Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/07/25/08:58:53
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I have in the past had cygwin 20.1 installed (in c:\) but the machine
has gone through a complete clean installation of everything including
formatting the hard drives - so you could take this as a clean install.
Attached is the output of cygcheck -s -v -r run from a cmd shell.
Earnie Boyd wrote:
> =
> Are we to assume that you already had Cygwin installed into the root of=
> Can you provide the output of `cygcheck -s -v -r' pasted in a mail?
> =
> Cheers,
> Earnie.
> --- James Nord <teilo AT cdt DOT luth DOT se> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am having problems with the latest cygwin toolkit (net release).
> >
> > As I installed the toolkit under c:\cygwin and not c:\ I get various
> > errors.
> >
> > Is there a way (config file/reg entry or otherwise to tell the tools
> > where thay are installed?)
> >
> > An example of the errors follow:
> >
> > >bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create!
> >
> > >bash-2.04$ man man
> > >Warning: cannot open configuration file /usr/lib/man.conf
> > >No manual entry for man
> >
> > > bash-2.04$ man -M /cygwin/usr/man man
> > > Warning: cannot open configuration file /usr/lib/man.conf
> > > Error executing formatting or display command.
> > > System command (cd /cygwin/usr/man ; (echo -e ".pl 1100i"; cat
> > /cygwin/usr/man/man1/man.1; echo ".pl \n(nlu+10") | /usr/bin/tbl |
> > /usr/bin/groff -Tlatin1 -mandoc | /usr/bin/less -is) exited with stat=
> > 32512.
> > > No manual entry for man
> >
> > I also changed /cygwin/etc/profile to update the man paths etc... but=
> > this does not get read either - which is kind of obvious :-/
> >
> > If it is only possible with re-conpilation will I be able to get away=
> > with only compiling bash and setting everything else up using specifi=
> > env. variables?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > /James
> >
> > --
> > Technology is a word that describes something that doesn't work yet.
> > Douglas Adams
> >
> > --
> > Want to unsubscribe from this list?
> > Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
> >
> =
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Technology is a word that describes something that doesn't work yet.
Douglas Adams
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Cygnus Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Tue Jul 25 14:53:34 2000
WinNT Ver 5.0 build 2195
Path: /WINNT/system32
SysDir: C:\WINNT\System32
WinDir: C:\WINNT
HOME = `/cygdrive/p'
PWD = `/cygdrive/p'
!EXITCODE = `00000000'
!P: = `P:\'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\teilo\Application Data'
CLASSPATH = `C:\Program Files\Exceed'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
COMSPEC = `C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe'
HOMESHARE = `\\cdt-lisa\teilo'
HOSTTYPE = `i586'
MACHTYPE = `i586-pc-cygwin'
OS2LIBPATH = `C:\WINNT\system32\os2\dll;'
OS = `Windows_NT'
OSTYPE = `cygwin'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = `x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel'
PROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files'
SHELL = `/bin/sh'
SHLVL = `1'
TEMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\teilo\LOCALS~1\Temp'
TERM = `cygwin'
TMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\teilo\LOCALS~1\Temp'
USERNAME = `teilo'
USERPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\teilo'
_ = `/cygwin/bin/cygcheck'
TZ = `WEST-1WEDT-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3'
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
(default) = `/cygdrive'
cygdrive flags = 0x00000020
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/
(default) = `C:'
flags = 0x00000000
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu\Programs\Cygnus Solutions
(default) = (unsupported type)
a: fd N/A N/A
c: hd NTFS 6612Mb 35% CP CS UN PA FC WIN 2000
d: hd FAT32 24587Mb 56% CP UN SHARED
e: cd CDFS 0Mb -2147483548% CS Audio CD
f: cd N/A N/A
m: net NTFS 8164Mb 98% CP CS PA mp3
p: net NTFS 133092Mb 67% CP CS PA teilo
t: net NTFS 2732Mb 77% PA ??
w: net NTFS 66544Mb 72% CP CS PA windows
C: / user textmode
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cpp.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\gdb.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ld.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\make.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
83k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygitcl30.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygitcl30.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/11 5:34
35k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygitk30.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygitk30.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/11 5:34
402k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtcl80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygtcl80.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/11 5:30
5k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtclpip80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
10k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtclreg80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygtclreg80.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/11 5:30
639k 2000/06/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtk80.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygtk80.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/11 5:34
575k 2000/06/07 C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygwin1.dll" v0.0 ts=2000/6/7 4:20
Use -h to see help about each section
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