Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/10/27/11:22:20

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X-Received: (from news AT localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id RAA26027 for nittka; Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:17:46 +0200
From: Oliver Nittka <nittka AT esem DOT com>
Subject: any gotchas with import-lib ?
Date: 27 Oct 1999 17:17:44 +0200
Organization: ESEM Gruenau GmbH
Lines: 58
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To: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
ReSent-Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 17:19:21 +0200 (MET DST)
ReSent-From: Oliver Nittka <nittka AT esem DOT com>
ReSent-To: cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
ReSent-Message-ID: <Pine DOT LNX DOT 3 DOT 96 DOT 991027171921 DOT 26097A AT kalserv DOT esem DOT com>

hi !

i'm currently using the following script to create a lib that i can
use to link my programs against some arbitrary dlls:

-------------------- ------------------
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
  echo "usage: $0 dllfile"
  exit 1
bname=$(basename $1)

# create def file
echo "EXPORTS" > $defname
objdump -p $1 | \
  sed "1,/^The Export Tables/d" | \
  sed "1,/^\[Ordinal\/Name Pointer\]/d" | \
  sed "/^$/,$ d;s/^.*\[.*\] //1" >> $defname

# create import lib
dlltool -k --def $defname --output-lib $libname --dllname ${bname}.dll

it seems to work fine, but i'd like to know, if there are any hidden
gotchas using that method.

  i am frequently building extensions for tcl, which i want to link
  against the DLLs that come from scriptics, just so everyone can use
  them without having cygwish etc.

  earlier, i used to (try to) compile the whole tcl/tk - tarballs,
  usually with the help of mumit khan's patches (hey, thanks again
  mumit !), just for the sake of those libtcl80.a etc.

  a few days ago, i found out the above, and since then i don't have
  to go through all that hassle. as i said, it all seems to work fine,
  i can build my extensions and all, but i just wanted to make sure

  comments very wellcome.

  -- oly
Oliver Nittka              | nittka AT esem DOT com
ESEM Gruenau GmbH & Co. KG |
Riedheimer Str.6           | phone: +49 7544 9583-25
88677 Markdorf / Germany   | fax:   +49 7544 9583-60

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