Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/11/05/12:00:30
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I'm rebuilding jpeg.dll (on separate Mingw pakage it builds just fine). Here
is Makefile in attachment.
Earnie Boyd wrote:
> What library is it from?
> What command(s) are you or your package makefile using to build your
> executable?
> I've just succesfully built a native "HelloWorld" type program with no
> dependency on cygwin1.dll.
> The _impure_ptr means that you are mixing in cygwin1.dll dependencies.
> ---Maxim Sobolev <max AT vega DOT pfts DOT com> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you it helped a bit but I still on link phase have an "undefined
> > reference to `_impure_ptr'" error.
> >
> > Maxim
> >
> > Earnie Boyd wrote:
> >
> > > ---Maxim Sobolev <max AT vega DOT pfts DOT com> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > It seems to me that "-mno-cygwin" switch doesn't make it magick to
> > > > include Mingw32 version of header files (program that just fine
> > > compiled
> > > > with Mingw32 with B20 doesn't). Maybe there is any other switch to
> > > > include all needed header (Mingw instead of Cygwin) files? Any
> ideas?
> > > >
> > >
> > > I was able to resolve this by prefixing ../../../../ to the
> > > include/mingw32 in the -mno-cygwin commands for the cpp in the specs
> > > file.
> > >
> > > Here is the section of the specs file with the switches that work:
> > > *cpp:
> > > -remap %(cpp_cpu) %{posix:-D_POSIX_SOURCE}
> > > %{!mno-cygwin:-D__CYGWIN32__ -D__CY
> > > GWIN__} %{mno-cygwin:-iwithprefixbefore
> ../../../../include/mingw32
> > > -D__MINGW3
> > > 2__=0.2}
> > >
> > > I verifyed that it picked up the correct header file by specifying
> the
> > > -H switch on the command line verifying that
> include/mingw32/dirent.h
> > > was included instead of include/dirent.h.
> > >
> > > ==
> > > - \\||//
> > > -------------o0O0--Earnie--0O0o--------------
> > > -- earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com --
> > > -- --
> > > ----------------ooo0O--O0ooo-----------------
> > >
> > > PS: Newbie's, you should visit my page.
> > > _________________________________________________________
> > > DO YOU YAHOO!?
> > > Get your free address at
> >
> >
> ==
> - \\||//
> -------------o0O0--Earnie--0O0o--------------
> -- earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com --
> -- --
> ----------------ooo0O--O0ooo-----------------
> PS: Newbie's, you should visit my page.
> _________________________________________________________
> Get your free address at
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# Generated automatically from makefile.cfg by configure.
# Makefile for Independent JPEG Group's software
# makefile.cfg is edited by configure to produce a custom Makefile.
# Read installation instructions before saying "make" !!
# For compiling with source and object files in different directories.
srcdir = .
# Where to install the programs and man pages.
prefix = /usr/local
exec_prefix = ${prefix}
bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
includedir = $(prefix)/include
binprefix =
manprefix =
manext = 1
mandir = $(prefix)/man/man$(manext)
# The name of your C compiler:
CC= gcc -mno-cygwin
# You may need to adjust these cc options:
CFLAGS= -O3 -I$(srcdir)
# Generally, we recommend defining any configuration symbols in jconfig.h,
# NOT via -D switches here.
# However, any special defines for ansi2knr.c may be included here:
# Link-time cc options:
# To link any special libraries, add the necessary -l commands here.
# If using GNU libtool, LIBTOOL references it; if not, LIBTOOL is empty.
# $(O) expands to "lo" if using libtool, plain "o" if not.
# Similarly, $(A) expands to "la" or "a".
O = o
A = a
# Library version ID; libtool uses this for the shared library version number.
# Note: we suggest this match the macro of the same name in jpeglib.h.
# Put here the object file name for the correct system-dependent memory
# manager file. For Unix this is usually jmemnobs.o, but you may want
# to use jmemansi.o or jmemname.o if you have limited swap space.
SYSDEPMEM= jmemnobs.$(O)
# miscellaneous OS-dependent stuff
SHELL= /bin/sh
# linker
LN= $(CC)
# file deletion command
RM= rm -f
# directory creation command
MKDIR= mkdir
# library (.a) file creation command
AR= ar rc
# second step in .a creation (use "touch" if not needed)
AR2= ranlib
# installation program
INSTALL= /bin/install -c
# End of configurable options.
# source files: JPEG library proper
LIBSOURCES= jcapimin.c jcapistd.c jccoefct.c jccolor.c jcdctmgr.c jchuff.c \
jcinit.c jcmainct.c jcmarker.c jcmaster.c jcomapi.c jcparam.c \
jcphuff.c jcprepct.c jcsample.c jctrans.c jdapimin.c jdapistd.c \
jdatadst.c jdatasrc.c jdcoefct.c jdcolor.c jddctmgr.c jdhuff.c \
jdinput.c jdmainct.c jdmarker.c jdmaster.c jdmerge.c jdphuff.c \
jdpostct.c jdsample.c jdtrans.c jerror.c jfdctflt.c jfdctfst.c \
jfdctint.c jidctflt.c jidctfst.c jidctint.c jidctred.c jquant1.c \
jquant2.c jutils.c jmemmgr.c
# memmgr back ends: compile only one of these into a working library
SYSDEPSOURCES= jmemansi.c jmemname.c jmemnobs.c jmemdos.c jmemmac.c
# source files: cjpeg/djpeg/jpegtran applications, also rdjpgcom/wrjpgcom
APPSOURCES= cjpeg.c djpeg.c jpegtran.c rdjpgcom.c wrjpgcom.c cdjpeg.c \
rdcolmap.c rdswitch.c transupp.c rdppm.c wrppm.c rdgif.c wrgif.c \
rdtarga.c wrtarga.c rdbmp.c wrbmp.c rdrle.c wrrle.c
# files included by source files
INCLUDES= jchuff.h jdhuff.h jdct.h jerror.h jinclude.h jmemsys.h jmorecfg.h \
jpegint.h jpeglib.h jversion.h cdjpeg.h cderror.h transupp.h
# documentation, test, and support files
DOCS= README install.doc usage.doc cjpeg.1 djpeg.1 jpegtran.1 rdjpgcom.1 \
wrjpgcom.1 wizard.doc example.c libjpeg.doc structure.doc \
coderules.doc filelist.doc change.log
MKFILES= configure makefile.cfg makefile.ansi makefile.unix makefile.bcc \
makefile.mc6 makefile.wat makelib.ds \
makeapps.ds makeproj.mac \ makefile.manx makefile.mms makefile.vms \
CONFIGFILES= jconfig.cfg jconfig.bcc jconfig.mc6 jconfig.wat \ jconfig.mac jconfig.manx \
CONFIGUREFILES= config.guess config.sub install-sh ltconfig
OTHERFILES= jconfig.doc ckconfig.c ansi2knr.c ansi2knr.1 jmemdosa.asm
TESTFILES= testorig.jpg testimg.ppm testimg.bmp testimg.jpg testprog.jpg \
# library object files common to compression and decompression
COMOBJECTS= jcomapi.$(O) jutils.$(O) jerror.$(O) jmemmgr.$(O) $(SYSDEPMEM)
# compression library object files
CLIBOBJECTS= jcapimin.$(O) jcapistd.$(O) jctrans.$(O) jcparam.$(O) \
jdatadst.$(O) jcinit.$(O) jcmaster.$(O) jcmarker.$(O) jcmainct.$(O) \
jcprepct.$(O) jccoefct.$(O) jccolor.$(O) jcsample.$(O) jchuff.$(O) \
jcphuff.$(O) jcdctmgr.$(O) jfdctfst.$(O) jfdctflt.$(O) \
# decompression library object files
DLIBOBJECTS= jdapimin.$(O) jdapistd.$(O) jdtrans.$(O) jdatasrc.$(O) \
jdmaster.$(O) jdinput.$(O) jdmarker.$(O) jdhuff.$(O) jdphuff.$(O) \
jdmainct.$(O) jdcoefct.$(O) jdpostct.$(O) jddctmgr.$(O) \
jidctfst.$(O) jidctflt.$(O) jidctint.$(O) jidctred.$(O) \
jdsample.$(O) jdcolor.$(O) jquant1.$(O) jquant2.$(O) jdmerge.$(O)
# These objectfiles are included in libjpeg.a
# object files for sample applications (excluding library files)
COBJECTS= cjpeg.$(O) rdppm.$(O) rdgif.$(O) rdtarga.$(O) rdrle.$(O) \
rdbmp.$(O) rdswitch.$(O) cdjpeg.$(O)
DOBJECTS= djpeg.$(O) wrppm.$(O) wrgif.$(O) wrtarga.$(O) wrrle.$(O) \
wrbmp.$(O) rdcolmap.$(O) cdjpeg.$(O)
TROBJECTS= jpegtran.$(O) rdswitch.$(O) cdjpeg.$(O) transupp.$(O)
all: libjpeg.$(A) cjpeg djpeg jpegtran rdjpgcom wrjpgcom
# Special compilation rules to support ansi2knr and libtool.
..SUFFIXES: .lo .la
# How to compile with libtool.
# .c.lo:
# $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/$*.c
# How to use ansi2knr, when not using libtool.
# .c.o:
# ./ansi2knr $(srcdir)/$*.c knr/$*.c
# $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c knr/$*.c
# $(RM) knr/$*.c
# How to use ansi2knr AND libtool.
# .c.lo:
# ./ansi2knr $(srcdir)/$*.c knr/$*.c
# $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c knr/$*.c
# $(RM) knr/$*.c
ansi2knr: ansi2knr.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ANSI2KNRFLAGS) -o ansi2knr $(srcdir)/ansi2knr.c
$(MKDIR) knr
# the library:
# without libtool:
libjpeg.a: $(LIBOBJECTS) jpeg.dll
# $(RM) libjpeg.a
# $(AR) libjpeg.a $(LIBOBJECTS)
# $(AR2) libjpeg.a
dlltool --dllname jpeg.dll --def jpeg.def --output-lib libjpeg.a
jpeg.dll: $(LIBOBJECTS)
gcc -mno-cygwin -mdll -o junk.tmp -Wl,--base-file,base.tmp $(LIBOBJECTS)
rm junk.tmp
dlltool --dllname jpeg.dll --base-file base.tmp --output-exp temp.exp --def jpeg.def
rm base.tmp
gcc -mno-cygwin -mdll -o jpeg.dll $(LIBOBJECTS) -Wl,temp.exp
rm temp.exp
# with libtool: $(LIBOBJECTS)
$(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(CC) -o $(LIBOBJECTS) \
-rpath $(libdir) -version-info $(JPEG_LIB_VERSION)
# sample programs:
cjpeg: $(COBJECTS) libjpeg.$(A)
$(LN) $(LDFLAGS) -o cjpeg $(COBJECTS) libjpeg.$(A) $(LDLIBS)
djpeg: $(DOBJECTS) libjpeg.$(A)
$(LN) $(LDFLAGS) -o djpeg $(DOBJECTS) libjpeg.$(A) $(LDLIBS)
jpegtran: $(TROBJECTS) libjpeg.$(A)
$(LN) $(LDFLAGS) -o jpegtran $(TROBJECTS) libjpeg.$(A) $(LDLIBS)
rdjpgcom: rdjpgcom.$(O)
$(LN) $(LDFLAGS) -o rdjpgcom rdjpgcom.$(O) $(LDLIBS)
wrjpgcom: wrjpgcom.$(O)
$(LN) $(LDFLAGS) -o wrjpgcom wrjpgcom.$(O) $(LDLIBS)
# Installation rules:
install: cjpeg djpeg jpegtran rdjpgcom wrjpgcom
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cjpeg $(bindir)/$(binprefix)cjpeg
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) djpeg $(bindir)/$(binprefix)djpeg
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) jpegtran $(bindir)/$(binprefix)jpegtran
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) rdjpgcom $(bindir)/$(binprefix)rdjpgcom
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) wrjpgcom $(bindir)/$(binprefix)wrjpgcom
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/cjpeg.1 $(mandir)/$(manprefix)cjpeg.$(manext)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/djpeg.1 $(mandir)/$(manprefix)djpeg.$(manext)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/jpegtran.1 $(mandir)/$(manprefix)jpegtran.$(manext)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/rdjpgcom.1 $(mandir)/$(manprefix)rdjpgcom.$(manext)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/wrjpgcom.1 $(mandir)/$(manprefix)wrjpgcom.$(manext)
install-lib: libjpeg.$(A) install-headers
$(INSTALL_LIB) libjpeg.$(A) $(libdir)/$(binprefix)libjpeg.$(A)
install-headers: jconfig.h
$(INSTALL_DATA) jconfig.h $(includedir)/jconfig.h
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/jpeglib.h $(includedir)/jpeglib.h
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/jmorecfg.h $(includedir)/jmorecfg.h
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/jerror.h $(includedir)/jerror.h
$(RM) *.o *.lo libjpeg.a
$(RM) cjpeg djpeg jpegtran rdjpgcom wrjpgcom
$(RM) ansi2knr core testout* config.log config.status
$(RM) -r knr .libs _libs
distclean: clean
$(RM) Makefile jconfig.h libtool config.cache
test: cjpeg djpeg jpegtran
$(RM) testout*
./djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile testout.ppm $(srcdir)/testorig.jpg
./djpeg -dct int -bmp -colors 256 -outfile testout.bmp $(srcdir)/testorig.jpg
./cjpeg -dct int -outfile testout.jpg $(srcdir)/testimg.ppm
./djpeg -dct int -ppm -outfile testoutp.ppm $(srcdir)/testprog.jpg
./cjpeg -dct int -progressive -opt -outfile testoutp.jpg $(srcdir)/testimg.ppm
./jpegtran -outfile testoutt.jpg $(srcdir)/testprog.jpg
cmp $(srcdir)/testimg.ppm testout.ppm
cmp $(srcdir)/testimg.bmp testout.bmp
cmp $(srcdir)/testimg.jpg testout.jpg
cmp $(srcdir)/testimg.ppm testoutp.ppm
cmp $(srcdir)/testimgp.jpg testoutp.jpg
cmp $(srcdir)/testorig.jpg testoutt.jpg
check: test
# Mistake catcher:
jconfig.h: jconfig.doc
echo You must prepare a system-dependent jconfig.h file.
echo Please read the installation directions in install.doc.
exit 1
# GNU Make likes to know which target names are not really files to be made:
..PHONY: all install install-lib install-headers clean distclean test check
jcapimin.$(O): jcapimin.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcapistd.$(O): jcapistd.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jccoefct.$(O): jccoefct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jccolor.$(O): jccolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcdctmgr.$(O): jcdctmgr.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jchuff.$(O): jchuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jchuff.h
jcinit.$(O): jcinit.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcmainct.$(O): jcmainct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcmarker.$(O): jcmarker.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcmaster.$(O): jcmaster.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcomapi.$(O): jcomapi.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcparam.$(O): jcparam.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcphuff.$(O): jcphuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jchuff.h
jcprepct.$(O): jcprepct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jcsample.$(O): jcsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jctrans.$(O): jctrans.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdapimin.$(O): jdapimin.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdapistd.$(O): jdapistd.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdatadst.$(O): jdatadst.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h
jdatasrc.$(O): jdatasrc.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h
jdcoefct.$(O): jdcoefct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdcolor.$(O): jdcolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jddctmgr.$(O): jddctmgr.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jdhuff.$(O): jdhuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdhuff.h
jdinput.$(O): jdinput.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmainct.$(O): jdmainct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmarker.$(O): jdmarker.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmaster.$(O): jdmaster.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdmerge.$(O): jdmerge.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdphuff.$(O): jdphuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdhuff.h
jdpostct.$(O): jdpostct.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdsample.$(O): jdsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jdtrans.$(O): jdtrans.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jerror.$(O): jerror.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jversion.h jerror.h
jfdctflt.$(O): jfdctflt.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jfdctfst.$(O): jfdctfst.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jfdctint.$(O): jfdctint.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jidctflt.$(O): jidctflt.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jidctfst.$(O): jidctfst.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jidctint.$(O): jidctint.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jidctred.$(O): jidctred.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jdct.h
jquant1.$(O): jquant1.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jquant2.$(O): jquant2.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jutils.$(O): jutils.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h
jmemmgr.$(O): jmemmgr.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemansi.$(O): jmemansi.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemname.$(O): jmemname.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemnobs.$(O): jmemnobs.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemdos.$(O): jmemdos.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
jmemmac.$(O): jmemmac.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h jmemsys.h
cjpeg.$(O): cjpeg.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h jversion.h
djpeg.$(O): djpeg.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h jversion.h
jpegtran.$(O): jpegtran.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h transupp.h jversion.h
rdjpgcom.$(O): rdjpgcom.c jinclude.h jconfig.h
wrjpgcom.$(O): wrjpgcom.c jinclude.h jconfig.h
cdjpeg.$(O): cdjpeg.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdcolmap.$(O): rdcolmap.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdswitch.$(O): rdswitch.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
transupp.$(O): transupp.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jpegint.h jerror.h transupp.h
rdppm.$(O): rdppm.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrppm.$(O): wrppm.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdgif.$(O): rdgif.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrgif.$(O): wrgif.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdtarga.$(O): rdtarga.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrtarga.$(O): wrtarga.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdbmp.$(O): rdbmp.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrbmp.$(O): wrbmp.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
rdrle.$(O): rdrle.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
wrrle.$(O): wrrle.c cdjpeg.h jinclude.h jconfig.h jpeglib.h jmorecfg.h jerror.h cderror.h
For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a message to
"gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".
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