Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/10/23/10:14:11
--- Chris Abbey <cabbey AT bresnanlink DOT net> wrote:
> At 21:57 10/18/00 +0300, Jari Aalto+list.cygwin wrote:
> > GNU bash, version 2.04.0(1)-release (i586-pc-cygwin)
> >
> > I was under the impression that bash would certainly recognize
> > the /cygdrive/x/.... but it doesn't. The TAB key is dead if
> > I try:
> >
> > $ cd /cygd[TAB]
> > $ cd /cygdrive/[TAB]
> >
> > I think this is a bug or unimplemented feature.
> >
> > Jari
> non-existent feature. feel free to submit a patch to gnu for bash.
> The "problem" is that it only looks in the filesystem for potential
> tab completion answers, not in the mount table, and certainly not in
> a synthetic mount table like /cygdrive/. I would suspect you can
> work around this the same way as I do for most of my other mount
> points in / by creating an empty file with the same name. note that
> the standard POSIX "touch the file" mentality won't work, this needs
> to be done in windows explorer. Simply open c:\cygwin\ (or whatever)
> and rightclick, choose new -> text document, type the mountpoint's name
> for the filename, then say yes to changing the extension (if you're
> asked). Repeat for all mount points. Most file tools will correctly
> see this "file" as a directory. Cygdrive, however, is a bit different...
> to get the most natural behaviour, create a directory named cygdrive
> (again in windows explorer) then within that create directories for
> each of your drives... this will allow the same rapid tab completion
> as you would get for any other directory. (yes, I actually would type
> it as: 'cd /cygd<tab>d<tab>win<tab>' in order to get 'cd /cygdrive/d/winnt'
> because, for me at least, tab is easier to hit at full speed than /
> is.)
David, how about adding an entry to the FAQ for this?
Earnie Boyd
mailto:earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com
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