Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/07/05/11:30:37
Shiv Kumar wrote:
> Hi group
> I am happy that the latest release is bundled with Cygwin version of VIM. Way to
> go!
> 1. Why do we have these two files, vi.exe and vim.exe in the /bin directory?
> Is there any difference between the two.
> 2. If I try to run another VIM script (eg matchit.vim) using :source command
> inside VIM or in _vimrc file, it complains about trailing ^M characters.
> But I dont see any ^M chars in that file.
> 3. Some of my map commands does not work. Eg, :map <C-Q> :q!<CR> does not work
> when I press CTRL+q. Similarly <C-S> also does not work.
> 4. Any file with :syntax on is very hard to read with a black background. The
> colors were all decent when I used Win32 version of VIM. Where does
> cygwin-vim pick sytax coloring from?
> Any help? Thanks.
If I understand correctly, you mean that vim is bundled with
Cygwin. This sounds like a Good Thing.
1. Perhaps these are different links to the same executable. The binary
can "peek" at the name under which it was called and decide whether to
run in compatible mode. From a Cygwin shell, try
ls -l vi*exe
and check for the number of links (man ls for details). If both vi.exe
and vim.exe are listed as having the same number (more than one) of
links and they have the same number of bytes, this is probably what is
going on.
2. This sounds like a file-format problem. I have no idea what Cygwin,
or the Cygnus-compatible compilation of vim, expect, and I refuse to
memorize which format uses CR and which uses LF and which uses both.
Try variations on
:e matchit.vim
:set ff=unix " or dos or mac, for that matter
:so %
Assuming that your _vimrc is being sourced correctly, you could also
check its file format (:set ff) and make sure that your scripts match.
3. Is it all control characters or just <C-S> and <C-Q>? These have a
special meaning in a lot of UNIX-like terminal windows (viz, stop and
resume output to the screen) and these may be grabbed before vim gets
them. You did say vim.exe and not gvim.exe, didn't you?
4. There may be a system vimrc file getting in your way. Check the
output of :version and try to figure out what is going on.
HTH --Benji Fisher
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