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Date: | 11 May 2000 07:44:23 +0000 |
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From: | "Michael Ring" <Michael DOT Ring AT t-mobil DOT de> |
To: | "cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com" <cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com> |
Subject: | RE: Problems with make install of tiff libs |
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--Thu_May_11_09:44:13_2000_L1_536 Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable The problem is, that double slashes at the beginning of a pathname a= re interpreted as the access to an nt-drive. //c/ means look at c:\ of my installation. Paths like ///usr are misinterpreted by cygwin which ends in the no such device or add= ress error-message. The solution is quite simple for libtiff: use: make ROOT=3D/. install now ///usr is converted to /.///usr which can be interpreted by cygw= in. Have fun, Michael Ring By the way: I have included a working rpm-spec file for libtiff, yus= t in case.... -----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht----- Von: cygwin-owner Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2000 02:59 An: cygwin Betreff: Problems with make install of tiff libs Hi, I am having a problem with make install of the tiff libs. ./configur= e works fine after replacing the config.guess script. make works fine.= But when I try to make install, makes fails as the file names appear= with some extra slashes at the beginning. I thought I'd ask here before trying to figure out what goes on there (my knowledge of installation scripts is nil, unfortunately). Thanks. My system is: CYGWIN_NT-4.0 LUCY 1.1.0(0.17/3/2) 2000-03-01 00:15:19 i686 unknown LUCY:/usr/local/src/tiff-v3.4$make install =3D libtiff make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/tiff-v3.4/libtiff' if [ nodso !=3D nodso ]; then \ make nodso; \ else \ true; \ fi /bin/sh ../port/ -idb -m 755 -dir /usr/local/i= nclude mkdir: cannot make directory `///usr/local/include': No such file or= directory for i in ../libtiff/tiff.h ../libtiff/tiffio.h; do = \ f=3D`basename $i`; \ /bin/sh ../port/ -idb -m 444 -F /usr/local= /include\ -src $i -O $f; \ done cp: //usr/local/include/tiff.h: No such device or address cp: //usr/local/include/tiffio.h: No such device or address /bin/sh ../port/ -idb -m 755 -dir /usr/local/l= ib mkdir: cannot make directory `///usr/local/lib': No such file or dir= ectory /bin/sh ../port/ -idb -m 444 -F /usr/local/lib= -O libtiff. a cp: //usr/local/lib/libtiff.a: No such device or address if [ nodso !=3D nodso ]; then \ make installDSO; \ else \ true; \ fi make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/tiff-v3.4/libtiff' =3D tools make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/tiff-v3.4/tools' /bin/sh ../port/ -idb -m 755 -dir /usr/local= /bin mkdir: cannot make directory `///usr/local/bin': No such file or dir= ectory /bin/sh ../port/ -idb -m 755 -F /usr/local/b= in -O fax2ti ff fax2ps gif2tiff pal2rgb ppm2tiff rgb2ycbcr thumbnail ras2tiff tif= f2bw tiff2ps tiffcmp tiffcp tiffdither tiffdump tiffinfo tiffmedian tiffsplit cp: //usr/local/bin/fax2tiff: No such device or address cp: //usr/local/bin/fax2ps: No such device or address cp: //usr/local/bin/gif2tiff: No such device or address -- Cheers, -Dima. -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com --Thu_May_11_09:44:13_2000_L1_536 Content-type: application/octet-stream Content-transfer-encoding: base64 U3VtbWFyeTogQSBsaWJyYXJ5IG9mIGZ1bmN0aW9ucyBmb3IgbWFuaXB1bGF0aW5nIFRJRk YgZm9ybWF0IGltYWdlIGZpbGVzLgpOYW1lOiBsaWJ0aWZmClZlcnNpb246IDMuNS41ClJl bGVhc2U6IDEKQ29weXJpZ2h0OiBkaXN0cmlidXRhYmxlCkdyb3VwOiBTeXN0ZW0gRW52aX Jvbm1lbnQvTGlicmFyaWVzClNvdXJjZTogZnRwOi8vZnRwLnNnaS5jb20vZ3JhcGhpY3Mv dGlmZi90aWZmLXYle3ZlcnNpb259LnRhci5negpTb3VyY2UxOiB0aWZmLXYle3ZlcnNpb2 59LWNvbmZpZy50YXIuZ3oKUGF0Y2g6IHRpZmYtdjMuNS40LWN5Z3dpbi5wYXRjaApCdWls ZHJvb3Q6IC92YXIvdG1wLyV7bmFtZX0tcm9vdAoKJWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uClRoZSBsaWJ0aW ZmIHBhY2thZ2UgY29udGFpbnMgYSBsaWJyYXJ5IG9mIGZ1bmN0aW9ucyBmb3IgbWFuaXB1 bGF0aW5nIApUSUZGIChUYWdnZWQgSW1hZ2UgRmlsZSBGb3JtYXQpIGltYWdlIGZvcm1hdC BmaWxlcy4gIFRJRkYgaXMgYSB3aWRlbHkKdXNlZCBmaWxlIGZvcm1hdCBmb3IgYml0bWFw cGVkIGltYWdlcy4gIFRJRkYgZmlsZXMgdXN1YWxseSBlbmQgaW4gdGhlCi50aWYgZXh0ZW 5zaW9uIGFuZCB0aGV5IGFyZSBvZnRlbiBxdWl0ZSBsYXJnZS4KClRoZSBsaWJ0aWZmIHBh Y2thZ2Ugc2hvdWxkIGJlIGluc3RhbGxlZCBpZiB5b3UgbmVlZCB0byBtYW5pcHVsYXRlIF RJRkYKZm9ybWF0IGltYWdlIGZpbGVzLgoKVGhpcyBwYWNrYWdlIGNvbnRhaW5zIHRoZSBo ZWFkZXIgZmlsZXMgYW5kIHN0YXRpYyBsaWJyYXJpZXMgZm9yIGRldmVsb3BpbmcKcHJvZ3 JhbXMgd2hpY2ggd2lsbCBtYW5pcHVsYXRlIFRJRkYgZm9ybWF0IGltYWdlIGZpbGVzIHVz aW5nIHRoZSBsaWJ0aWZmCmxpYnJhcnkuCgpJZiB5b3UgbmVlZCB0byBkZXZlbG9wIHByb2 dyYW1zIHdoaWNoIHdpbGwgbWFuaXB1bGF0ZSBUSUZGIGZvcm1hdCBpbWFnZQpmaWxlcywg eW91IHNob3VsZCBpbnN0YWxsIHRoaXMgcGFja2FnZS4gIFlvdSdsbCBhbHNvIG5lZWQgdG 8gaW5zdGFsbCB0aGUKbGlidGlmZiBwYWNrYWdlLgoKJXByZXAKCiVzZXR1cCAtYjEgLW4g dGlmZi12JXt2ZXJzaW9ufQoKJXBhdGNoIC1wMQoKJWJ1aWxkCmNobW9kIDc3NyBjb25maW cuZ3Vlc3MKCmNhdCA+c2VkZmlsZS50bXAgPDxFT0YKc14jRElSX0JJTj0iL3Vzci9sb2Nh bC9iaW4iXkRJUl9CSU49IiV7X3ByZWZpeH0vYmluIl5nCnNeI0RJUl9MSUI9Ii91c3IvbG 9jYWwvbGliIl5ESVJfTElCPSIle19wcmVmaXh9L2xpYiJeZwpzXiNESVJfSU5DPSIvdXNy L2xvY2FsL2luY2x1ZGUiXkRJUl9JTkM9IiV7X3ByZWZpeH0vaW5jbHVkZSJeZwpzXiNESV JfTUFOPSIvdXNyL2xvY2FsL21hbiJeRElSX01BTj0iJXtfcHJlZml4fS9tYW4iXmcKc14j RElSX0hUTUw9Ii92YXIvaHR0cGQvaHRkb2NzL3RpZmYiXkRJUl9IVE1MPSIle19wcmVmaX h9L3NoYXJlL2h0ZG9jcy90aWZmIl5nCkVPRgpjYXQgY29uZmlnLnNpdGUgfCBzZWQgLWYg c2VkZmlsZS50bXAgPmNvbmZpZy5zaXRlLnRtcApjaG1vZCA3NzcgY29uZmlnLnNpdGUKY3 AgY29uZmlnLnNpdGUudG1wIGNvbmZpZy5zaXRlCiVpZmFyY2ggYWxwaGEKCUNDPWNjCiVl bHNlCglDQz1nY2MKJWVuZGlmCmV4cG9ydCBDQwouL2NvbmZpZ3VyZSAtLW5vbmludGVyYW N0aXZlIAoKbWFrZQoKJWluc3RhbGwKcm0gLXJmICRSUE1fQlVJTERfUk9PVAoKbWtkaXIg LXAgJFJQTV9CVUlMRF9ST09UJXtfcHJlZml4fQoKbWFrZSBpbnN0YWxsIFJPT1Q9JFJQTV 9CVUlMRF9ST09UCgolY2xlYW4Kcm0gLXJmICRSUE1fQlVJTERfUk9PVAoKJWZpbGVzCiV7 X3ByZWZpeH0KCiVjaGFuZ2Vsb2cK --Thu_May_11_09:44:13_2000_L1_536 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Want to unsubscribe from this list? 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