Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/04/15/10:01:41
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I'm seeing strange errors from a bash shell using the B20.1 release.
Here's the situation:
1) The DOS path G:\ is mounted at /cygdrive/g
2) My current directory is 3 subdirectories from the root, though I've
seen it with any number (/cygdrive/g/a/b/c).
3) There is a shell script I want to execute in the parent directory
The Problem:
From the directory /cygdirve/g/a/b/c if I type the following at the bash
I get the following error message:
../../script: Can't open ../../script
If I move down another level, and type
I get the following error message:
../../../../script: Can't open ../../../../script
Whatever relative path I add gets doubled. If I specify the absolute
then everything works.
Has anyone seen this behavior before and know how to fix it?
- Tim
Timothy L. Taylor Internet: ttaylor AT mitre DOT org
Lead Software Systems Engineer Voice: (781) 271-8770
The Mitre Corporation Fax: (781) 271-7231
202 Burlington Rd. Mail Stop: B295
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730-1420
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org:The Mitre Corp.
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email;internet:ttaylor AT mitre DOT org
title:Lead Software Systems Engineer
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tel;work:(617) 271-8770
fn:Tim Taylor
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