Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/07/30/03:47:15
On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Phil Edwards wrote:
> > I want to mount NFS drives on a win32 platform. I want a low cost
> > solution. Is this possible with GNU tools?
> To the best of my knowledge, nobody has ever implemented a free (speech)
> nor free (beer) NFS client, for any platform. Lots of free /servers/,
> but not /clients/.
An NFS client over TDI, for Windows 9x (among many other things):
I don't know of any free or cheap solutions for NT, maybe because its file
system hooks are far less known (the IFS kit is quite costly, and not
widely available outside the US due to the use of cryptography in
Best regards and have a nice holiday (I'll go on holiday for more than a
forthnight by today afternoon).
Federico Bianchi
Dipartimento di Storia delle Arti
Universita` degli Studi di Pisa
p.zza S.Matteo in Soarta, 2 - 56127 Pisa (Italy)
tel. +39-050-587111 (cent.), +39-050-587224 (uff.)
fax. +39-050-580128; e-mail: <f DOT bianchi AT arte DOT unipi DOT it>
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