Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/01/25/23:47:58
Hi DJ,
>> If anyone has any comments, opinions, or requests,
>> now's the time to post them.
>> Meanwhile, I do have the beginnings of a README,
>> attached for review.
>> DJ
Can't post to cygwin-devel, but here's
a install script I wrote sometime back.
It most probably is no help to you, but
just in case..
And here's wishing the cygwin team good
luck with the net release. Keep up the
excellent work :)
- varun
--- varun sharma <varshar AT yahoo DOT com> wrote:
> Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:29:10 -0800 (PST)
> From: varun sharma <varshar AT yahoo DOT com>
> Subject: ANN: das blinkenlights 0.0.1 cygwin distro
> To: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
> Hi Everyone,
> I got tired waiting for it so put together `das
> blinkenlights'' - a cygwin distro. The aim being a
> fully functional cygwin install with the minimum of
> fuss.
> It includes full.exe from Cygnus, a customized
> .bashrc & a cygnus.bat replacement. Some ports from
> Andy Piper, vim 5.3, rgrep, the cygwin-b20.1 dll,
> and
> an installer script called cygwin-bootstrap (read it
> before running it ;-)
> Attached are the cygwin-bootstrap script, .bashrc &
> cygnus.bat files.
> Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> - varun
> cygwin-bootstrap:
> -----------------
> #!/bin/bash
> # ``das blinkenlights'' is a cygwin distro. The aim
> is
> to have
> # a fully functional cygwin install with the minimum
> of fuss.
> # It includes full.exe from Cygnus, customizable
> .bashrc & a
> # cygnus.bat replacement. Some ports from Andy
> Piper,
> vim 5.3,
> # rgrep, the cygwin-b20.1 dll, and an installer
> script
> called
> # cygwin-bootstrap (read it before running it ;-)
> # Contact varshar AT yahoo DOT com for any suggestions,
> bugs
> etc.
> # Preparation:
> #
> # 1. plan to keep / & ~ on the same drive, and do
> not
> install full.exe
> # under a directory with spaces in its name e.g.
> ``Program Files''
> # 2. assuming / & ~ are to be on the e: drive, set
> the
> follg environment
> # variables from the Control Panel
> # 2.1 CYGWIN_HOME_DRIVE = e:
> # 2.2 CYGWIN = title strip_title binmode glob tty
> # 3. delete all the cygwin-related ``Cygnus
> Solutions'' Registry entries
> # 4. with this version of das-blinkenlights, the
> full.exe should be
> # installed directly below CYGWIN_HOME_DRIVE.
> this
> limitation will go
> # away real soon now
> # Base:
> # 1. unzip into e.g.
> d:\temp
> # 2. run d:\temp\full.exe
> # 3. start the bash shell(ignore any warnings)
> # 4. cd to d:\temp & run this script e.g. $ bash
> ./cygwin-bootstrap
> rm -f /.bash_history
> umount /
> mount -f $CYGWIN_HOME_DRIVE /
> cp ./cygnus.bat /cygnus/cygwin-b20/cygnus.bat
> cp ./.bashrc /.bashrc
> mkdir /.deleted
> mkdir /tmp
> mkdir /bin
> mkdir /etc
> mkdir /usr
> cp /cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/bash.exe
> /bin/bash.exe
> cp /cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/sh.exe
> /bin/sh.exe
> cp /cygnus/cygwin-b20/etc/termcap /etc/termcap
> cp ./rgrep
> /cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/rgrep
> bunzip2 ./cygwin1-20.1.dll.bz2
> bunzip2 ./cygwin-b20-local.tar.bz2
> gunzip ./vim-5.3-cygwin-b20-without-gui-bin.tar.gz
> tar -xvf ./cygwin-b20-local.tar --directory=/usr
> tar -xvf ./vim-5.3-cygwin-b20-without-gui-bin.tar
> --directory=/
> # Additional Ports:
> gunzip ./bc-1.05.tar.gz
> tar -xvf ./bc-1.05.tar --directory=/
> echo "All done.."
> echo "Don't forget to replace cygwin1.dll with the
> one
> in $PWD"
> .bashrc:
> --------
> cd ~
> export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
> export PS1="[\u@\h] \W [\!] "
> alias ls='ls --color'
> alias less='less -m'
> function rm()
> {
> while test $# -gt 0 ; do
> mv ${1} /.deleted
> shift
> done
> }
> cygnus.bat:
> -----------
> SET TERM=linux
> bash
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