Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/08/27/02:24:35
On 27 Aug 1999, Love wrote:
> "Chris Telting" <telting AT sprynet DOT com> writes:
> > That's all that's needed?
> The try { } finally { } and try { } except () { } handling that is part of
> the SEH. You need SEH if you want to talk to the CacheManager.
Well, apart from the __fastcall convention, and SEH, you should at least
update the linker to handle the NATIVE subsystem and all the other driver
things (the MS CRC comes to mind). Symbols must be in *KD / WinDBG format
(at least until Micro$oft doesn't document fully how the remote kernel
debugging facility work) unless you are going to happily trace into pure
machine code.
Both the DDK and the system itself make a lot of (sometimes hidden)
assumptions about how the compiler works, and this is going to worsen due
to the use of floating point / MMX-whatever and C++ code in kernel mode -
just think of how the name mangling operates on gcc and MSVC and you'll
why I think a Cygwin DDK is probably too ambitious a goal at this stage
(NASM or - ykes! - GAS/GASP might find their role much earlier, though -
but this is a different option).
SEH would actually be an interesting project in its own rights, since it
can be useful in user mode as well (just think of Windows CE and gcc +
MinGW library). So would be a gcc IFS or _user_level_ DDK one (for
printer drivers, virtual device drivers or the likes, say). I personally
hate the fact I need four DDK (95, 98, NT 4.0 and NT5.0/Win2k beta 3, plus
hundreds of other files not found in them) installed when I want to target
Micro$oft systems, with a hell lot of duplicate code.
> > And I'd personally like to see a free nt fs kit; at a minimal all the
> > required include headers and import libraries. Possibly minimal
> > documentation of what people have so far figured out indipendently about
> > making such drivers.
> You are in luck: <>.
That's really nice! I was looking for some IFS code under NT (see the
ext2fs thread of discussion).
> I have written the beging a xfs driver (i.e just loads and have a create)
> ((no, not SGI xfs, one of the other ones, namely the xfs that is part of
> arla>)) Guess there will be more
> code hacked soon (If I just get the time).
Nice to know, as well
Best regards to you all
Federico Bianchi
Dipartimento di Storia delle Arti
Universita` degli Studi di Pisa
p.zza S.Matteo in Soarta, 2 - 56127 Pisa (Italy)
tel. +39-050-587111 (cent.), +39-050-587224 (uff.)
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