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Hello, I followed the discussion about my first mail. I received an info about a possible .bashrc file and I did'not see it on the mailing list so I send a copy. Maybe somebody would be interested in. I would not be able to do the test before a week, so if anybody wants to try ... >From: "Robert Praetorius" > >A slightly relevant addition to the bash discussion. I >discovered, almost accidentally, after not having read that part of >the bash docs for years, that bash has a facility for encapsulating >special characters in prompt strings so that they don't cause cause >confusion in line wrap calculations, etc. > >you aren't required to put a newline in your prompt string >to clear the effects of special characters. >All you have to is put \[ . . . \] around the special characters. >Here is what I have in my ~/.bashrc (last line is what matters): Here is a copy of the last line of this .bashrc file : export PS1='\[^[]0;\u@\h \w^G^[[32m\]$\[^[[0m\] ' Richard -- Richard GRENON ONERA Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI BP 72, 92322 CHATILLON CEDEX - FRANCE phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17 fax : +33 1 46 73 41 46 mailto:Richard DOT Grenon AT onera DOT fr -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
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