Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/09/05/17:08:48
[Responses interleaved]
"Charles S. Wilson" wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> >
> > but this also means that mingw32 program won't use the cygwin compiled
> > libpng if it is there? is that acceptable?
> cygwin-libpng.dll depends on cygwin1.dll, which implements many of the
> runtime functions, such as printf(), startup code, etc.
> A mingw program (or mingw-libpng.dll, for that matter), depends on
> crt.dll (or msvcrt.dll, depending on which flavor of mingw you're
> using). crt.dll (or msvcrt.dll) implement printf(), startup code, etc.
> Not necessarily, if the PATH settings (or insuring that all dll's and
> exe's go into the same directory) are sufficient to prevent problems.
Wouldn't that require launching every executable from a console shell where $PATH
can be manipulated? Having built an Ap, might I not reasonably want to launch it
from a desktop icon? Of course, the icon can be for a script - but I don't care
to see the extra DOS box, thanks.
> I don't think so, personally. As distasteful and painful as renaming all
> the dll's is, it *may*, repeat *may*, be the best option. I believe
> Chris is proactively doing some research; it is possible that we can do
> something else, and avoid the 'cyg' prefix -- like using the 'AppPath'
> registry or something.
> It's just that there is an ingrained desire to stay as unix-like as
> possible -- and that means, libraries start with 'lib', not 'cyg'.
What about "libpng2" for both IF AND ONLY IF they expose an interface identical to
the XNix equivalent, "libpng2-cyg" & "libpng2-mng" if not; from within the
library, reference "cygwin1" or "crt-mng" or whatever: different names because
those do not expose an identical interface. The user of, say, "libpng2" should
not need to care at all what libraries his "server" lib uses.
> If AppPath can fix the problem, then I'd prefer that cygwin's install.exe
> set the appropriate registry entry whenever installing an executable.
> This won't catch *everything*, but dagnabbit, I'm tired of packages
> installing themselves with cp (which break on cygwin thanks to the .exe
> suffix). They oughta use install.
Aha! One more damn'd learning experience. Can everything be installed?
F'rinstance, there are packages out there that say "just untar this into
/usr/local." Should I be using "install" instead?
David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"Don't buy or use crappy software"
"By the grace of God I am a Christian man,
by my actions a great sinner" -- The Way of a Pilgrim [R. M. French, tr.]
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