Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/11/10/18:45:35
To add a comment about Cygwin and RedHat. Though not relevant
RedHat opened a new Tech Office in Durham, which will be based upon
Open Source concept and would look into various technologies for
Open Source. RedHat commintted a few million Dollars for it.
According to our local new papers (News and Observer) RedHat is
certainly interested in getting other Open Source technologies and
opening a new office (so called Open Source Research Center) is the
first step in that direction.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
> [mailto:cygwin-owner AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com]On Behalf Of
> Chris Faylor
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 4:44 PM
> To: Charles S. Wilson
> Cc: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
> Subject: Re: RedHat acquisition of Cygnus???
> On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 10:27:21AM -0500, Charles S. Wilson wrote:
> >According to the following *RUMOR* posted on slashdot,
> >,
> RedHat has inked a
> >deal to acquire Cygnus. Now, I realize that, if true,
> Cygnus employees
> >cannot comment. However, I'm not a Cygnus employee.
> Hey, I'll comment! The first I heard about this was on
> SlashDot, too.
> I don't have any inside scoop on what's going on but,
> then, I wouldn't
> expect to know about this at my level in the company (I'm
> a first line
> engineering manager/engineer).
> To say that I was surprised to see the announcement would
> be a slight
> understatement.
> >I think this is a stupid move for both companies. Yeesh
> - what is it
> >with corporations these days? Are acquisitions of other companies
> >outside their core competency area the only way to grow?
> Is Cygnus
> >looking at RedHat's vast market capitalization as a
> means of hiring
> >enough lawyers to defend against MS' inevitable lawsuit
> (since MS will
> >sue anyone who has a pulse and sells "platform" software)?
> >
> >What do you think?
> Well, we have a pretty good relationship with Microsoft
> so I don't think
> we're too worried about being sued.
> I'm sure that there are a number of reasons to consider
> such a merger.
> There are certainly parts of Cygnus that would fit very well into
> RedHat's core competencies and vice-versa. gcc and gdb
> come to mind.
> Of course, my initial thought when I heard this was "What
> about Cygwin?"
> I guess you could stretch things a little to say that
> Cygwin, being UNIX
> on Windows is sorta a little like linux but I can still worry...
> >If the moderator considers this offtopic, then I
> apologize for posting
> >it -- and please move discussion to the slashdot forum.
> However, I
> >thought it was of interest to cygwin users.
> I don't consider this off-topic. I'd love to hear
> comments about this.
> cgf
> --
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