Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/02/28/15:50:07
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The Cygwin FAQ says:
Shell scripts aren't running properly from my makefiles?
You need to have . (dot) in your $PATH. You should NOT need to
add /bin/sh in front of each and every shell script invoked in
your Makefiles.
If you need to execute something in the current directory, call for it
explicitly, as ./foobar, not as foobar and count on the current
directory being in your path.
According to Practical Unix Security, by Garfinkel & Spafford (O'Reilly
& Associates), page 152:
The current directory, as designated by a null directory or
period, should never be included in the search path.
The reason being that an attacker can put a password-catching program or
other malicious program under a commonly-used name, such as ls, su,
rlogin, login, ftp, etc. By placing the trojan horse in a place where
you might execute it, such as /tmp, or by subterfuge suggested in the
book, if "." is in the path, the unsuspecting user will execute the
trojan horse instead of the intended program.
The authors recommend:
We strongly recommend that you get in the habit of typing the
full pathname of commands when you are running as root. For
example, instead of just typing chown, type /etc/chown to be
sure you are getting the system version! This may seem like
extra work, but when you are running as root, you also bear
extra responsibility. No only will this help protect you
against changes in your search path, it will also prevent
surreptitiously-set aliases from working.
Granted, there isn't much security on Windows. However, you shouldn't
reinforce bad practices.
Steve Kelem
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The <a href="">Cygwin FAQ</a>
<blockquote><b>Shell scripts aren't running properly from my makefiles?</b>
<p>You need to have . (dot) in your $PATH. You should NOT need to add /bin/sh
in front of each and every shell script invoked in your Makefiles.</blockquote>
If you need to execute something in the current directory, call for it
explicitly, as <tt>./foobar</tt>, not as <tt>foobar</tt> and count on the
current directory being in your path.
<p>According to <b>Practical Unix Security</b>, by Garfinkel & Spafford
(O'Reilly & Associates), page 152:
<blockquote>The current directory, as designated by a null directory or
period, should <i>never</i> be included in the search path.</blockquote>
The reason being that an attacker can put a password-catching program or
other malicious program under a commonly-used name, such as <tt>ls</tt>,
<tt>su</tt>, <tt>rlogin</tt>, <tt>login</tt>, <tt>ftp</tt>, etc. By placing
the trojan horse in a place where you might execute it, such as <tt>/tmp</tt>,
or by subterfuge suggested in the book, if "<tt>.</tt>" is in the path,
the unsuspecting user will execute the trojan horse instead of the intended
<p>The authors recommend:
<blockquote>We strongly recommend that you get in the habit of typing the
full pathname of commands when you are running as <b>root</b>. For
example, instead of just typing chown, type /etc/chown to be sure you are
getting the system version! This may seem like extra work, but when
you are running as root, you also bear extra responsibility. No only
will this help protect you against changes in your search path, it will
also prevent surreptitiously-set aliases from working.</blockquote>
Granted, there isn't much security on Windows. However, you shouldn't reinforce
bad practices.
<p>Steve Kelem</html>
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