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/c
(default) = `C:'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/cdrom
(default) = `D:'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/d
(default) = `D:'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/home
(default) = `C:\home'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/pub
(default) = `C:\pub'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/tmp
(default) = `C:\WINNT\temp'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/tools
(default) = `C:\tools'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/tools/msvc
(default) = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin
(default) = `C:/cygwin/bin'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lesstif
(default) = `C:\usr\lesstif'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib
(default) = `C:/cygwin/lib'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/local
(default) = `C:\usr\local'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/X11R6.4
(default) = `C:\usr\X11R6.4'
flags = 0x00000008
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
c: hd NTFS 19077Mb 45% CP CS UN PA FC
d: cd N/A N/A
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio /tools/msvc system textmode
C:\Program Files /apps system textmode
C:\usr\X11R6.4 /usr/X11R6.4 system textmode
C:\usr\lesstif /usr/lesstif system textmode
C:\WINNT\temp /tmp system textmode
C:\cygwin\bin /usr/bin system textmode
C:\cygwin\lib /usr/lib system textmode
C:\usr\local /usr/local system textmode
C:\cygwin / system textmode
C:\tools /tools system textmode
C:\home /home system textmode
C:\pub /pub system textmode
C: /c system textmode
D: /cdrom system textmode
D: /d system textmode
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\Program Files\Maestro.nt\cat.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe hides C:\Program Files\Maestro.nt\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cpp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\gdb.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ld.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Found: C:\Program Files\Maestro.nt\ls.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe hides C:\Program Files\Maestro.nt\ls.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\make.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
83k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygitcl30.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygitcl30.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/10 20:34
35k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygitk30.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygitk30.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/10 20:34
402k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtcl80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygtcl80.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/10 20:30
5k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtclpip80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
10k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtclreg80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygtclreg80.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/10 20:30
639k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtk80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygtk80.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/10 20:34
655k 2000/10/23 C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygwin1.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/10/22 22:09
Cygwin DLL version info:
dll major: 1001
dll minor: 5
dll epoch: 19
dll bad signal mask: 19005
dll old termios: 5
api major: 0
api minor: 29
shared data: 3
dll identifier: cygwin1
mount registry: 2
cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
cygwin registry name: Cygwin
program options name: Program Options
cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
build date: Mon Oct 23 01:09:15 EDT 2000
snapshot date: 2000-10-22-23:55-EST
shared id: cygwin1S3
Use -h to see help about each section
********************************* strace kill 1900 ****************************
Program name: C:\cygwin\bin\kill.exe (2000)
App version: 1001.5, api: 0.29
DLL version: 1001.5, api: 0.29
DLL build: 2000-10-22 23:55SNP
OS version: Windows NT-5.0
Date/Time: 2000-10-23 14:54:09
1148 5549 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: ACE_ROOT=C:\tools\ACE_wrappers
171 5720 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users
154 5874 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: APPDATA=C:\Documents and
Settings\rankin_r\Application Data
160 6034 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
203 6237 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: COLORFGBG=10;0
153 6390 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: COLORTERM=rxvt
151 6541 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: COMMONPROGRAMFILES=C:\Program
Files\Common Files
154 6695 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: COMPUTERNAME=PC-V6031
152 6847 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: COMSPEC=C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe
162 7009 [main] kill 2000 parse_options: tty 1001
155 7164 [main] kill 2000 parse_options: title 0
175 7339 [main] kill 2000 parse_options: glob 1
152 7491 [main] kill 2000 parse_options: ntsec 1
149 7640 [main] kill 2000 parse_options: returning
100 7740 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: CYGWIN=tty notitle glob ntsec
152 7892 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: DISPLAY=pc-v6031:0.0
151 8043 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
151 8194 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: EDITOR=emacs
150 8344 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: ENSCRIPT=-G2rfCourier7
152 8496 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: ENV=/home/rankin_r/.bashrc
150 8646 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
154 8800 [main] kill 2000 getwinenv: can't set native for HOME= since no
environ yet
174 8974 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\home\rankin_r, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
93 9067 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\home\rankin_r =
normalize_win32_path (C:\home\rankin_r)
102 9169 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/rankin_r =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\home\rankin_r)
229 9398 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: posix /home/rankin_r
79 9477 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: native HOME=C:\home\rankin_r
80 9557 [main] kill 2000 posify: env var converted to HOME=/home/rankin_r
154 9711 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: HOME=/home/rankin_r
152 9863 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: HOMEDRIVE=C:
153 10016 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: HOMEPATH=\
152 10168 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: HOSTNAME=PC-V6031
174 10342 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: HOSTTYPE=i686
151 10493 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: ILOG_HOME=C:\tools\java\ilog
151 10644 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
IMAKEINCLUDE=-I/usr/X11R6.4/lib/X11/config -I/usr/local/lib/X11/config
155 10799 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\Include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Include
560 11359 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: INPUTRC=/home/rankin_r/.inputrc
157 11516 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
152 11668 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: JAVA_HOME=C:\tools\java\jdk1.3
175 11843 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
154 11997 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: LESS=-cieXPFile=%f Line=%lt of %L
153 12150 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: LIB=C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\VC98\Lib;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Lib
157 12307 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: LOGONSERVER=\\NGS-FS1
153 12460 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: LPDEST=G1215_1_5SI
157 12617 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
205 12822 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: MACHTYPE=i686-pc-cygwin
152 12974 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: MAKE_MODE=unix
152 13126 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
155 13281 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: NODE=pc-v6031
152 13433 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=1
152 13585 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
155 13740 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
152 13892 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: OS=Windows_NT
150 14042 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: OSTYPE=cygwin
152 14194 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PAGER=less
188 14382 [main] kill 2000 getwinenv: can't set native for PATH= since no
environ yet
182 14564 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (., keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 14649 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: . =
conv_to_posix_path (.)
84 14733 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\local\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
87 14820 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\usr\local\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\usr\local\bin)
86 14906 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/local/bin =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\local\bin)
85 14991 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\local\bin\X11, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 15075 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\usr\local\bin\X11 =
normalize_win32_path (C:\usr\local\bin\X11)
85 15160 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/usr/local/bin/X11 = conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\local\bin\X11)
109 15269 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\X11R6.4\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 15353 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\usr\X11R6.4\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\usr\X11R6.4\bin)
84 15437 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/X11R6.4/bin
= conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\X11R6.4\bin)
84 15521 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\lesstif\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 15605 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\usr\lesstif\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\usr\lesstif\bin)
84 15689 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/lesstif/bin
= conv_to_posix_path (C:\usr\lesstif\bin)
85 15774 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
83 15857 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
83 15940 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/bin =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
85 16025 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\emacs\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 16109 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\tools\emacs\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\tools\emacs\bin)
85 16194 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tools/emacs/bin
= conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\emacs\bin)
94 16288 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\perl\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 16373 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\tools\perl\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\tools\perl\bin)
85 16458 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tools/perl/bin
= conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\perl\bin)
85 16543 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
83 16626 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\tools\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\tools\bin)
84 16710 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tools/bin =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\bin)
86 16796 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\ACE_wrappers\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 16881 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\tools\ACE_wrappers\bin
= normalize_win32_path (C:\tools\ACE_wrappers\bin)
85 16966 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/tools/ACE_wrappers/bin = conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\ACE_wrappers\bin)
86 17052 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\java\jdk1.3\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 17136 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\tools\java\jdk1.3\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\tools\java\jdk1.3\bin)
86 17222 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/tools/java/jdk1.3/bin = conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\java\jdk1.3\bin)
107 17329 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tools\java\JavaORBv2_2_6\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
87 17416 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path:
C:\tools\java\JavaORBv2_2_6\bin = normalize_win32_path
86 17502 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/tools/java/JavaORBv2_2_6/bin = conv_to_posix_path
86 17588 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\system32, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 17672 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINNT\system32 =
normalize_win32_path (C:\WINNT\system32)
105 17777 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/c/WINNT/system32 = conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\system32)
85 17862 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
83 17945 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINNT =
normalize_win32_path (C:\WINNT)
85 18030 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /c/WINNT =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT)
83 18113 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 18197 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem =
normalize_win32_path (C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem)
86 18283 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/c/WINNT/System32/Wbem = conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem)
85 18368 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 18453 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program
Files\Rational\Rose = normalize_win32_path (C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose)
85 18538 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/apps/Rational/Rose = conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose)
86 18624 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Rational\common, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 18709 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program
Files\Rational\common = normalize_win32_path (C:\Program Files\Rational\common)
86 18795 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/apps/Rational/common = conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Rational\common)
86 18881 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
95 18976 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin = normalize_win32_path (C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin)
89 19065 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/tools/msvc/Common/MSDev98/Bin = conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin)
88 19153 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin,
keep-rel, no-add-slash)
87 19240 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\VC98\Bin = normalize_win32_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\VC98\Bin)
88 19328 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/tools/msvc/VC98/Bin = conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
87 19415 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
88 19503 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT = normalize_win32_path (C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT)
88 19591 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/tools/msvc/Common/Tools/WinNT = conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT)
88 19679 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools,
keep-rel, no-add-slash)
88 19767 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\Tools = normalize_win32_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\Tools)
88 19855 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/tools/msvc/Common/Tools = conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\Tools)
88 19943 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Tcl\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 20027 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program Files\Tcl\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\Program Files\Tcl\bin)
85 20112 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /apps/Tcl/bin =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Tcl\bin)
85 20197 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Maestro.nt, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
106 20303 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program
Files\Maestro.nt = normalize_win32_path (C:\Program Files\Maestro.nt)
85 20388 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /apps/Maestro.nt
= conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Maestro.nt)
86 20474 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\home\rankin_r\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 20559 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\home\rankin_r\bin =
normalize_win32_path (C:\home\rankin_r\bin)
85 20644 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
/home/rankin_r/bin = conv_to_posix_path (C:\home\rankin_r\bin)
604 21248 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: posix
118 21366 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: native
Files\Rational\Rose;C:\Program Files\Rational\common;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\Bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\Tools;C:\Program Files\Tcl\bin;C:\Program
140 21506 [main] kill 2000 posify: env var converted to
183 21689 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
183 21872 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
155 22027 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PRINTER=G1215_1_5SI
152 22179 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86
154 22333 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6
Model 8 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
155 22488 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PROCESSOR_LEVEL=6
152 22640 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PROCESSOR_REVISION=0803
181 22821 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files
152 22973 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: PS1=${SO}[\u@\h:\w]${SE}\n$
152 23125 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
153 23278 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: SE=[0;32;40m
152 23430 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: SHELL=/bin/bash
150 23580 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: SHLVL=1
150 23730 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: SO=[0;34;47m
152 23882 [main] kill 2000 environ_init:
Engineering\Team_ModelingSimulation\EndEndNetworkModel\Version Control
156 24038 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: SYSTEMDRIVE=C:
150 24188 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: SYSTEMROOT=C:\WINNT
153 24341 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: TAO_ROOT=C:\tools\ACE_wrappers\TAO
153 24494 [main] kill 2000 getwinenv: can't set native for TEMP= since no
environ yet
161 24655 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\temp, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
86 24741 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINNT\temp =
normalize_win32_path (C:\WINNT\temp)
86 24827 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\temp)
228 25055 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: posix /tmp
79 25134 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: native TEMP=C:\WINNT\temp
102 25236 [main] kill 2000 posify: env var converted to TEMP=/tmp
151 25387 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: TEMP=/tmp
152 25539 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: TERM=xterm-color
153 25692 [main] kill 2000 getwinenv: can't set native for TMP= since no
environ yet
156 25848 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path:
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\temp, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 25932 [main] kill 2000 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINNT\temp =
normalize_win32_path (C:\WINNT\temp)
84 26016 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp =
conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINNT\temp)
225 26241 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: posix /tmp
79 26320 [main] kill 2000 win_env::add_cache: native TMP=C:\WINNT\temp
80 26400 [main] kill 2000 posify: env var converted to TMP=/tmp
151 26551 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: TMP=/tmp
151 26702 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: TZ=MST7
159 26861 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: USER=rankin_r
152 27013 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: USERDOMAIN=SATCOM_PAYLOAD
150 27163 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: USERNAME=rankin_r
175 27338 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and
155 27493 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: WINDIR=C:\WINNT
151 27644 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: WINDOWID=4194306
171 27815 [main] kill 2000 environ_init: _=/usr/bin/strace
416 28231 [main] kill 2000 pinfo_init: pid 2000, pgid 2000
178 28409 [main] kill 2000 dtable::extend: size 32, fds 0x12020014
1832 30241 [main] kill 2000 internal_getlogin: Domain: SATCOM_PAYLOAD, Logon
Server: NGS-FS1
1088 31329 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (0)
171 31500 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: fd not open
87 31587 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (1)
84 31671 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: fd not open
80 31751 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (2)
80 31831 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: fd not open
92 31923 [main] kill 2000 _open: open (/etc/passwd, 0x20000)
142 32065 [main] kill 2000 dtable::build_fhandler: some disk file - cb 56,
fd 3, fh 0x1202011C
91 32156 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::open: (/etc/passwd, 0x20000)
147 32303 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
conv_to_win32_path (/etc/passwd)
90 32393 [main] kill 2000 normalize_posix_path: src /etc/passwd
82 32475 [main] kill 2000 normalize_posix_path: /etc/passwd =
normalize_posix_path (/etc/passwd)
91 32566 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
C:\cygwin\etc\passwd(rel), C:\cygwin\etc\passwd(abs) 0x8(flags) =
conv_to_win32_path (/etc/passwd)
335 32901 [main] kill 2000 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
111 33012 [main] kill 2000 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check
(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x240EAD9) (0x8)
298 33310 [main] kill 2000 path_conv::check: GetVolumeInformation(C:\) =
OK, full_path(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd), set_has_acls(8)
129 33439 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: (C:\cygwin\etc\passwd,
360 33799 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: 216 = CreateFileA
(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x80000000, 0x7, 0x6108EDB4, 0x3, 0x80, 0)
121 33920 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: filemode set to text
88 34008 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open
(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x20000)
87 34095 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::open: 1 =
fhandler_disk_file::open (C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x20000)
84 34179 [main] kill 2000 _open: 3 = open (/etc/passwd, 0x20000)
82 34261 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (3)
82 34343 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
134 34477 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::fstat: 1 =
GetFileInformationByHandle (C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 216)
107 34584 [main] kill 2000 get_nt_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\etc\passwd
89 34673 [main] kill 2000 read_sd: file = C:\cygwin\etc\passwd
270 34943 [main] kill 2000 read_sd: file = C:\cygwin\etc\passwd: len=92
135 35078 [main] kill 2000 _open: open (/etc/passwd, 0x20000)
213 35291 [main] kill 2000 dtable::build_fhandler: some disk file - cb 56,
fd 4, fh 0x12020294
90 35381 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::open: (/etc/passwd, 0x20000)
130 35511 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
conv_to_win32_path (/etc/passwd)
87 35598 [main] kill 2000 normalize_posix_path: src /etc/passwd
90 35688 [main] kill 2000 normalize_posix_path: /etc/passwd =
normalize_posix_path (/etc/passwd)
92 35780 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
C:\cygwin\etc\passwd(rel), C:\cygwin\etc\passwd(abs) 0x8(flags) =
conv_to_win32_path (/etc/passwd)
232 36012 [main] kill 2000 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
99 36111 [main] kill 2000 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check
(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x240D2D9) (0x8)
294 36405 [main] kill 2000 path_conv::check: GetVolumeInformation(C:\) =
OK, full_path(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd), set_has_acls(8)
116 36521 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: (C:\cygwin\etc\passwd,
348 36869 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: 212 = CreateFileA
(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x80000000, 0x7, 0x6108EDB4, 0x3, 0x80, 0)
122 36991 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: filemode set to text
86 37077 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open
(C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x20000)
86 37163 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::open: 1 =
fhandler_disk_file::open (C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x20000)
85 37248 [main] kill 2000 _open: 4 = open (/etc/passwd, 0x20000)
117 37365 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (4)
83 37448 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
123 37571 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::fstat: 1 =
GetFileInformationByHandle (C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 212)
96 37667 [main] kill 2000 get_nt_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\etc\passwd
110 37777 [main] kill 2000 read_sd: file = C:\cygwin\etc\passwd
247 38024 [main] kill 2000 read_sd: file = C:\cygwin\etc\passwd: len=92
114 38138 [main] kill 2000 _open: open (/etc/group, 0x20000)
173 38311 [main] kill 2000 dtable::build_fhandler: some disk file - cb 56,
fd 5, fh 0x1202040C
89 38400 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::open: (/etc/group, 0x20000)
150 38550 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
conv_to_win32_path (/etc/group)
87 38637 [main] kill 2000 normalize_posix_path: src /etc/group
82 38719 [main] kill 2000 normalize_posix_path: /etc/group =
normalize_posix_path (/etc/group)
92 38811 [main] kill 2000 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
C:\cygwin\etc\group(rel), C:\cygwin\etc\group(abs) 0x8(flags) =
conv_to_win32_path (/etc/group)
225 39036 [main] kill 2000 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
97 39133 [main] kill 2000 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check
(C:\cygwin\etc\group, 0x240BD79) (0x8)
264 39397 [main] kill 2000 path_conv::check: GetVolumeInformation(C:\) =
OK, full_path(C:\cygwin\etc\group), set_has_acls(8)
115 39512 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: (C:\cygwin\etc\group,
336 39848 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: 220 = CreateFileA
(C:\cygwin\etc\group, 0x80000000, 0x7, 0x6108EDB4, 0x3, 0x80, 0)
120 39968 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: filemode set to text
84 40052 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::open: 1 = fhandler_base::open
(C:\cygwin\etc\group, 0x20000)
86 40138 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::open: 1 =
fhandler_disk_file::open (C:\cygwin\etc\group, 0x20000)
118 40256 [main] kill 2000 _open: 5 = open (/etc/group, 0x20000)
83 40339 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (5)
82 40421 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
122 40543 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::fstat: 1 =
GetFileInformationByHandle (C:\cygwin\etc\group, 220)
96 40639 [main] kill 2000 get_nt_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\etc\group
84 40723 [main] kill 2000 read_sd: file = C:\cygwin\etc\group
431 41154 [main] kill 2000 read_sd: file = C:\cygwin\etc\group: len=92
328 41482 [main] kill 2000 get_nt_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\etc\group 1FF,
uid 0, gid 0
109 41591 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::fstat: 0 = fstat (,
0x240C414) st_atime=39F4B372 st_size=280, st_mode=0x81FF, st_ino=149891,
91 41682 [main] kill 2000 _fstat: 0 = fstat (5, 240C414)
122 41804 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (5)
83 41887 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: get_*_binary
84 41971 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was cle now raw
80 42051 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (5, binary) returns text
82 42133 [main] kill 2000 _read: read (5, 0xA011E70, 1024) blocking,
sigcatchers 0
103 42236 [main] kill 2000 _read: non-interruptible read
175 42411 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::read: returning 280 chars, binary
89 42500 [main] kill 2000 _read: 280 = read (5</etc/group>, 0xA011E70,
1024), errno 0
85 42585 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (5)
83 42668 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
116 42784 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was raw now cle
81 42865 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (5, text) returns binary
1464 44329 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (5)
81 44410 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: get_*_binary
80 44490 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was cle now raw
81 44571 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (5, binary) returns text
81 44652 [main] kill 2000 _read: read (5, 0xA011E70, 1024) blocking,
sigcatchers 0
81 44733 [main] kill 2000 _read: non-interruptible read
88 44821 [main] kill 2000 _read: 0 = read (5</etc/group>, 0xA011E70,
1024), errno 0
83 44904 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (5)
81 44985 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
81 45066 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was raw now cle
81 45147 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (5, text) returns binary
115 45262 [main] kill 2000 _close: close (5)
83 45345 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::close: handle 0xDC
150 45495 [main] kill 2000 _close: 0 = close (5)
120 45615 [main] kill 2000 get_nt_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\etc\passwd
1FF, uid 0, gid 513
88 45703 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::fstat: 0 = fstat (,
0x240D964) st_atime=39F4B372 st_size=728, st_mode=0x81FF, st_ino=149890,
91 45794 [main] kill 2000 _fstat: 0 = fstat (4, 240D964)
84 45878 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (4)
81 45959 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: get_*_binary
81 46040 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was cle now raw
82 46122 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (4, binary) returns text
81 46203 [main] kill 2000 _read: read (4, 0xA011E70, 1024) blocking,
sigcatchers 0
83 46286 [main] kill 2000 _read: non-interruptible read
147 46433 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::read: returning 728 chars, binary
87 46520 [main] kill 2000 _read: 728 = read (4</etc/passwd>, 0xA011E70,
1024), errno 0
85 46605 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (4)
81 46686 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
82 46768 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was raw now cle
80 46848 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (4, text) returns binary
965 47813 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (4)
82 47895 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: get_*_binary
82 47977 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was cle now raw
81 48058 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (4, binary) returns text
80 48138 [main] kill 2000 _read: read (4, 0xA011E70, 1024) blocking,
sigcatchers 0
81 48219 [main] kill 2000 _read: non-interruptible read
88 48307 [main] kill 2000 _read: 0 = read (4</etc/passwd>, 0xA011E70,
1024), errno 0
82 48389 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (4)
82 48471 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
80 48551 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was raw now cle
80 48631 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (4, text) returns binary
81 48712 [main] kill 2000 _close: close (4)
81 48793 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::close: handle 0xD4
123 48916 [main] kill 2000 _close: 0 = close (4)
195 49111 [main] kill 2000 get_nt_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\etc\passwd
1FF, uid 544, gid 513
108 49219 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_disk_file::fstat: 0 = fstat (,
0x240F164) st_atime=39F4B372 st_size=728, st_mode=0x81FF, st_ino=149890,
92 49311 [main] kill 2000 _fstat: 0 = fstat (3, 240F164)
85 49396 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (3)
81 49477 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: get_*_binary
80 49557 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was cle now raw
81 49638 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (3, binary) returns text
80 49718 [main] kill 2000 _read: read (3, 0xA011E70, 1024) blocking,
sigcatchers 0
82 49800 [main] kill 2000 _read: non-interruptible read
115 49915 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::read: returning 728 chars, binary
86 50001 [main] kill 2000 _read: 728 = read (3</etc/passwd>, 0xA011E70,
1024), errno 0
83 50084 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (3)
81 50165 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
108 50273 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was raw now cle
81 50354 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (3, text) returns binary
1253 51607 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (3)
99 51706 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: _cifs: get_*_binary
83 51789 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was cle now raw
81 51870 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (3, binary) returns text
82 51952 [main] kill 2000 _read: read (3, 0xA011E70, 1024) blocking,
sigcatchers 0
82 52034 [main] kill 2000 _read: non-interruptible read
89 52123 [main] kill 2000 _read: 0 = read (3</etc/passwd>, 0xA011E70,
1024), errno 0
85 52208 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio (3)
80 52288 [main] kill 2000 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio:
_cygwin_istext_for_stdio says yes
81 52369 [main] kill 2000 setmode_helper: setmode: file was raw now cle
80 52449 [main] kill 2000 setmode: setmode (3, text) returns binary
82 52531 [main] kill 2000 _close: close (3)
80 52611 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::close: handle 0xD8
177 52788 [main] kill 2000 _close: 0 = close (3)
118 52906 [main] kill 2000 internal_getlogin: Cygwins Username: rankin_r
311 53217 [main] kill 2000 sigproc_init: process/signal handling
856 54073 [sig] kill 2000 wait_sig: sigcatch_nonmain 0xFC, sigcatch_main
141 54214 [sig] kill 2000 wait_sig: Ready. dwProcessid 2000
76886 131100 [main] kill 2000 tty_list::allocate_tty: console A0288 already
associated with tty0
476 131576 [main] kill 2000 dtable::build_fhandler: {stdin} - cb 56, fd 0,
fh 0x1202011C
115 131691 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_base
for handle 0x25C
85 131776 [main] kill 2000 dtable::init_std_file_from_handle: fd 0, handle
192 131968 [main] kill 2000 dtable::build_fhandler: some disk file - cb 56,
fd 1, fh 0x12020294
91 132059 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_base
for handle 0xF0
83 132142 [main] kill 2000 dtable::init_std_file_from_handle: fd 1, handle
134 132276 [main] kill 2000 dtable::build_fhandler: {stderr} - cb 56, fd 2,
fh 0x1202040C
86 132362 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_base
for handle 0x1E8
91 132453 [main] kill 2000 dtable::init_std_file_from_handle: fd 2, handle
160 132613 [main] kill 2000 build_argv: argv[0] = 'kill'
82 132695 [main] kill 2000 build_argv: argv[1] = '1900'
109 132804 [main] kill 2000 build_argv: argc 2
81 132885 [main] kill 2000 dll_list::init: here
86 132971 [main] kill 2000 dll_crt0_1: user_data->main 0x401080
100 133071 [main] kill 2000 sig_send: pid 2000, signal -2, its_me 1
85 133156 [main] kill 2000 sig_send: Waiting for thiscomplete 0x110
98 133254 [sig] kill 2000 wait_sig: awake
93 133347 [sig] kill 2000 wait_sig: processing signal -2
85 133432 [sig] kill 2000 wait_sig: looping
120 133552 [main] kill 2000 sig_send: returning 0 from sending signal -2
202 133754 [main] kill 2000 _kill: kill (1900, 15)
141 133895 [main] kill 2000 sig_send: pid 1900, signal 15, its_me 0
87 133982 [main] kill 2000 getsem: pid 1900, ppid 1452, wait 10000,
initializing 0
155 134137 [main] kill 2000 sig_send: returning 1 from sending signal 15
85 134222 [main] kill 2000 kill_worker: 1 = sig_send, Win32 error 2
80 134302 [main] kill 2000 kill_worker: -1 = kill_worker (1900, 15)
138 134440 [main] kill 2000 _write: write (2, 0x240FA64, 9)
87 134527 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: text write
100 134627 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: 9 = write (0x240FA64, 9)
91 134718 [main] kill 2000 _write: 9 = write (2, 0x240FA64, 9)
82 134800 [main] kill 2000 _write: write (2, 0x61072F10, 2)
82 134882 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: text write
87 134969 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: 2 = write (0x61072F10, 2)
83 135052 [main] kill 2000 _write: 2 = write (2, 0x61072F10, 2)
92 135144 [main] kill 2000 _write: write (2, 0x61009F7C, 9)
120 135264 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: text write
87 135351 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: 9 = write (0x61009F7C, 9)
83 135434 [main] kill 2000 _write: 9 = write (2, 0x61009F7C, 9)
84 135518 [main] kill 2000 _write: write (2, 0x610972E7, 1)
81 135599 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: text write
87 135686 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::write: 1 = write (0x610972E7, 1)
91 135777 [main] kill 2000 _write: 1 = write (2, 0x610972E7, 1)
92 135869 [main] kill 2000 do_exit: do_exit (0)
82 135951 [main] kill 2000 void: 0x0 = signal (20, 0x1)
82 136033 [main] kill 2000 void: 0x0 = signal (1, 0x1)
79 136112 [main] kill 2000 void: 0x0 = signal (2, 0x1)
79 136191 [main] kill 2000 void: 0x0 = signal (3, 0x1)
87 136278 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::close: handle 0x25C
91 136369 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::close: handle 0xF0
88 136457 [main] kill 2000 fhandler_base::close: handle 0x1E8
90 136547 [main] kill 2000 proc_terminate: nchildren 0, nzombies 0
81 136628 [main] kill 2000 proc_terminate: leaving
79 136707 [main] kill 2000 sigproc_terminate: entering
91 136798 [main] kill 2000 sigproc_terminate: done
79 136877 [main] kill 2000 do_exit: 2000 == pgrp 2000, send SIG{HUP,CONT}
to stopped children
88 136965 [main] kill 2000 do_exit: 2000 == pgrp 2000, send SIG{HUP,CONT}
to stopped children
147 137112 [main] kill 2000 kill_pgrp: pid 2000, sig -1
3735 140847 [main] kill 2000 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 1560,
cygwin pid 1452
548 141395 [main] kill 2000 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 308,
cygwin pid 692
483 141878 [main] kill 2000 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 1680,
cygwin pid 656
166 142044 [main] kill 2000 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 1980,
cygwin pid 1508
557 142601 [main] kill 2000 kill_pgrp: -1 = kill (2000, -1)
175 142776 [main] kill 2000 do_exit: 2000 == sid 2000, send SIGHUP to
188 142964 [main] kill 2000 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0, dwLowDateTime
84 143048 [main] kill 2000 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 0000001E
84 143132 [main] kill 2000 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0, dwLowDateTime
1483 144615 [main] kill 2000 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 0000001E
181 144796 [main] kill 2000 _pinfo::exit: Calling ExitProcess 0
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