Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/03/12/23:13:29
>From: "Tijs Michels" <M DOT H DOT M DOT Michels AT kub DOT nl>
>To: "Paul Garceau" <pgarceau AT submergedsoftware DOT com>
>Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 12:22:21 MET
>Subject: Accessing hardware -- nasm and gcc
>Reply-to: M DOT H DOT M DOT Michels AT kub DOT nl
>CC: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com
>I have a simple .c file mijn.c consisting of four lines:
> extern void tijs(void);
> int main(void) {
> tijs();
> }
>I have a simple .asm file mijn.asm like this:
> BITS 32
> GLOBAL _tijs
> SECTION .text
>; prototype: void tijs(void);
>_tijs mov dx,0x3C8 ; Port 3C8h to switch to PEL address write mode.
> mov al,1 ; By default palette register 01h is mapped to
> out dx,al ; PEL data register 01h. So to change the color
> inc dx ; of attribute 1.h address PEL data register 01h.
> xor al,al ; To compose a color set the intensity of red,
> out dx,al ; green, and blue on a scale from 0h to 3Fh (63).
> out dx,al ; bright blue (00_00_FFh) corresponds to 00_00_
> mov al,0x3F ; 3Fh.
> out dx,al ;
> ret
> SECTION .data
> SECTION .bss
>Next I issue the following two commands:
> nasm -f coff mijn.asm
I'm not claiming to know anything here, but, I would like to suggest
that you try this:
mv mijn.asm mijn.s
gcc -c mijn.s
> gcc -o mijn mijn.c mijn.o
- \\||//
-earnie_boyd AT hotmail DOT com-
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