Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/09/23/09:19:49
--- Clark Sims <clarksimsgnu AT my-Deja DOT com> wrote:
> Where can I download mingw32-gcc-2.95?
From Mumit's site. URL pointer on my page.
> >build it with no problems. I copied cygwin to another directory tree,
> removed
> >the compiler and bin-utilities, removed the lib and include directories,
> then
> >added the mingw32 versions of what I removed. I prefer this structure when
> Isn't this basicly the whole compiler. Wouldn't it have been easier to just
> change the path? Why download cygwin at all?
Yes it is the "whole" compiler. I use cygwin for the UNIXy feel. I have to
use both so being able to do `ls /some/directory' is pleasant. The way I have
things structured I can test different scenarios of cygwin environments without
having to bother other scenarios. All I have to do is change where / points
and everything else is configured. I can do this in a .bat file that I can
shortcut to the desktop and choose at will the environment I want to use (only
one at a time though).
> >building native programs. I also have a boot.bat file that does an
> effective
> >change root by doing a sh -c 'cd bin && ./umount / && ./mount
> d:\\root\mingw32
> >/' before starting bash. I also create and copy a more normalized directory
> >tree which allows cygwin to be more friendly to non-cygwin programs.
> >
> What is the point of this?
> Is it so /include appears where so many other Unix program expect it to
> appear?
> I guess you could acheive the samething by
> ln -s //d/root/mingw32/h /h
Yes. I like /usr/include to be where it is supposed to be.
> >I've never had the problems people have with using -mno-cygwin.
> Glad to hear it. I am glad that you got this program to compile :-)
> Thanks again,
You're welcome. BTW, I did see Mumit's response to this and to his defense I
have to say the "cygwin" doesn't include "conio.h" because "cygwin" is an
ANSI/POSIX system. However, the windows headers are included and the gcc
compiler environment is supporting both methods. The problem really is how the
files are located and when you try to mix "cygwin" and "mingw32" the compiler
has to be able to find the correct headers and _YOU_ have to tell it where to
find them. I choose to avoid the problem, I don't mix the two.
Hmm. I just had a brainstorm idea, I wonder if it would help to have a
directory structure of:
as opposed to:
Mumit, what do you think? Would it help to segregate the two independant
headers/libraries from the compiler perspective?
Earnie Boyd <mailto:earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com>
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