Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/04/12/13:01:17
I recently installed Cygwin and tried to port a library,
which was compiled with gcc and g++, to a Windows dll.
I followed the steps described under 'Building and Using
DLLs' and used this script to generate the DLL:
cd driver
make -f driver.mak libdrv.a >& ../make_driver.log
cp libdrv.a ..
cd ../fransch
make -f fransch.mak >& ../make_fransch.log
cp libfransch.a ..
cd ..
gcc -c fs_driver_lib.c -Idriver -o fs_driver_lib.o
gcc -s -Wl,--base-file,fs_driver_lib.base -o fs_driver_lib.dll
fs_driver_lib.o -Wl,-e,_DllMain AT 12 -Wl,-e,_FS_Driver_run -Wl,libdrv.a
-Wl,libFransch.a -Wl,libstdc++.a
dlltool --base-file fs_driver_lib.base --def fs_driver_lib.def
--output-exp fs_driver_lib.exp --dllname fs_driver_lib.dll
gcc -s -Wl,--base-file,fs_driver_lib.base,fs_driver_lib.exp -o
fs_driver_lib.dll fs_driver_lib.o -Wl,-e,_DllMain AT 12
-Wl,-e,_FS_Driver_run -Wl,libdrv.a -Wl,libFransch.a -Wl,libstdc++.a
dlltool --base-file fs_driver_lib.base --def fs_driver_lib.def
--output-exp fs_driver_lib.exp
gcc -Wl,fs_driver_lib.exp -o fs_driver_lib.dll fs_driver_lib.o
-Wl,-e,_DllMain AT 12 -Wl,-e,_FS_Driver_run -Wl,libdrv.a -Wl,libFransch.a
Compilation and linking works without warnings.
The corresponding fs_driver_lib.lib is generated
as follows:
lib /machine:ix86 /DEF:fs_driver_lib.def
and used in a VC++ 6.0 project to be linked against an other
DLL (FS_Driver), which in turn is called from Simulink.
DLL loading works fine, but when actually calling the exported
function, a segmentation violation is detected (see below).
It seems to be related to file I/O and print statements, but I can't
say for sure.
I've looked all over the FAQ and tried a lot of compiler and linker
switches, but without avail.
Has anybody an idea?
Does the commercial version cover such kind of support?
Best regards,
Segmentation violation detected at Wed Apr 12 19:56:01 2000
MATLAB Version: (R11.1)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98
Window System: Version 4.10 (Build 2222: A )
Register State:
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 610625bc
ECX = 61062380 EDX = 00000000
ESI = 61064944 EDI = 01b37108
EBP = 01b36c20 ESP = 01b36c14
EIP = bff7b9a6 FLG = 00000246
Stack Trace:
[0] KERNEL32.DLL:bff7b9a6(0x61062380, 0x610625bc, 0, 0x01b37108)
[1] CYGWIN1.DLL:6105aa0d(0x61062380, 1024, 0x610625bc, 0x01b37020)
[2] CYGWIN1.DLL:6105ebaa(0x610625bc, 0x08551040, 0x01b36f58,
[3] CYGWIN1.DLL:6105b3b7(0x610625bc, 0x08551040, 0x01b37020,
[4] CYGWIN1.DLL:6105851b(0x61062380, 0x610625bc, 0x08551040,
[5] CYGWIN1.DLL:6105845c(0x610625bc, 0x08551040, 0x01b36f94,
[6] CYGWIN1.DLL:61053f31(0x08551040, 0, 0x81708050, 0x8170800c)
[7] FS_DRIVER_LIB.DLL:08551068(0x01b370e4, 0x83c46f74, 0, 0)
[8] FS_DRIVER_LIB.DLL:08551259(0, 0x01b370e4, 0, 0)
[9] FS_DRIVER.DLL:08512cc2(0x04e42fa8, 0, 0x06d8cf18, 0)
[10] FS_DRIVER.DLL:085128e3(0xfffffffe, 0x04d6c270, 5, 0x06d8cf18)
[11] MATLAB.EXE:_mexRunMexFile(0xffff127f, 0x04d6c270, 5, 0x06d8cf18)
+ 95 bytes
[12] MATLAB.EXE:_psRunMexFile(0xfffffffe, 0x04d6c270, 5, 0x06d8cf18) +
458 bytes
[13] MATLAB.EXE:_psCallMexFile(0xfffffffe, 0x04d6c270, 5, 0x06d8cf18)
+ 28 bytes
[14] MATLAB.EXE:_psCallFunction(0xfffffffe, 0x04d6c270, 5, 0x06d8cf18)
+ 45 bytes
[15] MATLAB.EXE:_psDoMatlabFcnCall(0xfffffffe, 0x04d6c270, 5,
0x06d8cf18) + 151 bytes
[16] SIMULINK.DLL:_CMexSFcnOutputFcn(0x04d6bf38, 0x04cd34c0,
0x01b373ec, 0x007e5f77) + 571 bytes
[17] SIMULINK.DLL:_ModelOutput(0x04d6bf38, 0x04d63710, 0x0467f8b0, 0)
+ 40 bytes
[18] SIMULINK.DLL:_SFcnOutputFcn(0x04cd34c0, 0x06da586c, 0x0467f8b0,
0x04e150b4) + 247 bytes
[19] SIMULINK.DLL:_BlockOutput(0x06da586c, 0x0467f8b0, 0x04d63710, 0)
+ 683 bytes
[20] SIMULINK.DLL:_ExecSTaskOutputList(0x04d63710, 0x04dcd0a0,
0x04e150b4, 0) + 259 bytes
[21] SIMULINK.DLL:_BdSystemOutput(0x0467f8b0, 0x02804278, 0x04dcd0a0,
0x0467f8b0) + 124 bytes
[22] SIMULINK.DLL:_BdOutputFcn(0x04d63710, 0, 0x01b374d8, 0x00849af4)
+ 35 bytes
[23] SIMULINK.DLL:_ModelOutput(0x04d63710, 0x04d63710, 0x0467f8b0, 0)
+ 40 bytes
[24] SIMULINK.DLL:_slDoOutputAndUpdate(0, 0x026f8c28, 0x04d63710, 0) +
244 bytes
[25] SIMULINK.DLL:_SimulateModel(1, 0x026f8c28, 0x01b3757c,
0x00a1df08) + 128 bytes
[26] SIMULINK.DLL:_Simulate(0x01b3758c, 0x01b37588, 0, 3) + 497 bytes
[27] SIMULINK.DLL:_sleCommandLineSimulation(0, 0x01b375d4, 3,
0x01b3789c) + 133 bytes
[28] SIMULINK.DLL:_slFullSimulate(0, 0x01b375d4, 3, 0x01b3789c) + 26
[29] MATLAB.EXE:_psStackOp(1, 3, 0, 0x01b39570) + 1194 bytes
[30] MATLAB.EXE:_psInterPcode(1, 0x06d466b8, 2, 0) + 2180 bytes
[31] MATLAB.EXE:_psInterPcode(1, 0, 0x026de848, 0) + 4441 bytes
[32] MATLAB.EXE:_psWordsj(0, 0x01b39880, 0, 0x01b39b4c) + 1171 bytes
[33] MATLAB.EXE:_psCallMFile(0, 0x01b39880, 0, 0x01b39b4c) + 170 bytes
[34] MATLAB.EXE:_psCallFunction(0, 0x01b39880, 0, 0x01b39b4c) + 45
[35] MATLAB.EXE:_psFullFevalFcn(0, 0x01b39880, 1, 0x01b39b48) + 201
[36] MATLAB.EXE:_psStackOp(103, 1, 0, 0) + 1194 bytes
[37] MATLAB.EXE:_psInterPcode(1, 0, 0x026dfcf8, 0) + 2426 bytes
[38] MATLAB.EXE:_psWordsj(0, 0x01b3adec, 0, 0x01b3b0f8) + 1171 bytes
[39] MATLAB.EXE:_psExecMFile(0, 0, 0x01b3b0f8, 0x026dfcf8) + 189 bytes
[40] MATLAB.EXE:_psExecFunction(0, 0, 0x01b3b0f8, 0x026dfcf8) + 41
[41] MATLAB.EXE:_psMMexExecute(685, 0, 0, 0x01b3cd18) + 611 bytes
[42] MATLAB.EXE:_psInterPcode(1, 0, 2, 3) + 1678 bytes
[43] MATLAB.EXE:_psInterPcode(1, 1, 0x026d95d8, 0) + 4441 bytes
[44] MATLAB.EXE:_psWordsj(0, 0x01b3d028, 1, 0x01b3d2f4) + 1171 bytes
[45] MATLAB.EXE:_psCallMFile(0, 0x01b3d028, 1, 0x01b3d2f4) + 170 bytes
[46] MATLAB.EXE:_psCallFunction(0, 0x01b3d028, 1, 0x01b3d2f4) + 45
[47] MATLAB.EXE:_psFullFevalFcn(0, 0x01b3d028, 2, 0x01b3d2f0) + 201
[48] MATLAB.EXE:_psStackOp(103, 2, 0, 2) + 1194 bytes
[49] MATLAB.EXE:_psInterPcode(0, 0x04d8c79a, 0, 0x02584a00) + 2426
[50] MATLAB.EXE:_psEvalString(0x04d8c780, 25, 0, 0) + 537 bytes
[51] MATLAB.EXE:_psEvalExpInWS(0x04d8c780, 0, 0, 0x01b3e3f8) + 94
[52] HG.DLL:_goCallEventCallback(0, 0, 0x0074d7bc, 0x006fbcc0) + 321
[53] HG.DLL:_goCallCallback(0x026e95a8, 0x04ad40e8, 0x0074d7bc,
0x006fbcc0) + 66 bytes
[54] HG.DLL:_goControlActivated(0x026e95a8, 4056, 0x04ad4148,
0x01b3e6d0) + 80 bytes
[55] UIW.DLL:_activate_control(4056, 0x04ad4148, 0x01b3e4e0, 34128) +
137 bytes
[56] UIW.DLL:_PushButtonProc AT 16(4056, 0, 0, 4056) + 127 bytes
[57] KERNEL32.DLL:bff7363b(0x66c78550, 26311, 0, 0xbff719b8)
[58] KERNEL32.DLL:bff94407(0x84e66038, 0xbff7186d, 0x852a500f, 0)
Segmentation violation occurred within signal handler.
Unable to complete stack trace (stack was probably corrupted)
This error was detected while a MEX-file was running. If the MEX-file
is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code
for errors. Please consult the MATLAB API Guide for information on
debugging MEX-files.
Dipl.-Ing. Thieß-Magnus Wolter Tel: +49 89 747377 33
TESIS DYNAware GmbH Fax: +49 89 747377 99
Implerstraße 26
D-81371 München, Germany t DOT wolter AT tesis DOT de
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