Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/03/11/05:57:50
I've re-posted this article in the hope someone will respond to me :-)
I have a book on order about Unix Sockets programming (a reference from one
of you good folk on this listserv - thanks Harry!), but can't wait 4-6 weeks
for it's arrival !!! (I had to order from the US, as non of our Australian
bookstores have it in stock - the book is "Unix Network Programming" by
W.R.Stevens: Prentice Hall). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Read <mread AT ozemail DOT com DOT au>
To: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com <gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com>
Date: Saturday, 7 March 1998 21:06
Subject: Please review my Sockets() code, anyone?
>I've a very simple Server and Client Sockets() app that I've written. This
>is my 1st attemp at such code. Both work when executed, and the Server
>recognises when the Client talks to it, but I can't get either app to
>read/send data.
>Could someone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong please?
>My environment: Win98 beta3, DOSBOX, GNU B18 (full cdk.exe).
>Both C files are compiled like so:
>c:\gnu\mark> gcc client1.c -oclient1.exe
>c:\gnu\mark> gcc server4.c -oserver4.exe
>Both files are then executed in a separate DOSBOX (Server first, then
>Client, of course).
>The Server can be terminated by pressing CTRL-C *then* running CLIENT1.EXE
>I've tried to get signal() to recognise my ctrl-c trap when the user
>ctrl-c, but my server app will only trap ctrl-c when it does something
>(anything apparently). Given it's waiting on accept(), a client wanting to
>connect triggers the accept() function, which triggers the ctrl-c trap
>signal. Is it possible to trap ctrl-c immediately?
>By the way, I'm using Unix Sockets() as my aim is to port these apps
>(eventually) across to SGI Irix, compile (hopefully without any code
>required because I'm using standard Unix functions) and run them their. I
>not wish to write a Winsock app!
>Your help is sincerely appreciated. I'd be happy to donate my working
>code to the GNU web site (perhaps in a newbie section - refer to previous
>email from me to this listserv entitled "mount, sh, bash, etc").
>Many thanks, Mark.
>PS: When you reply to this post, could you cc me too? Thanks :-)
>// =======================================
>// server4.c
>// 27 feb 98
>// mark read
>// cygnus gnc-win32 and socket programming
>// =======================================
>// includes
>#include <stdio.h> // for printf()
>#include <stdlib.h> // for exit()
>#include <sys/types.h>
>#include <sys/socket.h> // for socket(), bind(), etc.
>#include <netinet/in.h> // for sockaddr_in structure
>#include <netdb.h> // for hostent structure
>#include <signal.h>
>#include <unistd.h> // for sleep()
>// defines
>#define MAXBUFSIZE 1024
>#define PORTNO 8888 // we listen on this port number
>// prototypes
>int main(void);
>void handler(int sig); // exit here on op sys signal
>// global variables
>int bEnd;
>// ==================================
>// Let's begin our testing of sockets
>// programming under gnu-win32.
>// ==================================
>int main(void)
>// ---------------------------
>// Order of socket processing:
>// ---------------------------
>// s = socket()
>// bind(s)
>// listen() then accept()
>// send() or recv()
>// close(s)
>int s, n, ns, len;
>struct sockaddr_in address; // AF_INET sockaddr structure
>struct hostent *host; // hostent structure
>char buf[MAXBUFSIZE]; // holds data sent or rcvd
>// ----------------
>// Welcome message.
>// ----------------
>printf("\nSockets() test server app");
>printf("\nCopyright Mark Read, 1998");
>printf("\nCompiled with Cygnus GNU-Win32 b18\n");
>// ---------------------------
>// Establish trapable signals.
>// ---------------------------
>signal(SIGQUIT, handler); // quit (ctrl-c?)
>signal(SIGINT, handler); // interrupt (ctrl-c?)
>// ----------------------------------------------------
>// Create socket and bind it to port and local machine.
>// ----------------------------------------------------
>printf("\ncreating socket...");
>memset(&address, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); // zero out memory for
>address.sin_family = AF_INET;
>address.sin_port = htons(PORTNO); // with local host info
>if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) // create the socket */
> printf("failed");
> exit(-1);
> printf("ok");
>printf("\nbinding socket to local machine and port...");
>if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0)
> printf("failed");
> return(-1);
> printf("ok");
>// getsockname()
>// -----------------------------------------------------------
>// Go into "listen" mode and await a connection from a client.
>// -----------------------------------------------------------
>printf("\ncalling listen()...");
>if (listen(s, 5) == -1)
> printf( "error");
> exit(-1);
> printf("ok");
>// now we wait for a caller
>printf("\n\nlistening for a caller on port %d (press 'ctrl-c' to quit)...",
>bEnd = 0;
>while (bEnd == 0) // this loop doesn't get executed until out 1st caller
> //printf("\n sleeping...");
> //sleep(10); // allow ctrl-c to be trapped by signal
> //printf("back from sleeping !!");
> if (bEnd == 1) break;
> // accept a connection if one in the queue
> len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
> printf("\n calling accept()...");
> if ((ns = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *) &address, &len)) < 0)
> {
> printf("failed");
> break;
> }
> else
> {
> printf("ok");
> }
> printf("\n ns=%d", ns);
> if (bEnd == 1) break;
> // Get all the client has to send us.
> // Write it to stdout so human may see it.
> //printf("\n-----------------");
> printf("\n\n rcvd from client: ");
> memset(&buf, 0, MAXBUFSIZE);
> printf("\n strlen(buf)=%d", strlen(buf));
> n = recv(s, buf, MAXBUFSIZE, 0);
> printf("\n s=%d", s);
> printf("\n n=%d", n);
> printf("\n buf=[%s]", buf);
> if (n > 0) printf("\n%d bytes rcvd", n);
> // **********************************************
> // this works (doesn't crash system)
> // but nothing is rcvd (well, nothing is printed)
> while((n = recv(s, buf, MAXBUFSIZE, 0)) > 0)
> {
> //write(1, buf, n);
> printf("\n s=%d", s);
> printf("\n n=%d", n);
> printf("\n buf=[%s]", buf);
> //printf("%d bytes rcvd", n);
> }
> // **********************************************
> //printf("\n-----------------");
> // send a reply
> printf("\n\n sending stuff to caller...");
> n = send(s, "hello", 5, 0);
> printf("\n n = %d", n);
> printf("\n closing call...");
> close(ns);
> //printf("\n sleeping...");
> //sleep(1000);
> //printf("back from sleeping !!");
> if (bEnd == 1) break;
> printf("\n\nlistening for a caller on port %d (press 'ctrl-c' to
>quit)...", PORTNO);
>printf("\nclosing socket...");
> exit(0);
>// =====================================================
>// If an op sys signal is rcvd (like ctrl-c) then abort.
>// =====================================================
>void handler(int sig)
>bEnd = 1;
>// client1.c
>// Our Includes.
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <sys/types.h>
>#include <sys/socket.h>
>#include <netinet/in.h>
>#include <string.h>
>#include <stdlib.h>
>#include <signal.h>
>// Our Defines.
>#define MAXBUFSIZE 1024 // buffer for sending and receiving data
>#define PORTNO 8888 // server port to connect to
>#define HOSTIP "" // server is located here (local host)
>// Our Prototypes.
>int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
>// =========
>// Let's go!
>// =========
>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>int n, s, len;
>char buf[MAXBUFSIZE];
>struct sockaddr_in name;
>// do an argument check
>// if(argc != 2)
>// {
>// fprintf(stderr, "Use: %s 'string'\n", argv[0]);
>// exit(1);
>// }
>// ----------------
>// Welcome message.
>// ----------------
>printf("\nSockets() test client app");
>printf("\nCopyright Mark Read, 1998");
>printf("\nCompiled with Cygnus GNU-Win32\n");
>// Create a socket in the INET domain.
>printf("\ncreating socket...");
>if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
> printf("socket error (can't create a socket)");
> exit(1);
>// Create the address of the server we wish to talk to.
>memset(&name, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
>name.sin_family = AF_INET;
>name.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(HOSTIP);
>name.sin_port = htons(PORTNO);
>// Connect to the server.
>printf("\nconnecting to server %s on port %d...", HOSTIP, PORTNO);
>if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &name, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0)
> printf("connect error (can't connect to server)");
> exit(1);
>// Copy the commandline argument to buf and send it to the server.
>// strcpy(buf, argv[1]);
>strcpy(buf, "hello");
>printf("\nsending [%s]...", buf);
> if (send(s, buf, strlen(buf), 0) < 0)
> perror("send error");
> exit(1);
> printf("done");
>// Get all the server has to send.
>// Write to stdout.
>printf("\nreceiving reply...");
> while((n = recv(s, buf, MAXBUFSIZE, 0)) > 0)
> write(1, buf, n);
>printf("\nclosing socket...\n");
>close(s); // close socket
>exit(0); // end app
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