Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/09/24/09:43:21

From: john_r_velman AT mail DOT hac DOT com
Subject: Re[2]: Permissions?
24 Sep 1998 09:43:21 -0700 :
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To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com, earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com

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Woops!  I meant to include this:

My system is NT4 SP3, NTFS file system


John Velman
jrvelman AT mail DOT hac DOT com

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Subject: Re: Permissions?
Author:  earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com at mime
Date:    9/23/98 9:47 AM

What's your system?!
WinNT 3.51, 4 or 5, Win95 or Win98?
---john_r_velman AT mail DOT hac DOT com wrote: 
>      Can someone point me to an explanation of how Cygwin handles 
>      permissions, and -- specifically -- how I can get root 
>      I just ran a-foul of trying to configure a package where 
>      tests to see if it can find the sources by testing for a 
certain file
>      to be readable.  It turned out that this particluar package had 
a lot
>      of permissions set to -rw-r-----.    Probably this is the case 
in a
>      number of directories as well as a lot of files in this 
>      I could try changing all permissions in all directories with 
find, but
>      it would be a lot cleaner to be able to do an su like I do on 
my Linux
>      box.
>      And by the way, how does Cygwin know what the permisions are, 
>      It appears that this has little if anything I can find in 
>      file properties.
>      Thanks,
>      John Velman
>      jrvelman AT mail DOT hac DOT com
> -
> For help on using this list (especially unsubscribing), send a 
message to
> "gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help". 
-                \\||//
--        earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com        -- 
-- -- 
PS: Newbie's, you should visit my page. 
Get your free address at

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Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 09:47:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Earnie Boyd <earnie_boyd AT yahoo DOT com>
Subject: Re: Permissions?
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