Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/07/24/21:02:14
|> for name [ in word; ] do list ; done
|> The list of words following in is expanded, gener-
|> ating a list of items. The variable name is set to
|> each element of this list in turn, and list is exe-
|> cuted each time. If the in word is omitted, the
|> for command executes list once for each positional
|> parameter that is set (see PARAMETERS below). The
|> return status is the exit status of the last com-
|> mand that executes. If the expansion of the items
|> following in results in an empty list, no commands
|> are executed, and the return status is 0.
|> Which means that empy word-list is valid, and shouldn't trigger
|> an error.
|> 10:55:25 mub ~/ftp/gnu/bash-2.02$ for i in ;do echo $i; done
|> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;d'
No, bash behaves as described. Legal syntax is one of these:
for i in x1 x2; do echo $i; done
for i do echo $i; done
for i; do echo $i; done
dummy=; for i in $dummy; do echo $i; done
It is not legal to say `for i in ; do'. The list after `in' can be
empty only as a consequence of expansion (shell variable or file name),
not before the expansion; reread the documentation you quoted. Hence,
if you omit the `word' list, you must omit `in' as well.
If you are using this inside makefiles where you don't know whether the
list is going to be empty or not, you can use something like this:
for i in $(list) ..; do # $(list) may be empty, and is
if [ x$$i = x.. ]; then :; else # expanded by make, not shell
# commands
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going
to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. --RFC1925, "The Twelve Networking Truths"
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