Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/03/22/06:05:19
* When this simple code sample is compiled with the Cygnus B19.1 gcc
* compiler using either -O2 or -O3, bad code is generated.
* gcc -O2 test.c
* or
* gcc -O3 test.c
* This program should always print the number 4. When compiled
* with -O2 or -O3 the number 1 is printed. The dissassembled output
* seems to indicate that the loop code generation is broken.
* The result of gcc -v is:
* Reading specs from
* gcc driver version 2.7-B19 executing gcc version 2.7-97r2aBeta
* The Cygnus B18 (gcc version cygnus-2.7.2-970404) release did not
* exhibit this behavior.
* Tom Uban - 17 March 1998
* uban AT netnitco DOT net
unsigned short foobar = 1;
unsigned short *sptr = &foobar;
unsigned long cksum;
int i;
cksum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cksum += *sptr;
printf("%d\n", cksum);
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