Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/05/18/13:15:32

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Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 18:09:05 +0100
To: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
From: Alexander Anderson <lists AT almide DOT demon DOT co DOT uk>
Subject: CygWin user tools (B20): help with installing extras
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Dear Cygwin mailing list,

    I use NT4 (ServicePack 3) for texty, webby design stuff.

    Although  I'm not a UNIX "guru", I'd like to use UNIX commands some-
times, because I can't stand NT DOS and I can never find out how to  op-
erate  it  these days.  So I was told about Cygwin on IRC, and installed
Cygwin's (b20) unix tools for Windoze.

    I have downloaded the groff tar.gz binary (ported by Michael  Henke)
and after a little bit of teething troubles, gotten groff to work.  This
was my main goal in getting Cygwin.

    However, I would also like to have the  man  pages  working.   So  I
downloaded  the  man binaries (ported by Pierre Humblet) and unzipped it
with WinZip.  I followed Humblet's instructions but have  had  difficul-

    I think the chief problem is that the binaries are compiled with as-
sumptions about defaults hardwired into them.  For instance, the config-
uration  file  this compilation of man uses is hardwired into the binary
and is by default an absolute pathname: "/usr/local/lib/man.conf".  How-
ever, there's a "-C" override for it, which I used successfully.

    However,  beyond that I've come really unstuck.  Man just refuses to
do any manual pages for me.  What's really perplexing, is  that  when  I
run man with the "-D" diagnostics option, the composite shell command it
says it balks at, when fed into the command line actually _does_ produce
man pages!

    However,  I'm  now  at  the limit of my knowledge and therefore sub-
scribed to this "cygwin" mailing list in order to make further progress.

    I'd  be  very  grateful for any advice and suggestions anyone has to
make about my "man" installation problem.

    (I know that there's now a Red Hat CD of Cygwin, but I want to avoid
such  a commitment.  At some time in the future, a year or so, depending
on how KDE/Gnome/Linux evolve I envisage jumping ship from NT and  going
to Linux as a Personal Computer end-user.)

    I've included below a collection of listings (copied direct from the
unix console on NT). Here's a sort of "table of contents" to them:


    1)    $ cat $MY_CYGNUS/cygnus.bat

    2)    $ cat $HOME/.bashrc

    3)    $ env

    4)    $ cat $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/lib/man.conf

    5)    $ man -C$MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/lib/man.conf -D man

    6)    $ (cd //U/usr/local/man ; (echo -e ".pl 1100i"; cat //U/usr/local/man/man1/man.1; echo ".pl \n(nlu+10") | $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/tbl | $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/nroff -Tascii -mandoc | $MY_CYGNUS/bin/less -is)

    7)    DOS tree structure of my Cygwin installation

1)  /WINNT/Profiles/kelsan/Desktop$    cat $MY_CYGNUS/cygnus.bat

    SET PATH=U:\usr\local\bin;U:\bin;.;%PATH%
    SET CYGWIN32=title tty
    SET HOME=J:\\Programming\Unix
    SUBST U: C:\Program_Files\cygnus\cygwin-b20
    SUBST U: /D

2)  /WINNT/Profiles/kelsan/Desktop$    cat $HOME/.bashrc

    PS1='\w\$ '
    PS2='> '

    export MY_CYGNUS=//U/

    export GROFF_FONT_PATH=$MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/share/groff/font
    export GROFF_TMAC_PATH=$MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/share/groff/tmac

    export CDPATH=$MY_CYGNUS

3)  /WINNT/Profiles/kelsan/Desktop$    env

    CYGWIN32=title tty
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 5 Model 2 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel

4)  /WINNT/Profiles/kelsan/Desktop$    cat $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/lib/man.conf

    # Generated automatically from by the
    # configure script.
    # man.conf
    # This file is read by man to configure the default manpath (also used
    # when MANPATH contains an empty substring), to find out where the cat
    # pages corresponding to given man pages should be stored,
    # and to map each PATH element to a manpath element.
    # It may also record the pathname of the man binary. [This is unused.]
    # The format is:
    # MANBIN                pathname
    # MANPATH               manpath_element [corresponding_catdir]
    # MANPATH_MAP           path_element    manpath_element
    # If no catdir is given, it is assumed to be equal to the mandir
    # (so that this dir has both man1 etc. and cat1 etc. subdirs).
    # This is the traditional Unix setup.
    # Certain versions of the FSSTND recommend putting formatted versions
    # of /usr/foopath/man/manx/page.x into /var/catman/foopath/catx/page.x.
    # The keyword FSSTND will cause this behaviour.
    # Certain versions of the FHS recommend putting formatted versions of
    # /usr/foopath/share/man/[locale/]manx/page.x into
    # /var/cache/man/foopath/[locale/]catx/page.x.
    # The keyword FHS will cause this behaviour (and overrides FSSTND).
    # Explicitly given catdirs override.
    # FSSTND
    # FHS
    # This file is also read by man in order to find how to call nroff, less, etc.,
    # and to determine the correspondence between extensions and decompressors.
    # MANBIN                /usr/local/bin/man
    # Every automatically generated MANPATH includes these fields
    # MANPATH       $MY_CYGNUS/usr/man
    MANPATH $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/man
    # MANPATH       $MY_CYGNUS/usr/X11R6/man
    # MANPATH /usr/lib/perl5/man
    # Set up PATH to MANPATH mapping
    # (these mappings are superfluous when the right hand side is
    # in the mandatory manpath already, but will keep man from statting
    # lots of other nearby files and directories)
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/bin                  $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/man
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/sbin                 $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/man
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/usr/bin              $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/man
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/usr/sbin             $MY_CYGNUS/usr/man
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin        $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/man
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/usr/X11R6/bin        $MY_CYGNUS/usr/X11R6/man
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/usr/bin/X11          $MY_CYGNUS/usr/X11R6/man
    # MANPATH_MAP   $MY_CYGNUS/usr/bin/mh           $MY_CYGNUS/usr/man
    # Useful paths - note that COL should not be defined when
    # NROFF is defined as "groff -Tascii" or "groff -Tlatin1";
    # not only is it superfluous, but it actually damages the output.
    TROFF           $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/groff -Tps -mandoc
    NROFF           $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/nroff -Tascii -mandoc
    EQN             $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/eqn -Tps
    NEQN            $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/eqn -Tascii
    TBL             $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/tbl
    # COL
    REFER           $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/refer
    PIC             $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/pic
    PAGER           $MY_CYGNUS/bin/less -is
    CAT             $MY_CYGNUS/bin/cat
    # The command "man -a xyzzy" will show all man pages for xyzzy.
    # When CMP is defined man will try to avoid showing the same
    # text twice.
    CMP             $MY_CYGNUS/bin/cmp -s
    # Compress cat pages
    COMPRESS        $MY_CYGNUS/bin/gzip
    COMPRESS_EXT    .gz
    # Default manual sections (and order) to search if -S is not specified
    # and the MANSECT environment variable is not set.
    MANSECT         1:8:2:3:4:5:6:7:9:tcl:n:l:p:o
    # Decompress with given decompressor when input file has given extension
    # The command given must act as a filter.
    .gz             $MY_CYGNUS/bin/gunzip -c
    .bz2            $MY_CYGNUS/bin/bzip2 -c -d
    .z              $MY_CYGNUS/bin/gunzip -c
    .Z              $MY_CYGNUS/bin/zcat

5)  /WINNT/Profiles/kelsan/Desktop$    man -C$MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/lib/man.conf -D man

    Reading config file //U//usr/local/lib/man.conf
    found man directory $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/man

    using $MY_CYGNUS/bin/less -is as pager

    path directory //U/usr/local/bin is not in the config file
    but there is a man directory nearby
    adding //U/usr/local/man to manpath

    path directory //U/bin is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    path directory . is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    path directory /WINNT/system32 is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    path directory /WINNT is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    path directory /Program_Files/Solomon is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    path directory /Program_Files/MYBATS.MY is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    path directory /Program_Files/NTreskit is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    path directory /Program_Files/NTreskit/Perl is not in the config file
    and we found no man directory nearby

    adding mandatory man directories

    will try to write //U/usr/local/man/cat1/man.1.gz if needed
    status from is_newer() = -2
    using default preprocessor sequence
    found tbl(1) directive
    Error executing formatting or display command.
    System command (cd //U/usr/local/man ; (echo -e ".pl 1100i"; cat //U/usr/local/man/man1/man.1; echo ".pl \n(nlu+10") | $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/tbl | $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/nroff -Tascii -mandoc | $MY_CYGNUS/bin/less -is) exited with status 32512.
    No manual entry for man

6)  /WINNT/Profiles/kelsan/Desktop$    (cd //U/usr/local/man ; (echo -e ".pl 1100i"; cat //U/usr/local/man/man1/man.1; echo ".pl \n(nlu+10") | $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/tbl | $MY_CYGNUS/usr/local/bin/nroff -Tascii -mandoc | $MY_CYGNUS/bin/less -is)

    man(1)                                                     man(1)

           man - format and display the on-line manual pages
           manpath - determine user's search path for man pages

           man [-acdfhkKtwW] [-m system] [-p string] [-C config_file]
           [-M path] [-P pager] [-S section_list] [section] name  ...

           man  formats  and displays the on-line manual pages.  This
           version knows about the MANPATH and (MAN)PAGER environment
           variables, so you can have your own set(s) of personal man
           pages and choose whatever program you like to display  the
           formatted  pages.  If section is specified, man only looks
           in that section of the manual.  You may also  specify  the
           order to search the sections for entries and which prepro-
           cessors to run  on  the  source  files  via  command  line
           options  or  environment  variables.  If name contains a /
           then it is first tried as a filename, so that you  can  do
           man ./foo.5 or even man /cd/foo/bar.1.gz.

           -C  config_file
                  Specify  the  man.conf  file to use; the default is
                  /usr/local/lib/man.conf.  (See man.conf(5).)

           -M  path
                  Specify the list of directories to search  for  man
                  pages.  If no such option is given, the environment
                  variable MANPATH is used. If  no  such  environment
                  variable  is  found,  the  default list is found by
                  consulting /usr/local/lib/man.conf.  An empty  sub-
                  string of MANPATH denotes the default list.

           -P  pager
                  Specify  which pager to use.  This option overrides
                  the MANPAGER environment variable,  which  in  turn
                  overrides the PAGER variable.  By default, man uses

           -S  section_list
                  List is a colon separated list of  manual  sections
                  to search.  This option overrides the MANSECT envi-
                  ronment variable.


7)  U:\>tree /A
    Directory PATH listing for volume NT4_SYSTEM
    Volume serial number is 0012FC94 6038:B837
    |   \---locale
    |       +---de
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---es
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---fr
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---ko
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---nl
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---no
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---pl
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---ru
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---sl
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       +---sv
    |       |   \---LC_MESSAGES
    |       \---pt
    |           \---LC_MESSAGES
    |   \---local
    |       +---bin
    |       +---man
    |       |   +---man1
    |       |   +---man5
    |       |   \---man7
    |       +---share
    |       |   \---groff
    |       |       +---font
    |       |       |   +---devascii
    |       |       |   +---devdvi
    |       |       |   |   \---generate
    |       |       |   +---devlatin1
    |       |       |   +---devlj4
    |       |       |   |   \---generate
    |       |       |   +---devps
    |       |       |   |   \---generate
    |       |       |   +---devX100
    |       |       |   +---devX100-12
    |       |       |   +---devX75
    |       |       |   \---devX75-12
    |       |       \---tmac
    |       |           +---mdoc
    |       |           \---mm
    |       +---info
    |       +---lib
    |       \---sbin


    Thank you for your time and consideration.

With kind regards,

Alexander Anderson

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