Mail Archives: cygwin/2000/01/06/20:02:55
I tried the same program with Mumit's gcc-2.95.2 distribution
native on Win98. Same problem, "BuildCommDCB()" just keeps
crashing. Both CRTDLL and MSVCRT versions.
I think I can work around it with a combination of GetCommState()
and SetCommState(), but I just find it weird that BuildCommDCB
fails. Oh, well. :/
On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Jamie Guinan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using a Linux->Win32 cross-development environment (see below).
> I made a simple test program that calls BuildCommDCB(), and
> it segfaults when it hits that call (running under Win98).
> The weird thing is, an earlier call to MessageBox() works fine,
> and if I run the app under GDB and set a breakpoint before the
> call to BuildCommDCB(), then 'cont' after the breakpoint,
> it does not segfault.
> Here is the app in its entirety (w3.c),
> #include <windows.h>
> WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpCmd, int nShow)
> {
> DCB dcb;
> MessageBox (NULL, "Test message", "Test", MB_OK);
> FillMemory(&dcb, sizeof(dcb), 0);
> dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(dcb);
> puts("->BuildCommDCB");
> if (!BuildCommDCB("9600,n,8,1", &dcb))
> {
> puts("error");
> }
> puts("<-BuildCommDCB");
> return 0;
> }
> I compile it with,
> $ i386-mingw32-gcc -g w3.c -o w3.exe
> And run it on a Win98 laptop. The message box appears as expected,
> but after the "->BuildCommDCB" string is printed, Windows reports
> an error. Here are the error details from Windows,
> W3 caused an invalid page fault in
> module KERNEL32.DLL at 0167:bffa7764.
> Registers:
> EAX=0256fcec CS=0167 EIP=bffa7764 EFLGS=00010246
> EBX=8166ac2c SS=016f ESP=0256fc8c EBP=0256fd04
> ECX=0256fd48 DS=016f ESI=0256fcec FS=0eef
> EDX=00000000 ES=016f EDI=00401216 GS=0000
> Bytes at CS:EIP:
> c6 47 ff 00 ff 36 e8 93 87 fd ff 85 c0 74 3a 89
> Stack dump:
> 0256fd48 00000000 8166ac08 bffa6cb4 0256fcec
> 00000000 81665e28 8166ac08 8167253c bff7b9c5
> 8166dfd4 00000000 00000000 8167253c 00000000
> 8167253c
> I'm running the program from the Cygwin b20.1 BASH under Win98,
> so I have GDB handy. GDB's version of the error,
> BASH.EXE-2.02$ gdb ./w3.exe
> ...
> (gdb) run
> Starting program: //gemini/guinan/projects/...//nchost/./w3.exe
> ->BuildCommDCB
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0xbffa7764 in $SG37486 ()
> (gdb)
> Now, if I do the following,
> BASH.EXE-2.02$ gdb ./w3.exe
> ...
> (gdb) b 8
> (gdb) run
> (gdb) cont
> It works fine!
> >>> Any clues? <<<
> Bear with me, I haven't worked this close to Windows before, but
> what I've learned so far is that BuildCommDCB() is handled as
> follows,
> 1) #define'd to BuildCommDCBA() in winbase.h
> 2) Magically transformed to "BuildCommDBCA AT 8" in object code.
> 3) Calls "__imp_BuildCommDCBA AT 8" which looks like some sort of
> "thunk" to be filled in by the Windows loader (???)
> I had a look at "i386-mingw32-objdump --disassemble-all w3.exe"
> and found the following,
> 401283: e8 ec 01 00 00 call 401474 <_BuildCommDCBA AT 8>
> ...
> 00401474 <_BuildCommDCBA AT 8>:
> 401474: ff 25 f4 30 40 jmp *0x4030f4
> 401479: 00
> 40147a: 90 nop
> 40147b: 90 nop
> ...
> 004030f4 <___imp_BuildCommDCBA AT 8>:
> 4030f4: bc 31 00 00 cc movl $0xcc000031,%esp
> What is the "bc 31" here? And when/how does/should Windows
> replace it with a call to the kernel32.dll code?
> (I realize that "movl" there isn't a real instruction, just
> --disassmble-all's best interpretation...)
> Why would breaking under GDB fix things?
> FYI, my environment is as follows:
> Host:
> Linux x86, egcs-2.91.66 (Red Hat)
> Binutils:
> Version 2.9.1,
> $ configure --target=i386-mingw32 --prefix=/usr/local/crossdev
> GCC:
> Version 2.9.5,
> $ configure --target=i386-mingw32 --prefix=/usr/local/crossdev
> --with-headers=/usr/local/crossdev/i386-mingw32/include
> --enable-languages=c,c++
> Runtime libs and headers for host-side compilation:
> bin-crtdll-1999-11-18.tar.gz
> bin-msvcrt-1999-11-18.tar.gz
> Thanks for any advice...
> -Jamie
> --
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