Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/05/02/07:41:28
Okay, since we seem to be covering this topic pretty thoroughly,
I'm still not clear on something. Can a proprietary, non-open-source
software package be ported to run under Cygwin and then sold to
customers if, say, a copy of the CD release is purchased and included
for every host that the software will run on? Or, would this require the
purchase of the Cygwin developer package (I can't find the link for that,
at the moment - the Web site seems to have been partially absorbed
into Red Hat)?
Doug Wyatt
> Just to avoid panic, here is a list of things you *can* do with
> Cygwin...
> --- if you don't purchase the proprietary-use license ---
> [Note that these assume you're still meeting the terms of the GPL,
> specifically, you distribute sources with any binaries]
> You can...
> * give copies to your friends (or enemies, if you like).
> * install it on as many computers as you like.
> * sell exact copies of what's on sourceware.
> * modify it and sell it.
> * charge a fee to do custom changes, which you don't tell
> anyone else about.
> * charge a fee to do changes which you contribute to the
> official sources.
> * change it and not tell anyone.
> * start a new group of cygwin developers, and distribute your
> own version publically.
> * write programs (apps) that use cygwin.
> * use those apps yourself for whatever you want.
> * give those apps to friends (or enemies).
> * charge a fee for those apps (even though you're distributing
> sources too).
> * choose an alternate "open source" license for the app (the
> cygwin dll remains GPLd).
> * do any of the above without asking our permission.
> --- if you DO purchase the proprietary-use license ---
> * Any of the above
> * distribute (sell, give away, whatever) an app without sources.
> --- and, for completeness, things you do NOT have to do with cygwin ---
> You do NOT have to...
> * tell anyone about your changes, if you don't want to.
> * give sources to people without binaries (unless you use GPL clause
> 3b, there are some loopholes in 3b to be aware of), if you don't
> want to.
> ---
> I probably missed some, but you get the idea. I hope.
> DJ
> --
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