Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/09/08/12:21:08
Has any gotten sshd to run as a service under Win2K (either Professional or
It works fine if I run it from the command line, but I cannot get it to run
as a service. I also cannot get inetd to run as a service. Details below.
Here begins a long message of things I've tried, so please be patient.
Windows 2000 Professional or Server, with Service Pack 1
Cygwin 1.1.4
OpenSSH 2.2.0p1
instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from the Win2K Server Resource Kit
-- I tried instsrv.exe and srvany.exe from the NT resource
kit and got the same results
CYGWIN env var is empty
Cygwin installed at C:\cygwin
(1) Acquired the OpenSSH source from:
and unpacked it.
(2) Modified /etc/passwd to set up a home directory, following suggestions
in /usr/doc/Cygwin/login.README and openssh-2.2.0p1.README
(3) /usr/local/bin/ssh-config
(4) /usr/local/sbin/sshd.exe
(5) ssh localhost
At this point, everything worked. I could log into the machines from FreeBSD
machines, from other Windows boxes, scp, etc. I was happy. I was even able
to build rsync 2.4.6 and, using ssh as a transport, rsync between the W2K
boxes and some FreeBSD machines.
Then I realized that I needed to run it as a service. So here's the service
process (all this done as user Administrator):
(1) Install Win2K Server Resource Kit and copy instsrv.exe and srvany.exe to
(2) instsrv sshd "C:\\cygwin\\usr\\local\\bin\\srvany.exe"
-- Service installs successfully
(3) Run the following through regedit:
(4) net start sshd
-- Response:
The sshd service is starting.
The sshd service was started successfully.
(5) ps
-- Response:
1050 -1 08:58:15 /usr/bin/ps.exe
1000 -1 08:18:51 /usr/bin/bash.exe
Nothing is listening on port 22 on the machine. Checking the task manager, I
see that srvany.exe is indeed running. But sshd.exe is not.
I then tried to set things up to run under inetd. I followed the
instructions on an earlier message I found on the mailing list archives. I
got it installed as a service, but when I try to start it:
The service is not responding to the control function.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2186.
So I can only run sshd when I run it from the command line. I get the same
results on either Win2K Professional or Server.
If anyone has gotten sshd to work as a service under Win2K, please let me
know how you did it.
Tommy Williams <tommyw AT microsoft DOT com>
Microsoft bCentral <>
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