Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/03/10/23:02:01
At 11:07 AM 3/10/98 +0300, Sergey Okhapkin wrote:
>Trap is somewhere in newlib's code. For example, string manipulation
>functions may trap when NULL pointer is passed as an argument. Check it!
>Gdb's "backtrace" command will help you.
Okay, I decided to try this thing out again, and for some odd reason the
windowed version of GDB freezes.. so I ran the console version and got the
program running and hit SIGSEGV again in the _size_of_stack_reserve__ ()
function.. so I did backtrace and bt and everything else I could think of
and I get:
#0 0x10047c70 in _size_of_stack_reserve__ ()
Cannot access memory at address 0x2000000.
So appearently there isn't much more to go on than that. From B18, I get
the following info in response to my 'invalid file format' and this might
explain some of it:
The executable you sent me has a bss section (unitialized data) size of
3,523,560 bytes. This seems huge. Is your program using all that static
data as uninitialized arrays?
In any case, windows gets confused, because the extended header tells it that
the heap reserve size is only 1,048,576 (1MB) standard size. Maybe the reason
for this problem is that the linker doesn't extend the size of the heap
size to the sum of the bss +data sections. Your initialized data section is
small (5K or so).
I cc this message to Ian Taylor at cygnus. He will be more able to see why
link is failing. Appended is the description of the executable as given by
my tools:
Dump of file XSW.EXE (420119 bytes)
File Header
Machine: 014C (i386)
Number of Sections: 6
TimeDateStamp: 34F364F3 (Wed Feb 25 01:25:23 1998)
PointerToSymbolTable: 00379904
NumberOfSymbols: 00001806
String Table File Offset 412412
SizeOfOptionalHeader: 00E0
Characteristics: 0107
Optional Header
Magic 0x10b 267
linker version 2.55
size of code 0x58E00 364032
size of initialized data 0x2200 8704
size of uninitialized data 0x35C400 3523584
entrypoint RVA 0x1000 4096
base of code 0x1000 4096
base of data 0x5A000 368640
image base 0x400000 4194304
section align 0x1000 4096
file align 0x200 512
required OS version 4.00
image version 1.00
subsystem version 4.00
Win32 Version 0x0
size of image 0x3BC000 3915776
size of headers 0x400 1024
checksum 0x0
Subsystem 0x3 (Windows character)
DLL flags 0x0
stack reserve size 0x2000000 33554432
stack commit size 0x1000 4096
heap reserve size 0x100000 1048576 <<<<<look here
heap commit size 0x1000 4096
loader flags 0x0
RVAs & sizes 0x10
Data Directory
EXPORT rva: 0x0 size: 0
IMPORT rva: 0x3B9000 size: 2700
RESOURCE rva: 0x0 size: 0
EXCEPTION rva: 0x0 size: 0
SECURITY rva: 0x0 size: 0
BASERELOC rva: 0x0 size: 0
DEBUG rva: 0x0 size: 0
COPYRIGHT rva: 0x0 size: 0
GLOBALPTR rva: 0x0 size: 0
TLS rva: 0x0 size: 0
LOAD_CONFIG rva: 0x0 size: 0
unused rva: 0x0 size: 0
unused rva: 0x0 size: 0
unused rva: 0x0 size: 0
unused rva: 0x0 size: 0
unused rva: 0x0 size: 0
Section Table
01 .text VirtSize: 00363576 VirtAddr: 00004096 0x00001000
raw data offs: 01024 raw data size: 364032
relocation offs: 00000000 relocations: 00000000
line # offs: 00000000 line #'s: 00000000
characteristics: 0x$60000020
02 .bss VirtSize: 03523560 VirtAddr: 00368640 0x0005a000
raw data offs: 00000 raw data size: 00000
relocation offs: 00000000 relocations: 00000000
line # offs: 00000000 line #'s: 00000000
characteristics: 0x$C0000080
03 .data VirtSize: 00005284 VirtAddr: 03895296 0x003b7000
raw data offs: 365056 raw data size: 05632
relocation offs: 00000000 relocations: 00000000
line # offs: 00000000 line #'s: 00000000
characteristics: 0x$C0000040
04 .idata VirtSize: 00002700 VirtAddr: 03903488 0x003b9000
raw data offs: 370688 raw data size: 03072
relocation offs: 00000000 relocations: 00000000
line # offs: 00000000 line #'s: 00000000
characteristics: 0x$C0000040
05 .stab VirtSize: 00002232 VirtAddr: 03907584 0x003ba000
raw data offs: 373760 raw data size: 02560
relocation offs: 00000000 relocations: 00000000
line # offs: 00000000 line #'s: 00000000
characteristics: 0x$00000202
06 .stabstr VirtSize: 00003215 VirtAddr: 03911680 0x003bb000
raw data offs: 376320 raw data size: 03584
relocation offs: 00000000 relocations: 00000000
line # offs: 00000000 line #'s: 00000000
characteristics: 0x$00000202
Imports Table size:3072
offset 370688 libX11.dll
Hint/Name Table: 003B9088
TimeDateStamp: 00000000
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 003B9214 (delta: 396 0x18c)
Ordn Name
11 XAllocColor 3b939c
106 XDisplayName 3b93ac
116 XDrawArc 3b93bc
120 XDrawLine 3b93c8
122 XDrawPoint 3b93d4
124 XDrawRectangle 3b93e4
127 XDrawString 3b93f8
156 XFillArc 3b9408
158 XFillPolygon 3b9414
159 XFillRectangle 3b9424
169 XFreeColormap 3b9438
180 XFreePixmap 3b9448
265 XLoadQueryFont 3b9458
274 XMapRaised 3b946c
275 XMapSubwindows 3b947c
276 XMapWindow 3b9490
283 XMoveWindow 3b94a0
290 XOpenDisplay 3b94b0
293 XParseColor 3b94c0
294 XParseGeometry 3b94d0
317 XQueryPointer 3b94e4
323 XReadBitmapFileData 3b94f4
348 XSelectInput 3b950c
366 XSetFont 3b951c
368 XSetForeground 3b9528
40 XCheckTypedEvent 3b953c
392 XSetStandardProperties 3b9550
409 XSetWindowBackground 3b956c
410 XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap 3b9584
447 XUnmapSubwindows 3b95a4
448 XUnmapWindow 3b95b8
47 XClearWindow 3b95c8
49 XCloseDisplay 3b95d8
62 XCreateBitmapFromData 3b95e8
64 XCreateFontCursor 3b9600
75 XCreateSimpleWindow 3b9614
76 XCreateWindow 3b962c
89 XDefineCursor 3b963c
98 XDestroyWindow 3b964c
offset 370708 libXext.dll
Hint/Name Table: 003B912C
TimeDateStamp: 00000000
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 003B92B8 (delta: 396 0x18c)
Ordn Name
11 XShapeCombineMask 3b9660
offset 370728 libXpm.dll
Hint/Name Table: 003B9138
TimeDateStamp: 00000000
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 003B92C4 (delta: 396 0x18c)
Ordn Name
12 XpmCreatePixmapFromData 3b9674
28 XpmReadFileToPixmap 3b9690
offset 370748 cygwin.dll
Hint/Name Table: 003B9148
TimeDateStamp: 00000000
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 003B92D4 (delta: 396 0x18c)
Ordn Name
25 __errno 3b96a8
501 access 3b96b4
518 atexit 3b96c0
521 atoi 3b96cc
522 atol 3b96d4
526 bzero 3b96dc
544 close 3b96e4
560 cygwin32_connect 3b96ec
566 cygwin32_gethostbyname 3b9700
582 cygwin32_recv 3b971c
584 cygwin32_select 3b972c
589 cygwin32_socket 3b9740
597 dll_crt0__FP11per_process 3b9754
619 exit 3b9770
627 fclose 3b9778
628 fcntl 3b9784
639 fgets 3b978c
640 fileno 3b9794
648 fopen 3b97a0
649 fork 3b97a8
651 fprintf 3b97b0
653 fputs 3b97bc
655 free 3b97c4
662 fstat 3b97cc
675 getcwd 3b97d4
679 getenv 3b97e0
695 getpid 3b97ec
703 gettimeofday 3b97f8
711 htons 3b9808
766 malloc 3b9810
802 perror 3b981c
807 printf 3b9828
823 realloc 3b9834
882 signal 3b9840
903 sprintf 3b984c
908 sscanf 3b9858
913 strchr 3b9864
914 strcmp 3b9870
916 strcpy 3b987c
921 strlen 3b9888
926 strncpy 3b9894
931 strstr 3b98a0
944 system 3b98ac
976 usleep 3b98b8
986 wait3 3b98c4
994 write 3b98cc
offset 370768 kernel32.dll
Hint/Name Table: 003B9208
TimeDateStamp: 00000000
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 003B9394 (delta: 396 0x18c)
Ordn Name
236 GetModuleHandleA 3b98d4
Anyone out there have any help to offer on this? Is there an .exe editor or
something I can use to play with it and see what becomes of it. Thanks a
million for any replies.
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