Mail Archives: cygwin/1999/01/22/03:44:32

From: khan AT xraylith DOT wisc DOT edu (Mumit Khan)
Subject: Re: commit_and_inc: VirtualAlloc failed
22 Jan 1999 03:44:32 -0800 :
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References: <3 DOT 0 DOT 5 DOT 32 DOT 19990121073434 DOT 007b4640 AT mail DOT netnitco DOT net>
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To: Tom Uban <uban AT mail DOT netnitco DOT net>
Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Tom Uban wrote:

> (C:\CYGNUS\B19\H-I386-CYGWIN32\BIN\LD.EXE 1000) commit_and_inc:
> VirtualAlloc fai
> led
> \pin2000/xina/graphics/libgraph.a: could not read symbols: Memory exhausted

I used to run into this circa B19, but B20.x fixed a lot of that. Of
course, you may still run into it if you're using up all your available

> I am running on Windows95 with the following:

Ah, in that case, you may still be stuck even if you use the newer release
of the Cygwin runtime. The VM stinks on W95. I've run the same build job
on the same machine, and it dies with ``no more memory'' on W95, while
runs fine while running NT 4.0SP3/128M.

> Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? I am running what I believe
> to be the latest cygwinb19.dll. Can I do some sort of multi-stage link to
> limit the amount of memory needed by the linker?

Upgrade the memory ?-)

My first suggestion of course is to upgrade to Cygwin b20.x, which handles
memory a lot better. Remember the heap_chunks or what not back in those

Failing that, here's what I can suggest:

  - first of all, dump egcs-1.0.3 and upgrade to egcs-1.1 for cygb19 
    which has a much improved binary utilities.
  - try incremental linking (use `ld -r', don't use `gcc -Wl,-r'). I don't 
    know if the linker you have is buggy when it comes to incremental 
    linking or not, but the newer versions do work. BTW, if you have C++ 
    code with static/global constructors/destructors, you should use `-Ur'
    instead of `-r'

    Here's an example:
      $ ld -r incr1.o foo1.o foo2.o foo3.o lib1.a lib2.a
      $ ld -r incr2.o incr1.o foo4.o foo5.o 
      $ gcc -o prog incr2.o
Chances are you'll still run into the problem simply because the number
of symbols is essentially the same, but worth a shot.


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