Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/03/04/23:56:09
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received an answer:
You can change the root following these steps:
1: umount /
2: mount -b f:\cygnus\cygwin~1 /
....! you will be told that " / " does not 'exist. !
At this point type 'exit' and start it up again.
typing mount will show:
BASH.EXE-2.02$ mount
Device Directory Type Flags
e:cygnuscygwin~1 / native text!=binary
Thomas Topp wrote:
> hi,
> i have been trying to change my mount point .
> it defaults to : c:\
> i am trying to change root to:
> c:\cygnus\cygwin-20
> The documentation has two sentences pertaining to this. (enclosed ).
> thank you.
> -t
> Directory Structure
> Cygwin knows how to emulate a standard UNIX directory structure, to
> some extent. This is done through the use of mount tables that map
> Win32 paths to POSIX ones. The mount table may be set up and modified
> with the mount command. This section explains how to properly organize
> the structure.
> When you set up the system you should decide where you want the root
> to be mapped. Possible choices are the root of your Windows system,
> such as c: or a directory such as c:\progra~1\root.
> Execute the following commands inside bash as it is difficult to
> change the position of the root from the
> Windows command prompt. Changing the mount points may invalidate PATH,
> if this happens simply exit and relaunch bash. Create the directory if
> needed, then umount / the current root and mount it in its new place.
> You also have to decide if you want to use text or binary mode.
> --
> Thomas Topp
> ttopp AT work DOT net
> (405) 619-9675
> "when it works... it works great."
Thomas Topp
ttopp AT work DOT net
(405) 619-9675
"when it works... it works great."
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<p>received an answer:
<p>You can change the root following these steps:
<p> 1: umount /
<br> 2: mount -b f:\cygnus\cygwin~1 /
<p>....! you will be told that " / " does not 'exist.
<p>At this point type 'exit' and start it up again.
<p>typing mount will show:
<p>BASH.EXE-2.02$ mount
Directory Type
<br>e:cygnuscygwin~1 /
native text!=binary
<p>Thomas Topp wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>hi,
<p>i have been trying to change my mount point .
<p>it defaults to : c:\
<p>i am trying to change root to:
<p> c:\cygnus\cygwin-20
<p>The documentation has two sentences pertaining to this. (enclosed ).
<p>thank you.
<p>Directory Structure
<p>Cygwin knows how to emulate a standard UNIX directory structure, to
some extent. This is done through the use of mount tables that map Win32
paths to POSIX ones. The mount table may be set up and modified with the
mount command. This section explains how to properly organize the structure.
<p><b>When you set up the system you should decide where you want the root
to be mapped. Possible choices are the root of your Windows system, such
as c: or a directory such as c:\progra~1\root.</b>
<p>Execute the following commands inside bash as it is difficult to change
the position of the root from the
<br>Windows command prompt. Changing the mount points may invalidate PATH,
if this happens simply exit and relaunch bash. Create the directory if
needed, then umount / the current root and mount it in its new place. You
also have to decide if you want to use text or binary mode.
<br>Thomas Topp
<br>ttopp AT work DOT net
<br>(405) 619-9675
<p> "when it works... it works great."
<br> </blockquote>
<br>Thomas Topp
<br>ttopp AT work DOT net
<br>(405) 619-9675
<p> "when it works... it works great."
<br> </html>
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