Mail Archives: cygwin/1998/02/26/17:56:03

From: earnie_boyd AT hotmail DOT com (Earnie Boyd)
Subject: Re: setting up coolview (was: make problems (b18 and mingw32))
26 Feb 1998 17:56:03 -0800 :
Message-ID: <>
To: John DOT Turner AT pobox DOT com
Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com

(defun bash ()
  (let ((binary-process-input t)
        (binary-process-ouput nil))

I saved the above from another mail poster.  I don't use emacs but this 
question appears quite often.  The problem is that bash is expecting a 
\n only on the input line and is receiving a \r\n from emacs.  It has 
been reported that the above function will take care of the \r and give 
bash only the \n.

>From: "John A. Turner" <John DOT Turner AT POBox DOT com>
>Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:14:50 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
>To: earnie_boyd AT hotmail DOT com
>Cc: gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com
>Subject: Re: setting up coolview (was: make problems (b18 and mingw32))
>Earnie Boyd writes:
> > a copy of the cygwin.dll is in this ../i386-cygwin32/lib directory.  
> > Just delete it, it is not needed.
>Gone, thanks.
> > cp bash.exe ../b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/sh.exe
>Oops.  Bet that coulda bit me bad...
> > >o What exactly should be mounted text=binary?  mount currently 
> > >
> > >BASH.EXE-2.01$ mount
> > >Device           Directory           Type        Flags
> > >\\.\tape1:       /dev/st1            native      
> > >\\.\tape0:       /dev/st0            native      
> > >\\.\b:           /dev/fd1            native      
> > >\\.\a:           /dev/fd0            native      
> > >c:               /                   native      
> > >
> > >o Where's my d: partition in that output from mount?
>The fact that d: doesn't show up isn't a problem?
> > >BASH.EXE-2.01$ umount /bin
> > >umount: Invalid argument
> > 
> > You have no /bin mounted.  ?What is in your c:\bin?  I believe the 
> > original poster (don't really remember) had a /bin directory 
mounted.  I 
> > "mount -b c:\\gunwin32\\b18\\H-i386-cygwin32\\bin /bin" then the 
> > can find /bin/sh when it needs it.  Note, commands tend to get 
> > in you have a c:\bin and a mount point of /bin so don't have both.
>OK, that was the problem.  All that was in c:\bin was a copy of sh.exe
>anyway, so I nuked it and mounted as you said.
> > I suggest that you also:
> > 
> > mount -b a:\\ /a
> > mount -b c:\\ /c
> > The mounts are stored in the registry.  You will not have to do 
> > else.  There is nothing to do at boot time.
> > >o OK, let's assume I've been able to do all those mounts correctly.
> > >  Now I need to do \r\n -> \n conversion on some files.  What, 
> > >  .bashrc, plus any bash scripts, I guess.  I think I've also seen
> > >  mention of C/C++ source as well.  Correct?
> > 
> > Correct.
>OK, things seem to be going well.  The b18 make now seems to export
>variables to submakes correctly, etc.
>I do seem to have come up against a bit of a problem, though.  I use
>bash as my shell in NTEmacs, and it seems to be completely hosed:
>sh.exe-2.01$ ls
>sh.exe: ls: command not found
>sh.exe-2.01$ pwd
>sh.exe: pwd: command not found
>sh.exe-2.01$ echo $PATH
>Thanks again for your help...

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