Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/03/09/05:06:04
You can implement a version of getchar that does a non blocking read operation
by opening the file (in this case stdin) with the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED. In that
case the read returns immediately. You could then loop waiting for a signal,
or other event that would stop the loop, or just a character read.
Another method is to use PeekConsoleInput, in this case you get mouse events,
menu events, focus events, what have you.
Yet another method is the age old _kbhit method: Read only if there is keyboard
input available. This method works only with the keyboard. You can't use it
with a redirected stdin.
All those methods can be used to write a version of getchar that looks after
signals, like non-defined signals under Win32: SIGALRM is one of those.
Since this has only sense if you want Unix-like behaviour, I thought it should
be the job of cygnus to emulate that.
Jacob Navia Logiciels/Informatique
41 rue Maurice Ravel Tel 01
93430 Villetaneuse Fax 01
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