Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/10/11/17:08:25
Dear Cygwin Community,
Thanks to your support and feedback, I am pleased to announce the
commercial availability of Cygwin 1.0. As you know, Cygwin is a
UNIX/Linux shell environment and portability layer enabling delivery of
open source projects to Windows. You already use Cygwin to help
integrate Windows into your UNIX-based environment and migrate
applications from UNIX to Windows.
With the new enhancements included on the CD (see
for more details), you can now easily review info files and man pages.
In addition, the CD contains a more UNIX-like layout that has been
discussed and recommended by the community. The compiler incorporates
our Code Fusion technology which includes optimizations for the Intel
Pentium family of processors. I am also pleased that this release
contains our graphical debugger, Insight.
The best news is that soon (on October 15) I will be offering the
community a chance to get the new CD and docs for $20 off the "street
price" or $79 (USD).
Here's how you get it: go to , click on the
"Buy Cygwin" link. On the "SHOP CYGNUS" main page, under the Cygwin
section, click on "Community Offer." The password is "SHELL" - and that
will tag the order for the special price.
Again, this will not be available until October 15. You'll have to
wait until then to order.
We are calling this version of Cygwin version 1.0 but it is essentially
B21. It comes with a number of additional binaries from a standard
net release. Currently, the additional tools are not mentioned on
the web site but they soon will be. Until then, I've attached a list of
the additional binaries in the "contrib/bin" directory to this message.
If you have any questions about things like price, shipping and
handling, etc. please send them to info AT cygnus DOT com . DJ and I will try
to answer any technical questions in the cygwin AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
mailing list (but please remember that this activity is not part of
our full-time jobs).
I'm excited about this Cygwin offering and can't wait to see this on
the shelves of CompUSA, Best Buy, etc. The box has, IMO, some really
cool cover art of a shell -- to symbolize the use of a UNIX/Linux
shell on Windows.
Best Regards,
Christopher Faylor
Cygwin Technical Manager
Cygnus Solutions
Additional binaries included on the CD:
a2p fax2tiff h2xs perlcc rview toe
addftinfo file hpftodit perldoc rvim tput
afmtodit find2perl indxbib pfbtops s2p troff
apropos fortune infocmp pic soelim tset
b2m ftp infotocap pl2pm splain tsort
bc funzip jpegtran pod2html strfile unstr
c2ph game ksh pod2latex syslog unzip
captoinfo gif2tiff lessecho pod2man tbl unzipsfx
cjpeg gnuan lesskey pod2text tcsh view
clear gnuattach lkbib postprint telnet vim
col gnuchess logger ppm2tiff tfmtodit wget
colcrt gnuchessc login psbb tftp whatis
colrm gnuchessn lookbib pstogif thumbnail which
cpio gnuchessr man pstruct tic wrjpgcom
ctags gnuchessx more ras2tiff tiff2bw xemacs
cvs gnuclient mt rcs-checkin tiff2ps xemacs-21.0
cvsbug gnudoit neqn rcs2log tiffcmp xxd
dc grodvi nroff rdjpgcom tiffcp zip
djpeg groff ootags red tiffdither zipcloak
ed grog pal2rgb refer tiffdump zipnote
eqn grolj4 perl reset tiffinfo zipsplit
etags grops perl5.00503 rgb2ycbcr tiffmedian zsh-3.1.5
ex grotty perlbug runemacs tiffsplit zsh
fax2ps h2ph
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