Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/08/09/10:02:10
Charles S. Wilson wrote :
>But, you know what? Since nobody bothered
>to report any of these problems at the time,
>and only happened to mention them in passing
>almost a month later -- I no longer care.
>You obviously have known about
>the problem with libpng, libz and OpenDX
>for some time, but neglected to
>tell anybody about it.
Sorry Chuck, but you cannot tell this : I am doing some tests with
Cygwin only at home mainly on week-ends and I discovered the libz.dll
problem 10 days ago with Cygwin1.1.2 and the libpng.dll problem 4 days
ago when I updated to Cygwin1.1.4. I posted to the opendx-users list and
I sent a copy to the cygwin-xfree list when I discovered the libpng.dll
problem (I am not a specialist and I thought that it was an Xfree
problem). Maybe I should have sent a copy to the cygwin list also and I
forgot for libz.dll, sorry. But be sure that I report a problem each
time I get one : see my little "Some comment about Cygwin1.1.4" on
Monday and the lot of mails that came after (it was really a surprise
for me).
>P.P.S. I'd recommend that applications NOT
>include their own versions of system dll's
>(like libz, libpng, libtiff, etc). They should be
>compiled to work with the 'official' versions.
I agree with you. Why is not it so ? The result is that you can't
install an application from a binary just by following the Readme file
if you don't have the same Cygwin installation as that was used to
compile. Too many dll's with the same name. In the OpenDX case, I had
the Cygwin libz.dll, the X11R6 libz.dll and the OpenDX libz.dll! But it
seems that all are compatible since Cygwin1.1.4
Richard GRENON
Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
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