Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/10/03/20:13:28
Trying to give more information.
You wrote:"In terms of writing programs which do not need the cygwin.dll,
that is what mingw is all about."
My problem about this was: Of the library I need I just had the headers,
some .cpp and a configure script, which created the makefiles (The name of
the library is GiNaC, a lib for symbolic computation, see
for more information and if this is of any interest). As I somewhere read
that "porting ``Unix-type'' code is not necessarily trivial." I decided to
stick to cygwin 'cause it provided the POSIX functionality. I hoped the
-mno-cygwin flag would allow to build cygwin.dll independent executables
(The institute I work for just uses WinNT...). Unfortunately I didn't read
or understand the HowTo I wrote of in my last mail (
The author describes that one needs the mingw headers and libs to use the
-mno-cygwin and, well, it seems, I don't have these because I built the
library with the cygwin gcc. Unfortunately no workaround was given in the
HowTo so does anyone else have an idea how to make it work anyway.
eg would it be worth trying to build the whole library with the flag, or
should I better switch to Mingw32 (If yes has anybody information about
porting from POSIX to winpaths etc) or UWIN.
Hoping this gave more of the information you needed
T. Utz
Paul Garceau schrieb:
> Cross posted to Mingw users mailing list.
> On 3 Oct 2000, at 16:26, the Illustrious Tilman Utz wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I've got a question concerning the mno-cygwin Flag.
> > What I wanted to do:
> > I have to write a program for win32 which relies on libraries
> > written for gcc (these libraries contain some functions which can
> > only be understood by gcc). I finally got the libs working, what
> > I'd like to know now is, whether it would be possible to write
> > programs not needing the cygwin dll. The mno-cygwin Flag I
> > already tried out, but after reading Mumit Khan's HowTo it didn't
> > work (maybe I didn't understand him properly, I'm a newbie on
> > this issue).
> I'm afraid we need more info. -mno-cygwin, afaik, is supposed
> to eliminate dependency on cygwin.dll. It was designed that
> way.
> In terms of "Mumit Khans HowTo", there is not enough
> information to give an accurate reply.
> In terms of writing programs which do not need the cygwin.dll,
> that is what mingw is all about.
> Again, more information is needed.
> Thanks,
> Paul G.
> >So is it possible at all to link programs relying on
> > libs as I described in a way, the .exe doesn't need the cygwin
> > dll and if the information I gave is not enough, what else do you
> > need?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Tilman
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