Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/03/03/10:08:19
I've translated the FAQ for beta 19 into Japanese, and I'd like
to put it on my web site. May I make it public on my web site?
I'm concerned about if there is anything problems relating
And I have a few questions about the FAQ.
(1) Is the texinfo version of the FAQ available? I couldn't find
it on the project web site, neither in man/info package.
(2) The release notes says:
> The globbing and getopt code has been replaced with BSD-derived
> code. The regexp code has been replaced with Harry Spencer's PD
> implementation.
The author's name should be "Henry Spencer", I believe. and what
is "PD" after? I don't think it means "Public Domain"...
(3) about the description of version numbers, it says:
> There is a cygwin.dll major version number which only changes when
> incompatible changes are made to the way Cygwin32 uses the registry.
> This has been "17" since the beta 16 release.
"19" in beta 19, right? And is this explanation correct? It
seems that the description is same to the one for registry
(4) There are a several duplicate sections. Is it intended to so?
<H1><A NAME="SEC86" HREF="faq_toc.html#TOC86">Known/potential problems</A></H1>
<H2><A NAME="SEC91" HREF="faq_toc.html#TOC91">Mixed case filenames.</A></H2>
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding something because of the lack of
my English capability.
Thank you.
Keisuke Mori / NTT Software Corp. California Branch
E-Mail: ksk AT ntts DOT com
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