Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/11/08/18:07:18
On Mon, 08 Nov 1999 12:55:52 +1100, Brendan Simon <bsimon at ctam dot com
dot au> wrote:
> I have never found VIDE slow, but I haven't done anything
> major with it.
> I've just played with it. If there is a VIDE that is
> compiled for cygwin (as
> apposed to naitve windows environment) then it might be a _little_bit_
> slower.
> My problem with VIDE is that the icons look pretty bad. They
> are grey/black
> and are non standard. The X-Windows version looks pretty
> awful too. Is
> there a GTK version ? This is only my opinion and is
> currently the reason
> I don't use VIDE. I'm looking for a good cross-platform editor and am
> considering wxStudio but it is still in its infancy and not ready for
> distribution. I probably use VIDE if I was happy with the
> look and feel.
VIDE is impressive even if the look is a little weird - after all, it's
built with its own cross-platform GUI toolkit - but (and I know this is a
religious issue) I can't be doing with any of the emulations that Bruce
offers now. I'm always surprised by messages asking how to get vi working -
I'd be asking how to remove it if anything.
Ignoring for the moment the real emacs, which is a little heavyweight for my
platform, my vote goes to the "notGNU" emacs (Windows/DOS/Linux - is that
cross-platform enough?) at, or, if you want syntax
highlighting, for Windows only, Jens' File Editor at Both of these have enough
hooks to serve as a lightweight IDE, though personally I run a separate
command line for building and testing and use them for editing only.
Other contenders would include SuperIDE (
though I haven't tried it recently, for Windows only, Grasp
(, a tool specialised to Auburn's CSD
method, and ClassBuilder (search simtel, etc), a C++ tool with integrated
class diagram editor.
I hope this slightly off-topic post is useful.
Dirk Fieldhouse Logica UK Limited
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